0.19.0 (2022-08-19)
- conflict in maps.py (9569721)
- merge ign map into master (dd7626f)
0.18.2 (2021-12-31)
0.18.1 (2021-10-11)
0.18.0 (2021-10-11)
- add assets for intervention metrics icons (8f7097e)
- add currency to interventions budget (a788e7b)
- add current date to intervention (08dda3d)
- add error component new design (c540b06)
- add guest rules to map explorer (f9138cf)
- add interventions budget component (93b3719)
- add translation subfooter wip (1e3fbfa)
- add tree metrics components (7f5b5cb)
- add ts-nocheck in CoreDatePicker (6b62c22)
- allow empty dates into tree basicform (23ba5c8)
- backend: Error: Invalid value for '-P' on celery_worker (6a7486b)
- broken link export (09649c8)
- change component on error pages (ceb6829)
- deprecate osm info popover + point styles change (6cf460a)
- disabled cancel and set as done actions for non scheduled intervention (4e9de6d)
- dont allow select no organization (294f07a)
- error translation (53bb3b1)
- fix intervention schedule avatar colors (a98afcf)
- fix logged tree count (3664335)
- fix planted trees count metrics (4a368a4)
- frontend dockerfile (cbd8c5b)
- frontend: infinite loop refresh_token (c841ce2)
- grid spacing (f3be2f2)
- grid spacing (12ef7f8)
- grid spacing on OrganizationHome (472bbcd)
- intervention data load in edit panel (443b108)
- load images from eol (fff0ed3)
- mapPreview size desktop (8cb92af)
- minHeight to InterventionMetrics (c39f1fd)
- minor changes to improve ux (a067423)
- quick fix to display tree interventions page (25995c4)
- refetch organization on user change to update user current role (3bd18db)
- remove cancelled intervention from scheduled intervention (0f2054a)
- remove svg icon from intervention metrics (129b6e5)
- remove unstable CoreDatePicker (e03f752)
- replace date to plantationDate (e2df36b)
- resolve type error for date picker (c62430d)
- set initial date on tree provider (246026c)
- spanish and english version display of subfooter (98f46b4)
- spanish and english version display of subfooter (f198a69)
- spanish and english version display of subfooter (03247d3)
- translate Date Picker button label (4e0c16a)
- use start_date instead of period in intervention form (065cddb)
- add google analytics (541cf11)
- add lazy load image (80aa7a7)
- add subfooter (232e708)
- add tests (b76a38b)
0.17.8 (2021-10-08)
- backend: Error: Invalid value for '-P' on celery_worker (cded443)
0.17.7 (2021-07-19)
- make hero responsive (9f57174)
0.17.6 (2021-07-19)
- add cancellation and done form in intevention panel (6f10c89)
- add margin top and translation to intervention archive button (92b2553)
- Add multiselect component (e4c7769)
- add remove organization members action (79129a9)
- add update button to tree panal actions (6607ff3)
- add workflow changes to inteervention map panel (5338b15)
- change icons for intervention type (9986ea3)
- change intervention list sorting (75da2c0)
- check if property properties exists before reading it (970079a)
- Dont allow the map move when we are inside the search panel (6dfb64a)
- fix Intervention cancellation properties overwrites (970ba4c)
- fly to tree on map tree query change (fbe499d)
- herosearchcity inside mapprovider (5aada7e)
- intervention avatar color (1643ed4)
- make intervention dialogs wider (ec7f794)
- No display of the search panel mobile (4931e90)
- remove link icon button from section item component (21ea393)
- set map actions list width (d5bedd2)
- update common demos translations (91d4415)
0.17.5 (2021-07-02)
- show only three interventions on tree panel (d633b7b)
0.17.4 (2021-07-01)
- frontend: add tooltip cadastre layer (4fa1934)
0.17.3 (2021-06-30)
- remove tmp cache (3258ee6)
0.17.2 (2021-06-30)
- change fetcher depending on the routing system (64cc0f7)
0.17.1 (2021-06-30)
- preparing member action on members pag (dcbd082)
0.17.0 (2021-06-29)
- add alert when there are late interventions (3de9d57)
0.16.9 (2021-06-29)
- set the osm layer to disabled by default when connect and on its data layer (57be718)
0.16.8 (2021-06-29)
- remove add tree button when disconnected (2aea6b8)
0.16.7 (2021-06-25)
- remove attribute (0c41ea0)
0.16.6 (2021-06-25)
- frontend: add greening simple metrics (876e49e)
0.16.5 (2021-06-25)
- frontend: add responsive behaviour to species bar chart (8d824be)
- frontend: add responsive behaviour to species preview (fb2d162)
- frontend: cleanup deps (9d6dce7)
- frontend: remove unused components (9a89fd4)
- frontend: remove unused pages (b9e466a)
- frontend: rename CoreOptionPanel title props (a94c93d)
0.16.4 (2021-06-22)
- frontend: change user main menu links (84552b6)
0.16.3 (2021-06-22)
- frontend: toggle draw tree + trees select (4c93fb1)
0.16.2 (2021-06-22)
- size medium iconbutton (31cfc09)
0.16.1 (2021-06-22)
0.16.0 (2021-06-21)
- create attribution component (8dec417)
0.15.1 (2021-06-21)
- add translations to MapFilter component (ba27fb1)
