GDScript is the primary scripting language used by the Godot Game Engine.
This project has been forked and adapted from Rubonnek/vim-gdscript3 in the following ways:
- Support for Godot 4.x GDScript flavor
- Use existing filetype and syntax definitions bundled with Vim
- Extend and improve Vim's existing filetype and syntax definitions where useful
- Fix and integrate Tagbar support
- Add some configuration settings for tweaking highlighting and indent behavior
Using vim-plug
Plug 'mphe/vim-gdscript4'
The plugin defines a few settings related to highlighting and indentation. See vim-gdscript4.vim.
Completion is not part of this plugin but can be enabled using the Godot Language Server.
Using coc.nvim
See also here (Port has been changed to 6005 in Godot 4.x).
"languageserver": {
"godot": {
"host": "",
"filetypes": ["gd", "gdscript"],
"port": 6005
Using nvim-lspconfig
Colorscheme: Solarized