This Spark tool will allow you to make a direct connection to your AstraDB instance from DSE Analytics Spark. This application specifically was created to move data from DSE to AstraDB, but with simple changes could be altered to reverse the flow, or compare data between the two data stores.
Use sbt to create a new Jar file. The created Jar will be found at the following location:
sbt clean assembly
Use dse-submit
to start the migration
= Source DSE username -
= Source DSE password -
[num cores]
= Int value for number of cores -
[num executors]
= Int value for number of executors -
[GB of memory]
= Int value for GB of memory.⚠️ NOTE: theG
needs to be supplied -
[SCB Path]
= Absolute path to the secure connect bundle provided by AstraDB
dse -u [username] -p [password] spark-submit --class com.astra.spark.Migration --executor-cores
[num cores] --num-executors [num executors] --executor-memory [GB of memory]G --files [SCB Path] Migration.jar
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.