Tested with Vagrant 1.7.4.
This provides easy deployment on a local virtual machine using Vagrant. The configuration is based on a Debian 8 (Jessie) box.
Role dependencies are configured using git submodules, so fetch those first:
git submodule init
git submodule update
To get a machine up, run:
vagrant up
If you just want to re-play the Ansible playbook, run:
vagrant provision
You can SSH into the machine with:
vagrant ssh
Running Ansible manually can be done like this:
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml
(Unfortunately, there seems to be no easier way to disable host key checking for the Vagrant host only.)
The machine configuration can be changed by setting the following environment variables:
IP address of the virtual machine.
Default: 2522
Local port forward for SSH (VM port 22).
Default: 8088
Local port forward for HTTP (VM port 80).
Default: 8089
Local port forward for HTTPS (VM port 443).
Default: 1024
Memory for the VM (in megabytes).
Default: 1
Number of cores for the VM.
The Mutalyzer website can be accessed over HTTPS on localhost port 8089 or VM port 443.
The self-signed SSL certificate is valid for:
Since Mutalyzer needs an MTA, Exim is installed and configured for local delivery only.