PDX Code Guild
Name of Project
Project Overview
Doggonnit is an app that lets a network of users help track and locate lost dogs.
Everyday dogs run away, and families are left to search by themselves for their beloved pet. Pedestrians, bikers, and drivers see these lost dogs running around their neiborhood, but for several reasons (e.g. safety, time, physical ability) they may not be able to help catch the animal.
This app will facilitate an exchange of information between these people so that dogs are reunited with their families sooner.
- An easy to read map that tracks sightings of lost dogs.
- User profiles that can contain information about the human and their pet.
- Alerts when you are in the area of a missing dog.
- Alerts when someone has spotted your missing dog.
- An interface that allows users to quickly report their dog missing or a lost dog sighting.
Libraries and frameworks:
- Django; GET and POST profile information to the database
- Geodjango or Mapbox to create maps and exract location information
New users will be prompted to set up an account
A basic account will let you:
- See maps of lost dogs/sighted dogs
- Post your own sightings of dogs to the network
An advanced account will let you:
- Same features of basic account
- Have profiles for your own dogs
- Easily notify the network of your missing dog
Once signed in
The user will see a map of missing dogs in their area. The map will have points that represent where a dog was seen, and a line connecting the dots of a specific dog chronologically. The line connectiing the points will be stylized so that you can tell where the dog was most recently seen.
Users can click on dog profiles to get more details about the dog (e.g. name, breed, age, pictures, rewards).
Recovering a lost dog
Non-owners of the dog:
- Can report a "soft-recovery" (i.e. the dog is found but not returned to the owner).
- Owners will be alerted of the "soft-recovery" and the two parties will be able to contact each other.
Owners of the dog:
- Can report a "hard-recover" (i.e. the dog is home).
- The instances of the dog on the map will be removed.
- Post a success story.
- Send a reward to "soft-recovery" user.
Other possible features
- A fun point reward system to game-ify the app. You get points for spotting dogs and recovering them. Unlock flair and different levels of awesomeness.
- Text message alerts instead of e-mail alerts.
- App stats about number of dogs found
User Profile
- Name
- Phone number
- Address
- Points (for reward system)
- Foreign key (link to their dog's profile, many-to-many relationship)
Dog Profile
- Name
- Age
- Breed
- Color
- Picture
- Weight
- Personality (e.g. timid, rabid, ferral, friendly)
- Lost Status (boolean)
- Foreign key (link dog's map information)
Map information
- Location
- Timestamp
Milestone 1
- User profiles
- Dog profiles
- Maps
- Alert System
Milestone 2
- Fun reward system
- App stats
Milestone 3
- Blog page for success stories
- Bitcoin rewards
Milestone 4
- Phone app version
- Push notifications
- Paypal rewards