example usage- Unexpected features and reasons for a sequence to FAIL
- The
default model library ribotyper
's two round search strategy- Defining acceptable/questionable models
- List of all command-line options
is a tool for classifying and validating SSU and/or LSU
rRNA sequences in an input. A central assumption of the script is that
each input sequence is a SSU or LSU rRNA sequence (either full length
or partial). Therefore, it is not well suited for identifying rRNAs in
genome sequences or metagenomic datasets.
compares each sequence to a library of profile HMMs built
from representative alignments of SSU and LSU rRNA sequences. Each
profile HMM is a statistical model of the family it models
(e.g. bacterial SSU rRNA) built from a multiple alignment of 50-100
representative sequences from the family. The source of several of the
alignments, including the bacterial SSU model, is the Rfam database.
For more information on the models see this page.
Each profile HMM has position specific scores at
each position of the model, which means that positions of the family
that are highly conserved have a higher impact on the final score than
do positions that are not as well conserved (unlike BLAST for which
each position is treated identically). Each sequence is aligned to
each profile and a score is computed based on how well the sequence
matches the profile. Each sequence is classified by the model that
gave it the highest score.
Each sequence is determined to either pass or fail the program based on if any of a set of unexpected features are detected for it. Sequences with zero fatal unexpected features pass and all others fail. The set of possible unexpected features is described more below and includes matching best to an unexpected model (UnacceptableModel) and having a low score (LowScore). Information about defining the set of acceptable models can also be found below.
This example runs the script ribotyper
on a sample file of 16
Move into a directory in which you have write permission and execute the following command:
> ribotyper $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR/testfiles/example-16.fa test
Like other Ribovore scripts, ribotyper
takes two required command
line arguments. Optional arguments are explained below.
The first required argument is the sequence file you want to annotate.
The $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR environment variable should be defined in your
or .cshrc
as explained in the installation
The second required argument is the name of the output subdirectory
that you would like ribotyper
to create. Output files will be placed
in this output directory. If this directory already exists, the
program will exit with an error message indicating that you need to
either (a) remove the directory before rerunning, or (b) use the -f
option, in which case the directory will be
overwritten. The command adding -f
> ribotyper -f $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR/testfiles/example-16.fa test
You should see something like the following output:
# ribotyper :: detect and classify ribosomal RNA sequences
# Ribovore 1.0 (Feb 2021)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# date: Tue Dec 22 16:04:25 2020
# $RIBOEASELDIR: /usr/local/src/ribovore-install/infernal/binaries
# $RIBOINFERNALDIR: /usr/local/src/ribovore-install/infernal/binaries
# $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR: /usr/local/src/ribovore-install/ribovore
# target sequence input file: /usr/local/src/ribovore-install/ribovore/testfiles/example-16.fa
# output directory name: test
# forcing directory overwrite: yes [-f]
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validating input files ... done. [ 0.6 seconds]
# Determining target sequence lengths ... done. [ 0.1 seconds]
# Classifying sequences ... done. [ 2.2 seconds]
# Sorting classification results ... done. [ 0.0 seconds]
# Processing classification results ... done. [ 0.0 seconds]
# Fetching per-model sequence sets ... done. [ 0.0 seconds]
# Searching sequences against best-matching models ... done. [ 1.0 seconds]
# Concatenating tabular round 2 search results ... done. [ 0.0 seconds]
# Sorting search results ... done. [ 0.0 seconds]
# Processing tabular round 2 search results ... done. [ 0.0 seconds]
# Creating final output files ... done. [ 0.0 seconds]
# Summary statistics:
# number fraction average average fraction number
# class of seqs of total length coverage that PASS that FAIL
# ------------ ------- -------- ------- -------- --------- ---------
*input* 16 1.0000 1328.69 1.0000 - -
