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Releases: mozilla/application-services


22 Feb 18:33
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v97.0.0 (2023-02-22)

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Nimbus ⛅️🔬🔭

🦊 What's Changed 🦊

  • Updated the Nimbus Gradle Plugin to fix a number of issues after migrating it to this repository (#5348)
  • Good fences: protected calls out to the error reporter with a try/catch (#5366)
  • Updated the Nimbus FML CLI to only import the R class if it will be used by a feature property (#5361)

⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • Android and iOS: Several errors have been moved to an internal support library and will no longer be reported as top-level Nimbus errors. They should still be accessible through NimbusError.ClientError. They are: RequestError, ResponseError, and BackoffError. (#5369)

v96.4.0 (_2023-01-30_)

31 Jan 15:41
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v96.4.0 (2023-01-30)

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What's Changed

The Tabs engine is now more efficient in how it fetches its records:

  • The Tabs engine no longer clears the DB on every sync.
  • Tabs now tracks the last time it synced and only fetches tabs that have changed since the last sync.
  • Tabs will keep records for up to 180 days, in parity with the clients engine. To prevent the DB from getting too large.

Nimbus ⛅️🔬🔭

🦊 What's Changed 🦊

- Added `GleanMetrics.NimbusHealth` metrics for measuring duration of `apply_pending_experiments` and `fetch_experiments`. ([#5344](


18 Jan 17:43
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What's changed

  • Removes old iOS bookmarks migration code. The function migrateBookmarksFromBrowserDb no longer exists. (#5276)

Nimbus ⛅️🔬🔭

What's New

  • iOS: added a Bundle.fallbackTranslationBundle() method. (#5314)
  • Moved the Nimbus Gradle Plugin into application-services and updated its functionality to support local development. (#5173)


04 Jan 19:55
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v96.2.1 (2023-01-04)

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What's changed

  • Limited the number of visits to migrate for History to 10,000 visits. (#5310)


04 Jan 16:33
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v96.2.0 (2023-01-03)

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Nimbus ⛅️🔬🔭

What's Changed

  • Fixed an issue where the NimbusQueues protocol was missing from the NimbusApi (#5298)

✨ What's New ✨

  • Added eventLastSeen query to the event store and jexl transforms (#5297)
  • Introduced the NimbusBuilder for Swift (#5307)


What's Changed

  • Fixed a regression causing failure to read old tabs databases (#5286)


🦊 What's Changed 🦊

  • Exposed autofill api to iOS consumer and resolved createKey function conflict with the Logins component.


09 Dec 01:11
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v96.1.3 (2022-12-08)

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What's Changed

  • Fixed a regression causing failure to read old tabs databases (#5286)


07 Dec 23:25
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v96.1.2 (2022-12-07)

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What's changed

  • Removes Fennec migration code. The function importMultiple no longer exists. (#5268)


What's Changed

  • Event store date comparison logic update to be entirely relative (#5265)
  • Updates event store to initialize all dates at the start of the current year (#5279)
  • Adds new Kotlin/Swift methods to clear the event store (#5279)
  • Adds Swift methods to wait for operation queues to finish (#5279)


What's changed

  • Removes Fennec migration code. (#5268)
    The following functions no longer exist:
    • importBookmarksFromFennec
    • importPinnedSitesFromFennec
    • importVisitsFromFennec


What's New

  • Allow viaduct to make requests to the android emulator's host address via
    a new viaduct_allow_android_emulator_loopback() (in Rust)/allowAndroidEmulatorLoopback() (in Kotlin)


What's changes

  • The ClientRemoteTabs struct/interface now has a last_modified field which is the time
    when the device last uploaded the tabs.


01 Dec 21:07
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v96.1.1 (2022-12-01)

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What's Changed

  • Fixed a bug where scrub_encrypted_data() didn't update the last sync time, which prevented the scrubbed CC data
    from being fixed.
  • Don't report sentry errors when we try to decrypt the empty string. This happens when the consumer tries to decript
    a CC number after scrub_encrypted_data() is called.


What's Changed

  • Don't report Origin is Malformed errors to Sentry. This is a known issue stemming from FF Desktop sending us
    URLs without a scheme. See #5233 for details.


What's Changed

  • Switch to using incremental vacuums for maintenance, which should speed up the process.
  • Don't report places relative URL without a base to Sentry. This is a known issue caused by Fenix sending us URLs
    with an invalid scheme (see #5235)


29 Nov 21:41
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v96.1.0 (2022-11-29)

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FxA Client

What's new

  • Exposed a new function for swift consumers resetPersistedState
    • resetPersistedState can be used to refresh the account manager to reflect the latest persisted state.
    • resetPersistedState should be called in between a different account manager instance persisting the state, and the current account manager persisting state
      • For example, the Notification Service in iOS creates its own instance of the account manager, changes its state (by changing the index of the last retrieved send tab)
      • The main account manager held by the application should call resetPersistedState before calling any other method that might change its state. This way it can retrieve the most up to date index that the Notification Services persisted.

What's changed

  • The processRawIncomingAccountEvent function will now process all commands, not just one. This moves the responsibilty of ensuring each push gets a UI element to the caller.


18 Nov 20:06
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v96.0.1 (2022-11-18)

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What's Changed

  • Updated the URL redaction code to remove potential PII leak. Version 96.0.0 should not be used by downstream clients.


What's changed

  • Add methods to Kotlin and Swift to call the record event method on the nimbus client (#5244)

FxA Client

What's changed

  • The devices retrieved from the devices list are now only the devices that have been accessed in 21 days. This should help remove duplicates and idle devices for users. (#4984)

Changes from v96.0.0 (2022-11-16)

Listed here because v96.0.0 was unpublished

Full Changelog

⛅️🔬🔭 Nimbus

✨ What's New ✨

  • active_experiments is available to JEXL as a set containing slugs of all enrolled experiments (#5227)
  • Added Behavioral Targeting/Display Triggers accessible from JEXL for experiments and messages (#5226, #5228)
  • Android only: added a new NimbusBuilder method to unify Fenix and Focus startup sequences. (5239)

⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️

  • Changed the type of customTargetingAttributes in NimbusAppSettings to a JSONObject. The change will be breaking only for Android. (#5229)
  • Android only: Removed the initialize() methods in favor of NimbusBuilder class. (5239)


What's Changed

  • Include a redacted version of the URL in the Sentry error report when we see a login with an invalid origin field.
  • Made it so InvalidDatabaseFile errors aren't reported to Sentry. These occurs when a non-existent path is passed
    to migrateLoginsWithMetrics(), which happens about 1-2 times a day. This is very low volume, the code is going
    away soon, and we have a plausible theory that these happen when Fenix is killed after the migration but before


What's Changed

  • Report a Sentry breadcrumb when we fail to parse URLs, with a redacted version of the URL.


What's Changed

  • Log a breadcrumb with a redacted version of the crypto key when it has an invalid form (before throwing