0.15.0 (2021-06-21)
- make redirect to organization home when user has only oneorganization (5f3abaa)
0.14.7 (2021-06-19)
- force reload when logout (ff7feb8)
0.14.6 (2021-06-18)
- add refresh token value (ee4a02f)
0.14.5 (2021-06-18)
0.14.4 (2021-06-18)
- clear localstorage (fc8a54a)
0.14.3 (2021-06-17)
- authjwt_access_token_expire replace seconds to minutes (2baa028)
0.14.2 (2021-06-17)
- worflow appcontext + useApi (86ad830)
0.14.1 (2021-06-16)
- backend: add featured open organizations endpoint (7e276f2)
- frontend: add featured organizations to homepage (b1f670f)
0.14.0 (2021-06-16)
- add tree button above the geoloc (7fa4643)
0.13.1 (2021-06-16)
- improved refresh token control (7e52ef7)
0.13.0 (2021-06-14)
- format the data display when clicking on an OSM tree (663ae39)
0.12.14 (2021-06-10)
- backend development volumen (bdf11fc)
0.12.13 (2021-06-08)
- backend: add more attributes to organization schema (bd6bffb)
- backend: Fix health_assessment revision rollback (1b290f6)
- backend: fix organization model initialization (5096b4d)
- frontend: add optional richtooltip info on options panel component (81cf60d)
- frontend: add popSize and area to organization header (1f204b7)
- frontend: add RichTooltip component (2260e82)
- frontend: add species distribution chart (54c7c2e)
- frontend: Add species preview components (8cea323)
- frontend: clear console log (86ce48c)
- frontend: conditonal rendering on organization header component (9f5f565)
- frontend: set wip props to optional for SpeciesDiversityDashboard components (92d0207)
- frontend: update admin organization form (51fb7cd)
0.12.12 (2021-06-04)
- frontend: Add colorFill and radiuasScale to osmLayer (4859cf7)
- frontend: Map Provider MVTLayeer interactivity sandbox (beb15c3)
- frontend: Organization page rework (c1c461c)
0.12.11 (2021-06-02)
- backend: fix ZeroDivisioError for Tree ratio metrics (0f299bd)
0.12.10 (2021-06-02)
- frontend: add user organizations to homepage (a6cb2d2)
0.12.9 (2021-05-27)
- tmp mv rg frontend (37fb791)
0.12.8 (2021-05-27)
- relative path in npm start (a9e8b88)
0.12.7 (2021-05-27)
- backend: add Trees properties metrics (e3cd0d8)
- backend: Remove data seeding from osmname revision (83fe356)
- frontend: Add ChartJS deps (fc5aad4)
- frontend: Add key to Progress Metrics list (9e45009)
- frontend: Add more actions to Organization page (8d62c08)
- frontend: add ProgressRatio (1ad1b41)
- frontend: Dashboards + Modules blocks in Organization page (c580e77)
- frontend: Fix MapillaryImage height (32aa623)
- frontend: Manage Organization members (79449a4)
0.12.6 (2021-05-11)
- frontend: Load MapEditor components when organization context is ready (fea2a19)
0.12.5 (2021-05-07)
- frontend: Wait for Next Router to be ready before fetching Organization (ceba464)
0.12.4 (2021-05-04)
0.12.3 (2021-05-03)
- backend: Add config to osmname index (f26fad8)
- backend: Give more weight in osmname index for importance sort (18dee7d)
- backend: readd taxa index (64b8d27)
- frontend: Add query invalidation + OSM field to AdminOrg form (5ddf5d6)
- frontend: add ShowcaseCard missing props in UserOrganizationGallery (5ed46b9)
- frontend: Add Thumbnail and PubStatus to ShowcaseCard (88bbb89)
- frontend: Authorize Progress and Members on Organization page (6409b48)
- frontend: missing props in UserOrganizationGallery... again (e2a65ec)
- add links to footer (cfe4b76)
- frontend: Display name and country in homepage searchbar (5f5979c)
- frontend: Organization page access grant check (fdc5a5a)
- frontend: Use name in homepage autocomplete options (1849c79)
0.12.2 (2021-04-29)
- alter table organization slug and path no more required (7683ee7)
- create_organization_root_node issue with casbin (564dac1)
- organization are now created in 2 step path and slug depend on id (e26b676)
- remove reference to the sequence in organization (88e84e3)
0.12.1 (2021-04-28)
- remove treehealthassessment (7fba718)
0.12.0 (2021-04-28)
- frontend: add python3 to Dockerfile (638e547)
- frontend: enhance homepage OSM names search (832e2a1)
- frontend: remove console.log (fbbdaad)
- clean code (28649fa)
- frontend: unable to select python package for alpinelinux 3.13 (9d3e216)
- add newsletter component (0f60ea2)
0.11.0 (2021-04-23)
- add demos on home pages (94f1546)
- add ecoteka osm thumbnails (285e7dd)
0.10.1 (2021-04-22)
- keep search toolbar (989cb4f)
0.10.0 (2021-04-22)
- sort by importance (91c2d8c)
- search all osm administrative nodes (2593429)
0.9.1 (2021-04-20)
- add title on home page (d1cd168)
0.9.0 (2021-04-19)
- check if organizationSlug exists (ea09a30)
- minor fix (31683b8)
- removed / at the end of maps/style endpoint to standardize with the rest (16307cc)
- improved osm layer rendering (ca3dfa3)
0.8.2 (2021-04-16)
- re-add theme config to project (0014add)
- frontend: add theme config (e8038cb)
0.8.1 (2021-04-15)