SSU.Archaea 5 0.3125 1303.60 0.9662 1.0000 0
SSU.Bacteria 5 0.3125 1295.40 0.9798 1.0000 0
SSU.Eukarya 5 0.3125 1452.80 0.9590 1.0000 0
*all* 16 1.0000 1328.69 0.9078 0.9375 1
*none* 1 0.0625 1000.00 0.0000 0.0000 1
# Unexpected feature statistics:
# causes number fraction
# unexpected feature failure? of seqs of seqs
# ------------------ -------- ------- --------
CLEAN no 11 0.68750
*NoHits yes 1 0.06250
MinusStrand no 3 0.18750
LowCoverage no 1 0.06250
# Timing statistics:
# stage num seqs seq/sec nt/sec nt/sec/cpu total time
# -------------- -------- ------- ---------- ---------- -----------------------
classification 16 7.2 9550.9 9550.9 00:00:02.23
search 15 14.7 19828.3 19828.3 00:00:01.02
total 16 3.9 5219.0 5219.0 00:00:04.07
# List and description of all output files saved in: test.ribotyper.list
# Output printed to screen saved in: test.ribotyper.log
# List of executed commands saved in: test.ribotyper.cmd
# Short (6 column) output saved in: test.ribotyper.short.out
# Long (25 column) output saved in: test.ribotyper.long.out
# All output files created in directory ./test/
# Elapsed time: 00:00:04.07
# hh:mm:ss
outputs information on each step and how long it takes,
followed by Summary statistics
that show how many sequences were
classified to each class (e.g. SSU.Archaea
). After this comes the
Unexpected feature statistics
, which are explained more below, and
Timing statistics
, and a list of important output files. In the
output of the program PASS/FAIL and CLEAN are in all caps only for
The two output files that end in .out
include per-sequence tabular
data, with one line per sequence with fields separated by whitespace
(spaces, not tabs). These two files, along with all output files, will
both be in the new directory test
that was created by the example
run above.
The two file types are a 'short' file of 6 columns, and a 'long' file with 20 columns with more information. Each file includes a description of the columns at the end of the file.
The short file is included below. Note that the meaning of the columns are briefly explained
in comment lines (prefixed with #
) after the tabular output, along with explanations of
possible values in the unexpected_features
column. These are explained more below.
> cat test/test.ribotyper.short.out
#idx target classification strnd p/f unexpected_features
#--- --------------------------------------------- --------------------- ----- ---- -------------------
1 00052::Halobacterium_sp.::AE005128 SSU.Archaea plus PASS -
2 00013::Methanobacterium_formicicum::M36508 SSU.Archaea plus PASS -
3 00004::Nanoarchaeum_equitans::AJ318041 SSU.Archaea plus PASS -
4 00121::Thermococcus_celer::M21529 SSU.Archaea plus PASS LowCoverage:(0.835<0.860);
5 random - - FAIL *NoHits;
6 00115::Pyrococcus_furiosus::U20163|g643670 SSU.Archaea minus PASS MinusStrand;
7 00035::Bacteroides_fragilis::M61006|g143965 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
8 01106::Bacillus_subtilis::K00637 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
9 00072::Chlamydia_trachomatis.::AE001345 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
10 01351::Mycoplasma_gallisepticum::M22441 SSU.Bacteria minus PASS MinusStrand;
11 00224::Rickettsia_prowazekii.::AJ235272 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
12 01223::Audouinella_hermannii.::AF026040 SSU.Eukarya plus PASS -
13 01240::Batrachospermum_gelatinosum.::AF026045 SSU.Eukarya plus PASS -
14 00220::Euplotes_aediculatus.::M14590 SSU.Eukarya plus PASS -
15 00229::Oxytricha_granulifera.::AF164122 SSU.Eukarya minus PASS MinusStrand;
16 01710::Oryza_sativa.::X00755 SSU.Eukarya plus PASS -
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Explanation of columns:
# Column 1 [idx]: index of sequence in input sequence file
# Column 2 [target]: name of target sequence
# Column 3 [classification]: classification of sequence
# Column 4 [strnd]: strand ('plus' or 'minus') of best-scoring hit
# Column 5 [p/f]: PASS or FAIL (reasons for failure begin with '*' in rightmost column)
# Column 6 [unexpected_features]: unexpected/unusual features of sequence (see below)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Explanation of possible values in unexpected_features column:
