Ensure you have installed MySQL (dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/), Ruby 1.9.3 (RVM is recommended: beginrescueend.com/), and RubyGems >= 1.5.3 (rubygems.org/pages/download)
Install bundler (gem install bundler)
Install cached bundled gems (bundle install –local –deployment)
Create the databases (bundle exec rake db:create:all)
Set up the database (bundle exec rake db:migrate)
Set up the test database (bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test)
If you’re not familiar with using bundler, simply know that you should use bundle exec before any command line applications. For instance, starting the app server is ‘bundle exec script/server’, and starting a console session is ‘bundle exec script/console’.
Create a bare-bones book collection management system.
Upon signing in, you see your book collection.
– If nothing is in your collection, you get a call to action to add a book.
Add a book
Delete a book
Edit a book
Basic error handling
Unit tests verifying each of the preceding requirements (use the test framework of your choice, e.g. rspec, cucumber)
Note: we care more about the site being usable than pretty.
Pretty, standards-compliant markup + CSS.
Ajaxifying the CRUD operations.
Advanced error handling
– e.g., detect probable duplicates and warn
A simple statistics dashboard for admin use.
Invite a friend to join the service.
– via mail – via Facebook
Friending within the site (creating relationships between users)
– leveraging Facebook
See who has books in common with you
Upload and display profile picture