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Diablo 2 Resurrected Computer Vision bot based on OpenCV. Project created for educational purposes is not maintained anymore and as well wasn't created to be supported on machines other than owned by the creator, if you are looking for a similar project check Botty. In short - bot create new games in Diablo 2 game - do some actions in village and travel to some locations with an opponent. Kills that opponent, check if some interesting items were dropped and if yes then collect them. To run bot check configuration section and run src/

Here is an example of a single run with buying potions, storing items, and resurrecting mercenary - including behavior for some clicking fails due to NPC movement:


Flow & Features

  • Games management - create new games, restart game after critical (like game crashes which are quite often),
  • Move through city maps based on minimap locations and targets,
  • Buy potions from merchants to fulfill potions belt,
  • Store items found in the previous game in the stash by moving through all tabs and making sure that the main tab has at least 100k of gold for merchants,
  • Resurrect mercenary in the right NPC,
  • Pickup hero corpse if he died in the previous game,
  • Task: Pindleskin - Go to Anya portal -> teleport near the Pindelskin -> Kill Pindelskin and all mobs -> Collect items interesting items,
  • Task: Mephisto - Go to "Durance of Hate Level 2" waypoint -> Travel through location using an algorithm similar to used by automatic vacuum cleaners and looking to correct entrance to next location -> Teleport to Mephisto and make a bait to kill him behind the lava river,
  • Heal character and mercenary - using potions from the belt if the resource is below a certain level,
  • Statistics - show live statistics about the current run in the file including the number of items found, times statistics, all issues etc,
  • Logging - visual logger in HTML format - includes images during transformation that helps debug OpenCV issues.


Game Configuration Notes

Large Font Mode: Enabled

Resolution: windowed 2556x1373

Minimap: on the left side

Language: English

Some features explained

Clicking on images

To recognize what is happening on the screen and do some input actions like clicking I implemented src/ with class Region. The naming of class, their functions and behaviors I did very similar to SikuliX which I used a lot in the past. So there is a Region class that represents part of the screen (x,y, width, height and screenshot image). The most common flow is:

  1. Do a screenshot of a part of the screen. My research confirmed that the fastest library for that on Windows is d3dshot, in my case even 20 times faster than PIL.ImageGrab or screenshot function from PyAutoGUI.


  1. The core of Region are matching functions. I implemented matching a color masks and image patterns. Take an image pattern:


Use OpenCV matcher to find the most similar areas on the screenshot.


If the similarity of some is higher than our threshold we have a match with some details like a center point. image

  1. It clicks on the center location of the found object.

Moving on the map

MapTraveler class is responsible for our hero (Character class) moving from location to location. Steps are described in classes TownManager and Task (both are Strategy design patterns and represent towns from different game acts and different opponents to reach and kill). In th example we want to move to Anya NPC. We use some reference points from minimap:


On our way there are some obstacles (building) so we uses two moves:

Character.go_to_destination("images/anya.png", shift=(100, 40)
Character.go_to_destination("images/anya.png", shift=(20, 45), move_step=(400, 450))

shift parameters mean that our destination is (x,y) pix shifted from the found destination image. So that two steps will be something like:


Our real destination is the portal near the Anya. We want to enter it now:

Character.enter_destination(([0, 239, 239], [0, 243, 243]), "images/nihlak_portal.png", "images/ingame.png")

where: ([0, 239, 239], [0, 243, 243]) - HSV range of searched yellow color (cross on a map displaying portal location) "images/nihlak_portal.png" - after hover portal by mouse cursor this image should appear - image . When it appears then we click the left mouse button. "images/ingame.png" - check if the character moved to another location successfully.

Using potions

An instance of class Potioner is started as a separate thread and checks for an amount of life and mana resources of hero and mercenary. It takes the region of the resource bar, filters it by resource color, and checks the most extreme points of contours - in the case of hero life it will be a most extreme top value, in the case of mercenary life it will be a most extreme right. They are represented by grey dots on last processed images:


here calculated amount of life is 30%


here calculated amount of mercenary life is 100%

Collecting items

After killing opponents bot checks if there are some items to loot. In the current implementation, I use an easy and not best solution - we are looking for texts of some colors to collect items of unique/set quality (gold/green) or runes (orange).

It could be done much better using OCR like Tesseract. I use Tesseract when decide if item should be stored in stash. First we need to localize items to check in character equipment, I'm doing it by selecting all places which are not empty:

Prepare item description image to be easy to analyze by OCR. First, we have to get the item description region, then we have to gather text contours:

We put characters contours to OCR and get "Um RUNE", item color is orange so we know that its type is "rune". Now we have to check if that item should be stored - by checking if it's on list of runes to store described in configuration files. I use item lists from the old Diablo 2 bot called Etal Bot.

Searching for an entrance to the next location

Traveling in Diablo 2 is teleporting from one waypoint and looking for an entrance to the next location. In most areas entrance to the next location is near the external wall so teleporting through the wall is the best strategy. I used an algorithm similar to this used by autonomic vacuum cleaners:

- Check if there is a space in front of you and a wall on your left side.
- If there is a wall on the left and space in front then go forward
- if there is no wall on left and there is a space then turn left
- if there is a wall on the left and a wall on the front then turn right
- if the character didn't change its location since the last move then its blocked - repeat and if still is blocked then turn right
- do all until you will find entrance colors on the minimap

There are a few other conditions in the algorithm to make it work correctly, these are main ones.


But how does bot know if conditions are met? By analyzing contours from the minimap. First, we need to make minimap more readable:

We know where our character is located on the minimap so we can just evaluate what is on his front/left sides:

image image

Result? Go forward!

How does the bot check if the character is blocked? We compare the new gathered minimap with the old one. How does the bot make sure that the entrance is correct? If the bot finds an entrance to not desired location then it saves the shapes of walls near the location and ignores them during teleportation.

Logging in OpenCV

Debugging Computer Vision programs very often requires checking what is going on with images - screenshots and during processing. Displaying images all the time during execution is not comfortable. With help here comes visual-logging which saves logs in HTML format with images included. I recommend that project a lot!