# This column will include a '-' if none of the features listed below are detected.
# Or it will contain one or more of the following types of messages. There are no
# whitespaces in this field, to make parsing easier.
# Values that begin with "*" automatically cause a sequence to FAIL.
# Values that do not begin with "*" do not cause a sequence to FAIL.
# 1. *NoHits No primary hits to any models above the minimum primary score
# threshold of 20 bits (--minpsc) were found.
# 2. *MultipleFamilies One or more primary hits to two or more "families" (e.g. SSU
# or LSU) exists for the same sequence.
# 3. *BothStrands One or more primary hits above the minimum primary score threshold
# of 20 bits (--minpsc) were found on each strand.
# 4. *DuplicateRegion At least two hits (primary or secondary) on the same strand overlap
# in model coordinates by 20 (--maxoverlap) positions or more
# 5. *InconsistentHits Not all hits (primary or secondary) are in the same order in the
# sequence and in the model.
# 6. MinusStrand Best hit is on the minus strand.
# 7. LowScore The bits per nucleotide (total bit score divided by total length
# of sequence) is below threshold of 0.5 (--lowppossc).
# 8. LowCoverage The total coverage of all hits (primary and secondary) to the best
# model (summed length of all hits divided by total length of sequence)
# is below threshold of 0.86 (--tcov).
# 9. LowScoreDifference The difference between the top two domains is below the 'low'
# threshold of 0.10 (--lowpdiff) bits per position (total bit score
# divided by summed length of all hits).
# 10. VeryLowScoreDifference The difference between the top two domains is below the 'very low'
# threshold of 0.04 (--vlowpdiff) bits per position (total bit score
# divided by summed length of all hits).
# 11. MultipleHits There is more than one hit to the best scoring model on the same strand.
The test/test.ribotyper.long.out
file is not shown because its lines are so wide, but it
also includes brief descriptions of each column. An example is in testfiles/test.ribotyper.long.out
There are several unexpected features of sequences that are detected and reported in the rightmost column of both the short and long output files. These unexpected features can cause a sequence to FAIL, as explained below.
There are 15 possible unexpected features that get reported, some of
which are related to each other. Eleven of the 15 can arise when
is used with default arguments, and therefore appear in
the example above; the other four can arise only when specific
additional non-default arguments are used, as explained
below. Therefore, the list of 15 features below, with long
descriptions, subsumes the list of 11 features given above with
shorter descriptions. Eight of the unexpected features will always
cause a sequence to fail. The other seven unexpected features can
cause a sequence to fail, but only if specific command line options
are used.
You can tell which unexpected features cause sequences to FAIL for a
particular ribotyper
run by looking at the unexpected feature column (final
column) of the short or long output files: those that cause failures
will begin with the '' character (e.g. *NoHits
) and those that do
not cause failures will not begin with a "". You can control which
unexpected features cause failures using command line options as
explained below in the descriptions of each unexpected feature.