- typo on .env.example ns_ecoteka_studio_domain_name value (6d2fe84)
0.8.0 (2021-04-15)
- add landing page to the project (b7e1a78)
0.7.3 (2021-04-12)
- backend: add more permissive authorization (7b710a1)
0.7.2 (2021-04-12)
- avoid unnecessary image reloading in mapillary (4563564)
- create TreeProvider to share tree context (0914bf6)
0.7.1 (2021-04-09)
- optimize mapillary component (d78b189)
0.7.0 (2021-04-09)
- add tree page (45d2bb6)
0.6.1 (2021-04-08)
- backend: Fix Superuser Organization access grants (1f9e5e5)
- frontend: Display data in Organization Header (de90ee4)
0.6.0 (2021-04-07)
- backend: add indices automatically on init app (fa9d466)
0.5.2 (2021-04-07)
- backend: add meilisearch deps (08f8cd6)
0.5.1 (2021-04-02)
- add OSO deps to backend (1fe02d8)
0.5.0 (2021-03-29)
- add tree responsive (2196d29)
0.4.0 (2021-03-25)
- backend: ease permissions for public organizations (0a44ba5)
- frontend: add missing import in Tutorials component (3ecc55a)
- frontend: clean console.log (c609f87)
- frontend: redirect to index page oonly for restricted routes (790cbce)
- frontend: resolve conflicts (507e142)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add/delete Authorization header based on accessToken presence/absence (7dc4518)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- init Authorization header in useAPI (32dd25b)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- replace organization.id by organization.slug on router.push (05c5f36)
- replace organizationId by organization.id on InterventionsPanel (675b4ce)
- scheduler organization id (2007bb3)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- linter (a57defb)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- working area (5cf5303)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- add test process for backend (a50b2bd), closes #439
- add test process for backend (54b20bc)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-25)
- backend: ease permissions for public organizations (0a44ba5)
- frontend: add missing import in Tutorials component (3ecc55a)
- frontend: clean console.log (c609f87)
- frontend: redirect to index page oonly for restricted routes (790cbce)
- frontend: resolve conflicts (507e142)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add/delete Authorization header based on accessToken presence/absence (7dc4518)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- init Authorization header in useAPI (32dd25b)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- replace organization.id by organization.slug on router.push (05c5f36)
- replace organizationId by organization.id on InterventionsPanel (675b4ce)
- scheduler organization id (2007bb3)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- linter (a57defb)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- working area (5cf5303)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-19)
- frontend: add missing import in Tutorials component (3ecc55a)
- frontend: resolve conflicts (507e142)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- add/delete Authorization header based on accessToken presence/absence (7dc4518)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- replace organization.id by organization.slug on router.push (05c5f36)
- replace organizationId by organization.id on InterventionsPanel (675b4ce)
- scheduler organization id (2007bb3)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- frontend: clean console.log (c609f87)
- init Authorization header in useAPI (32dd25b)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- working area (5cf5303)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-18)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add/delete Authorization header based on accessToken presence/absence (7dc4518)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- replace organization.id by organization.slug on router.push (05c5f36)
- replace organizationId by organization.id on InterventionsPanel (675b4ce)
- scheduler organization id (2007bb3)
- frontend: clean console.log (c609f87)
- init Authorization header in useAPI (32dd25b)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- working area (5cf5303)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-18)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- replace organizationId by organization.id on InterventionsPanel (675b4ce)
- scheduler organization id (2007bb3)
- frontend: clean console.log (c609f87)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- add/delete Authorization header based on accessToken presence/absence (7dc4518)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- init Authorization header in useAPI (32dd25b)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- working area (5cf5303)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-18)
- frontend: clean console.log (c609f87)
