Knowledge and skills as commons
The fundamental ideas behind OSSU for building a free and open source university is that we can all participate collaboratively to give to each and every person around the world access to an education in which they can take full responsibility for their own path.
In order to accomplish this mission, our main focus as members of OSSU is :
To support a community of self-directed and self-paced learners and teachers.
(know yourself and your own path) -
To develop skills by completing projects based on curriculums built by the community.
(Learn by practice, not by graduation) -
To provide peer to peer feedback and encouragement to finish projects.
(Teach to learn before to learn to teach) -
To build educational resources and tools for the community.
(Knowledge and skills as commons) -
To promote open content and the freedom that free licences provide.
(Adopt, Use, Transform, Share) -
To bring fun, creativity, and cooperation to the life-long learning process.
(To learn is play, not work)