- Fixed scrolling in findings
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed details for finding affecteds not being stored correctly
- Added exportable details in finding and finding affected
- Fixed click zone of some danger zones to only apply on buttons
- Fixed click on cancel button on delete finding popup
- Added exportable details in finding and finding affected
- Added openvpn probe
- Added version to http services
- Clicking on a tag in http-services results now in the filter added in http services instead of services
- Updated dependencies
- Added second probe for the http service which tries a GET if the initial HEAD failed.
- Ports with random behaviour won't be reported as service
- Updated dependencies
- TLS services are now detected correctly
- Improved tcp service detection's handling of TLS: Services protected by SNI will be detected as TLS and aggregated as "unknown"
- Made
return a singleUuid
- Added
which takes a CIDR and returns manyUuid
- Added a copy uuid button to the edit finding definition view
- Fixed workspace invites not showing up reliably
- Fixed saving notes for finding affected on http-services
- Fixed order of probe execution
- Added 1s timeout between each probe to mitigate anti-port-scanning techniques
- Fixed http services' relations endpoint
- Removed scrollbars which might appear when pressing a button
- Fixed export of workspaces which contain an http service which is affected by at least one finding
- Fixed hover on an http service's severity
- Fixed sdk method for retrieving domain relations
- Updated dependencies to fix vulnerability in rustls: https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2024-0336.html
- HTTP Service as new aggregated model
- introduced Finding Categories as a way to give Findings and Finding Definitions another datapoint to identify them. They also are used as grouping for exporting findings via the export API.
- Removed running attacks (temporary)
- List Findings that would be also deleted when deleting a Finding Definition
- Changed default port range of UDP Service detection to 1-6000 instead of 1-65535
- Manual Inserts to Hosts now accepts a CIDR
- Implemented Findings, FindingDefinitions, FindingAffected
- Added timeouts to TCP service detection, after initial connection
- Used ESLint to check thoroughly the code of the frontend
- Made every class component to functional
- Added crate for processing openssl errors
- Made rorm optional for the kraken library, results in faster compile speed of the SDK
- Add trait to convert between DB and API types
- Added custom
for logging in typescript
Initial release of kraken.