Right at the end of the file init/logic.lean
in core lean, there are
definitions of the basic relations on types such as reflexive
, symmetric
, anti_symmetric
, transitive
, and total
(i.e. for all x
and y
x R y
or y R x
variable (X : Type*)
-- equality is symmetric
example : symmetric (λ x y : X, x = y) :=
λ x y, eq.symm
-- "less than" is transitive on the natural numbers.
example : transitive (λ a b : ℕ, a < b) :=
λ x y z : ℕ, lt_trans
Transitivity of relations allows to use them in calc environments.
One key usage of equivalence relations is the construction of quotients.
A type with an equivalence relation on it is called a setoid
in Lean.
Setoids are defined in init/data/setoid.lean
and the quotient type
corresponding to the equivalence classes of the equivalence relation is
defined in init/data/quot.lean
. The online document
Theorem Proving In Lean has
quite a good section about setoids and quotients
A nice mathematical example can be found in linear_algebra/basic.lean
. The definition of quotient_rel
says that x
and y
are related iff x - y
is in a fixed submodule p
, and then it is proved (rather succinctly) that this is an equivalence relation, and the structure of a module is put on the equivalence classes. An example more readable for beginners is the file Zmod37.lean, where the structure of a ring is put on the quotient space Z/37Z.