- 1791fe8: fix back compat with older runtimes
- 507c518: Add default export
b32e2cc: Added several new helper methods
- Asserts that a value is valid while returning the valuecreateAssertFn
- Creates a function that asserts that a value is validparse
- Parses a value and return undefined if it is invalidcreateParseFn
- Creates a function that parses a value and returns undefined if it is invalidassertParse
- Parses a value and asserts that it is validcreateAssertParseFn
- Creates a function that parses a value and asserts that it is validcreateMockFn
- Creates a function that generates a mock valuecreateAssertGuardFn
- Creates a function that asserts that a value is valid, narrowing the typeguard
- Validates a value and narrows the type (type guard)validate
- Validates a value and returns the value if it is valid or undefined if it is invalidcreateValidateFn
- Creates a function that validates a value and returns the value if it is valid or undefined if it is invalid
A few methods have been renamed, and their previous names are now deprecated:
- b32e2cc: seeded mock
- 076fec7: seeded mock
- 5f2341c: disable ajv strict
763d69e: Update TS to 5.5
BREAKING: TS 5.5 is now required
- 41ed7c6: Automatically add AJV errors to ValidationError.cause.
- 70948df: fix bug with negative numeric literals
- d00a70e: update typescript
- f7b6c73: update to ts 5.3
- d46b75b: upgrade packages
- bbb411d: Generic error object replaced with ValidationError for assertValid
- 4371654: update dependencies
- f1bd3de: prevent transformer from removing source refs
- 29cb6ec: handle missing source files
- bdf655b: update release process to changesets