Currently Customize scripts for starting and stopping DataStax Enterprise for OpsCenter tarball installation doesn’t provide any information for customers/users to properly leverage the scripts. Something like below would be helpful to get started with.
I would start modifying the start script something like below,
#!/bin/sh # modify startup with relevant flag, i.e. add -k for analytics, -s for search DSE_START="/path/to/tarball/installation/bin/dse cassandra" sudo $DSE_START # add some wait seconds? RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] then # startup successful exit $RESULT else # something went wrong starting DSE echo >&2 "ERROR - Failed to start DSE, error code [$RESULT]. Check system.log for details." exit $RESULT fi
I would start modifying the stop script something like below,
#!/bin/sh NODETOOL=/path/to/nodetool DSE_STOP="/path/to/tarball/installation/bin/dse cassandra-stop" #One could go fancier like DSE_STOP=kill -9 `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep cassandra|grep dse|cut -d" " -f4` sudo $NODETOOL drain #add wait for couple seconds? RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then # something went wrong with drain echo >&2 "ERROR - nodetool drain failed with error code [$RESULT]... attempting to stop DSE..." fi sudo $DSE_STOP RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] then # shutdown successful exit $RESULT else # something went wrong stopping DSE echo >&2 "ERROR - Failed to stop DSE, error code [$RESULT]" exit $RESULT fi