- add/delete Authorization header based on accessToken presence/absence (7dc4518)
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- init Authorization header in useAPI (32dd25b)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- working area (5cf5303)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-17)
- frontend: clean console.log (c609f87)
- add/delete Authorization header based on accessToken presence/absence (7dc4518)
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- init Authorization header in useAPI (32dd25b)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- working area (5cf5303)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-17)
- replace all paths on header menuItems (a29d624)
- frontend: organizationSelect allow change to the new url system (92fbe13)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- header logo link to home (b3b769a)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- working area (5cf5303)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-17)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- working area (5cf5303)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
0.4.0 (2021-03-17)
- backend: frezen SQLAlchemy to 1.3.23 (bd1a7d6)
- add --no-warn-script-location argument to pip install (d6fbe4e)
- Add admin organizations page (aa9413e)
- add HTTPException on maps.py (e02936f)
- add import button to import history (0f4931b)
- add member (4f27676)
- add timestamps mode and osm attributes to organization table (62bb68b)
- add title to map (b8c4247)
- allow get Organization by ID or by slug (c18459c)
- avoid loading geojson twice on the map (1314ce7)
- change nginx:lts-alpine by nginx:alpine (8aaf959)
- change Organization model and schemas (1519eb8)
- check roles presence for current user (6e445c4)
- dirty generate unique slug for Organization (f716502)
- end translation (6e28d4b), closes #306
- end translation (7608f44)
- fix Organization model (1322eaa)
- frontend routes rework (wip) (149b339)
- generate unique slug on Organization create (225a2fc)
- get_current_user (06cd668)
- import properties from csv, xlsx, xls (51a7937)
- linter (a57defb)
- merge issue (9c138a2)
- merge with dev (e38166d)
- new method declaration in module (d537eab)
- new Organization page style (wip) (0a0e6b1)
- paginate organization root nodes (sandbox) (0737655)
- refresh drawer when user change (f58fc21)
- remove async (44f4cb0)
- rename frontend and backend image with number of version (77cf7cb)
- resolve conflict and diffs (e1d7607)
- return org to schema in root_nodes GET endpoint (09fb46a)
- show / hide layers cadastre, osm, trees (e194f52)
- source .bashrc gitlab-runner (4c79990)
- sync diffs (285f489)
- tmp ts-nocheck on Button gradientStyles (01ad30a)
- tmp ts-nocheck on graphicBtnStyles (33dd14a)
- backend: fix user roles order (cdac098)
- backend: use slugify and nanoid for Organization slug (7f26cfc)
- components/Import/Panel/MissingDatas.tsx: remove unused className (177ab66)
- frontend: allow to change year in dashboard (c02d39d)
- frontend: fix error on merging (10d76d3)
- frontend: fix import panel broken links (742ba6b)
- frontend: fix version date-io/date-fns (c76c1e8)
- frontend: organization team update. Resolve #285 (07f5533)
- frontend: partial support of types for deckgl (20feaec)
- frontend: remove comment line to allow redirect when refresh_token has expired (c8453d7)
- remove middleware and move casbin conf file (c2a5820)
- remove unused method (66dd470)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (8ac39d1)
- skip missing data step when only crs to be filled (20f4492)
- tree load on click (7729d63)
- type soilType, rootType and habit translation label (79a4b2a)
- working area (5cf5303)
- frontend/components/Import/Panel/Error.tsx: fixed translation indixes (6e1effb)
- Add admin Organizations root node endpoint (eda36e5)
- add colors (617886c)
- add crosshair cursor on drawing mode (5e7037d)
- add glasbey palettes [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000] (39efddd)
- add loading data progress (73860a1)
- add organization selector on mobile (f70b7a5)
- added 4 categories for the radius of represantion of a tree (605ea0c)
- added semantic versioning (7945782)
- fitBound padding (f29ab4a)
- fix prod (41d429e)
- improved tree properties panel (fde201b)
- load organization data from localStorage (b042e79)
- management of permissions on the map (d0a4514)
- fronten: Revised Signin page (1ca858a)
- frontend: Add Organization route (ecec9ed)
- frontend: Organization / set active tab with url params (1bc6532)
- Create user account
- Import shape, excel, geojson, csv
- Create organization
- Create vector tile server
- Create navigation menu
- Contact Form
- Register Form
- Optimize Docker
- Celery
- Ansible Deployment
- Backup Imported Files
- Dev Server
- Backup System for Postgis
- Deploy CI / CD
- Use Material UI
- Generate Project Structure