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183 lines (132 loc) · 6.93 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (132 loc) · 6.93 KB

Load the data

Download the data or update the repo. Unzip the file and place it somewhere that is accessible to your mongo container. For example if you are running from the root of the repo

$ unzip hw/ -d env/mongo/mnt/

Start bash in the client docker container

$ docker run --net=host -v ${PWD}/env/mongo/mnt:/mnt/ -it adv-db/clients bash

Once in the container, you can check that the directory is mapped by check that restaurants.json is in /mnt with

root@docker-desktop:/# ls /mnt

In the container, use mongoimport to import data:

cd /mnt/
mongoimport --db my-advdb-database --collection resturants --file restaurants.json

Next start the mongo shell

mongo my-advdb-database

And check out some of the data

> JSON.stringify(db.resturants.findOne(), null, 4)
    "_id": { "$oid": "6171872d258fd1c45672362d" },
    "address": {
        "building": "469",
        "coord": [ -73.961704, 40.662942 ],
        "street": "Flatbush Avenue",
        "zipcode": "11225"
    "borough": "Brooklyn",
    "cuisine": "Hamburgers",
    "grades": [
        { "date": "2014-12-30T00:00:00.000Z", "grade": "A", "score": 8 },
        { "date": "2014-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "grade": "B", "score": 23 },
        { "date": "2013-04-30T00:00:00.000Z", "grade": "A", "score": 12 },
        { "date": "2012-05-08T00:00:00.000Z", "grade": "A", "score": 12 }
    "name": "Wendy'S",
    "restaurant_id": "30112340"

Run the queries

Now, lets start working on some queries. Note that some of the later questions use aggregation. You can find more on aggregating from the mongo docs (or if you like 7DBs way of explaining, check out Mongo-Day 2's section "Aggregated Queries":

  1. Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant_id, name, borough and cuisine for all the documents in the collection restaurant.

  2. Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant_id, name, borough and cuisine, but exclude the field _id for all the documents in the collection restaurant.

  3. Write a MongoDB query to display all the restaurant which is in the borough Bronx.

  4. Write a MongoDB query to display the next 5 restaurants after skipping first 5 which are in the borough Bronx (Hint: often this technique is called paging)

  5. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants who achieved a score more than 90.

  6. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants that achieved a score, more than 80 but less than 100 Hint: check out $elemMatch over an "Array of Embeded Documents" array

  7. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants that do not prepare any cuisine of 'American' and their grade score more than 70 and latitude less than -65.754168. You MUST use $and operator

  8. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which do not prepare any cuisine of 'American' and achieved a score more than 70 and located in the latitude less than -65.754168. Do NOT use $and operator

  9. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which do not prepare any cuisine of 'American ' and achieved a grade point 'A' not belongs to the borough Brooklyn. The document must be displayed according to the cuisine in descending order

  10. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which contain 'Wil' as first 3 letters for its name.

  11. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which contain 'ces' as last three letters for its name.

  12. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which contain 'Reg' as 3 letters somewhere in its name.

  13. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which belong to the borough Bronx and prepared either American or Chinese dish.

  14. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which belong to the borough Staten Island or Queens or Bronx or Brooklyn.

  15. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which are not belonging to the borough Staten Island or Queens or Bronx or Brooklyn.

  16. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which achieved a score which is not more than ten. NOTE: you can answer as less than or equal, but writing try writing as "not-ing" "greater than 10" to get the feeling of nesting operators.

  17. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants whose name begins with 'Wil' or prepared dish except 'American' and 'Chinese'. Sort descending by name.

  18. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name, and grades for those restaurants which achieved a grade of "A" and scored 11 on an ISODate "2014-08-11T00:00:00Z".

  19. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant Id, name and grades for those restaurants where the 2nd element of grades array contains a grade of "A" and score 9 on an ISODate "2014-08-11T00:00:00Z".

  20. Write a MongoDB query to arrange the just the names (no ids) of the restaurants in ascending order.

  21. Write a MongoDB query to arranged the name of the cuisine in ascending order and for that same cuisine borough should be in descending order. Output name and borough.

  22. Write a MongoDB query to know whether all the addresses contains the street or not.

  23. Write a MongoDB query which will count the number of documents in the restaurants collection where the coord field value is Double.

  24. Write a MongoDB query that counts the number of restaurants that have a score of 0 mod 7. (E.g. 0, 7, 14, 21...)

  25. Write a MongoDB query that gives the average score and output documents with the format { name: "xyz", borough: "abc", avgScore: x.y }

  26. Write a Mongo query that counts the number of restaurants with an "A" rating in Brooklyn.

  27. Write a Mongo query that counts the number of restaurants with an "A" rating in each borough. (You must use one query, not run the previous query once for each borough.)

  28. Write a Mongo query that displays the average score by cuisine type.

What to submit

In a file query.js write your queries where the question is a comment and your query is in code. For example:

// 1. Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant\_id, name, borough and
//   cuisine for all the documents in the collection restaurant.
  { ... } },
  { ... }

//2. Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant\_id, name, borough and
//   cuisine, but exclude the field \_id for all the documents in the collection
//   restaurant.
  { ... } },
  { ... }


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