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hpcc2-mpi-mpich (renamed 'hpcc-mpi')

TJN-NOTE: (19sep2017) Work around for testing problem with hpcc-mpi, this is identical to hpcc-mpi but the container is renamed to hpcc2-mpi-mpich. Use hpcc-mpi instead of this, unless testing for current corner case/issue.

HPC Challenge (HPCC) Benchmark.

This container-ized version of HPCC uses Ubuntu and OpenMPI's implementation of MPI.

  • NOTE: Currently using 'naughtont3' for DockerHUB but account, but ultimately this should be changed.

  • NOTE: By default, we will start as user mpiuser. To override, and start as root, pass the --user=root to docker command line.

  • NOTE: By default, Benchmarks are in /benchmarks directory.

  • NOTE: Edit 'hpccinf.txt' input file manually.

  • NOTE: The HPCC problem input arguments (thanks Charlotte Kotas):

    • N -- size of the problem
    • NB -- block size
    • P -- how to distribute MPI processes (P*Q should be num MPI procs)
    • Q -- how to distribute MPI processes (P*Q should be num MPI procs)
    • N should be divisible by NB
    • N recommended to be sqrt( 0.8*RAM in Bytes/8)
    • Edit these in the input file hpccinf.txt (see "# EDIT:" lines)
  • NOTE: Example HPCC command-line:

      # Edit N, NB, P, Q values in input file
     vi hpccinf.txt
     nprocs=$(echo "${P} * ${Q}" | bc)"
     mpirun -np $nprocs  --hostfile hosts hpcc 
     mpirun -np 16  --hostfile hosts hpcc 
  • NOTE: Current (2feb2017) DEFAULTS for run script/input file:

    • MPIRUN np: 2 (localhost)
    • HPCC Exe: /benchmarks/src/HPCC/hpcc
    • HPCC N: 2000
    • HPCC NB: 40
    • HPCC P: 1
    • HPCC Q: 2

Running HPCC Demo

  • Quick test:

     docker run --rm -ti  naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich /benchmarks/runs/
      #--(same as using default CMD)-- 
     docker run --rm -ti  naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich 
    • This just runs HPCC and shows output file for 1 instance.

       export PATH=/benchmarks/src/HPCC:$PATH
       mpirun --allow-run-as-root --mca plm isolated  -np 2 /benchmarks/src/HPCC/hpcc
  • NOTE on Container Usage Model:

    • In the examples we employ a "system container" usage model, where a containers is started in the background and is treated like a light-weight VM. An "application container" usage model, where each application executable is started in its own container, is also valid and should work just fine too.
  • Step-1: Start the "system" container for HPCC Demo instances

          # (REQUIRED ONCE) Start the "system" container
        docker run -d -P \
            --name hpcc_demo \
            -v /home/data:/data \ 
            naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich \
            /bin/sleep infinity"
  • Step-2: Start the HPCC Demo instance

        # [INTERACTIVE] Run the benchmark (i.e., in Container) 
        #  Note: First start shell (bash) and then run 'ra_shmem'.
     docker exec -ti hpcc_demo bash
     cd /benchmarks/hpcc/
     mpirun --allow-run-as-root --mca plm isolated  -np 2 hpcc

Getting Docker

  • Most distributions include Docker, but the version may be old. For instructions on installing a recent version of Docker on Linux, see:

    • Note: For convenience, there is also a note with most of the steps for getting Docker on Linux in this repository: GET-DOCKER

(Generic) Useful Docker Commands

  • Run image (start container) in ''daemon'' mode:

docker run -d -P --name naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich /bin/sleep infinity

- Run image (start container) in ''daemon'' mode with bind-mounted host dir:

docker run -d -P --name hpcc_demo
-v /home/data:/data naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich /bin/sleep infinity

- Attach to the running container (assuming name ''hpcc_demo''):

docker exec -ti hpcc_demo /bin/bash

- (Alternate) Run image (start container) directly (non-daemon mode):

docker exec -ti naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich /bin/bash

- Removing the container (and their volumes to avoid dangling volumes!)

docker rm -v hpcc_demo

- Build/Upload image:

  docker build -t="naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich" .
  docker push naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich 

Building 'hpcc2-mpi-mpich' Docker Image
- Download the 'docker-build' repo with docker build files and support material
(TODO: FIXME - use proper URL for the docker files)

git clone

- Change to the 'hpcc2-mpi-mpich' area 

cd hpcc2-mpi-mpich/

- (Option-1) Run the `` script.

- (Option-2) Run `docker build` directly
 - Note: In some case may need to pass a Github token 
   via 'mytoken' file  (See 'Personal Access Tokens' 
   below for more details.)

docker build \
    --build-arg=GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat mytoken) \
   -t="naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich" .

- See also the Docker build/push helper script [](

Personal Access Tokens

When using private Git repositories you need some way to pass authentication
information, which is used in the Dockerfiles for 'git clone' commands. 
To avoid embedding username/passwords, Github supports the generation of
"Personal access tokens" that can be passed to Git for authentication.

In the current Dockerfile the ```GITHUB_TOKEN``` argument is used to clone
the private repositories.

- Step-1) Generate the Personal Access Token at Github

- Step-2) Save the token as a file (one line only), e.g., "mytoken"

  vi mytoken

  wc -l mytoken 
  1 mytoken

- Step-3) Run Docker build, passing the  ```--build-arg``` (reading token from file):

  docker build --build-arg=GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat mytoken) -t="naughtont3/hpcc2-mpi-mpich" .


- Note: If using the  '', it recognized a file named
  ```mytoken``` in current working directory and will pass that seamlessly.

- Note, if the repo is a private Github repository,
you should generate a "Personal access token" at Github
and pass it via a ```--build-arg``` to the ```GITHUB_TOKEN```
that is used in the Dockerfile.

*NOTE* The '' script supports
saving the generated token as a file (e.g., mytoken)
and then it will be passed as Docker --build-arg.

See 'Personal Access Tokens' above for more details.