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Bob Sun edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 42 revisions


Generate a PGP Key

$ gpg --gen-key
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   2048R/D4763C61 2017-02-06
uid                  Bob Sun (Pass) (Test pass for iOS) <[email protected]>
ssb   2048R/A3106936 2017-02-06

Use pass

$ pass init "D4763C61"
$ pass git init
$ pass git remote add origin [email protected]:mssun/D4763C61.git    # create the git repository first
$ pass generate -n 20
$ pass ls
$ pass show
$ pass edit
$ pass git push --set-upstream origin master
$ pass git status
$ pass git pull

For more usage, please refer to Password Store homepage: or

$ man pass

Upload the PGP key

Download from a temporary server

$ gpg --export -a D4763C61 >
$ gpg --export-secret-keys -a D4763C61 > key
$ scp key linux1:www/
$ wget https://.../key    # make sure the key can be accessed by https connection
$ wget https://.../

Copy the ASCII-armor format

You can also copy ASCII-armor encrypted key format to the app.

$ gpg --export -a D4763C61               # copy to the app
$ gpg --export-secret-keys -a D4763C61   # copy to the app

Use iTunes file sharing to upload

You can also use iTunes file sharing function to upload your gpg keys with names and gpg_key to the document root directory. The app will automatically use the keys for encryption and decryption.

Use pass for iOS

  • set Git repository (URL, username, authentication), note that the valid SSH URL should be ssh://server:port/url/to/repository.git (ssh:// and the username is put in the next field under URL (e.g., git), only SSH key authentication is supported for SSH URL
  • set PGP key (URL, passphrase) (remember to remove the key from the server)
  • pull down to sync password with the remote git