Here is a bunch of stuff we could add to zkalc in the future:
- Add singlethreaded benchmarks
- Improve UI: make it easier to compare performance of different machines or libraries
- Benchmark more operations
- FFTs
- Batch inversion
- Barycentric evaluation
- Sumcheck
- Sum of products of field elements
- extend supportedlibraries:
- gnark
- constantine
- miracl
- relic
- go postquantum?
- Going beyond microbenchmarks
- Add some primitives like Naor–Reingold
- Calculate proof sizes
- Calculate number of constraints (e.g. for sha256, sha3, poseidon)
- Support new functions
- Fp: Square, Sqrt
- G1/2: Subgroup membership check, cofactor clearing
- GT: Square (cyclotomic), MSM