List of unexpected features:
NoHits: No hits to any models above the minimum primary score threshold were found. The minimum primary score threshold is 20 bits, which should find all legitimate SSU/LSU sequences, but this minimum primary score threshold is changeable to
with the--minpsc <x>
. Always causes failure.Example message in
output files:NoHits
; indicating no hits were found -
UnacceptableModel: Best hit is to a model that is 'unacceptable'. By default, all models are acceptable, but the user can specify only certain top-scoring models are 'acceptable' using the
--inaccept <s>
option. If--inaccept
is not used, this unexpected feature will never be reported. An example of using--inaccept
is given below. Always causes failure.Example message in
output files:UnacceptableModel:(SSU_rRNA_eukarya)
; indicating top hit is to theSSU_rRNA_eukarya
model which was not listed asacceptable
in file<f>
from command-line option--inaccept <f>
(see example below) -
MultipleFamilies: hit to two or more 'families' (e.g. SSU or LSU) exists for the same sequence. This would happen, for example, if a single sequence had a fragment of an SSU sequence and a fragment of an LSU sequence on it. Only hits with scores at or above primary bit score threshold of 20 bits (changeable to
with--minpsc <x>
) are considered. Always causes failure.Example message in
output files:MultipleFamilies:(SSU+LSU,LSU:LSU_rRNA_eukarya:55.7/1443-2303:+)
; indicating that hits to models in familiesSSU
column inmodelinfo
file exist for this sequence and lower-scoring hit is to familyLSU
with modelLSU_rRNA_eukarya
with a score of55.7
bits from positions1443-2303
on the+
strand -
BothStrands: At least 1 hit above minimum primary bit score threshold of 20 bits to the best model exists on both strands. Always causes failure.
Example messages in
output files:BothStrands:(+:1_hit(s)[3359_nt],-:1_hit(s)[33_nt])
; indicating that1
hit exists on the+
strand with total length of3359
nucleotides and1
hit exists on the-
strand with total length of33
; indicating that3
hits exists on the+
strand of indeterminate length and2
hits exists on the-
strand of indeterminate length -
DuplicateRegion: At least two hits overlap in model coordinates by
positions or more. The thresholdP
is 10 by default but can be changed to<n>
with the--maxoverlap <n>
option. Always causes failure.Example message in
output files:DuplicateRegion:(220-253)_hits_2_and_3(M:220.909,11.253,S:259.970,3.207)
; indicating that hits2
to the best model overlap in model coordinates220
and that model coordinates of hit2
, and model coordinates of hit3
and that sequence coordinates of hit2
, and sequence coordinates of hit3
InconsistentHits: The hits to the best model are inconsistent in that they are not in the same order in the sequence and the model, possibly indicating a misassembly. Always causes failure.
Example message in
output files:InconsistentHits:seq_order(1,2[56.1322,1385.1407]),mdl_order(2,1[103.1356,7.29])
; indicating that hit1
comes before hit2
in the sequence (hit1
sequence positions are56
and hit2
sequence positinos are1385
) but hit1
comes after hit2
in the model (hit1
model positions are103
and hit2
model positions are7
) -
QuestionableModel: Best hit is to a model that is 'questionable'. By default, no models are questionable, but the user can specify certain top-scoring models are 'questionable' using the
--inaccept <s>
option. If--inaccept
is not used, this unexpected feature will never be reported. An example of using--inaccept
is given below. Only causes failure if the--questfail
options is enabled.Example message in
output files:QuestionableModel:(SSU_rRNA_chloroplast)
; indicating top hit is to theSSU_rRNA_chloroplast
model which was listed asquestionable
in file<f>
from command-line option--inaccept <f>
(see example below) -
MinusStrand: The best hit is on the minus strand. Only causes failure if the
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:MinusStrand
; indicating top hit is on minus strand -
LowScore: the bits per nucleotide statistic (total bit score divided by length of total sequence (not just length of hit)) is below threshold. By default the threshold is 0.5 bits per position, but this can be changed to
with the--lowppossc <x>
option. The total bit score is calculated as the sum of all hits with scores at or above the secondary bit score threshold, which is 10 bits by default but changeable to<x>
with the--minssc <x>
option. Only causes failure if the--scfail
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:LowScore:(0.43<0.50)
; indicating bits per nucleotide is 0.43, below threshold of 0.50 -
LowCoverage: the total coverage of all hits to the best model (summed length of all hits divided by total sequence length) is below threshold. By default the threshold is 0.86, but it can be changed to
with the--tcov <x>
should be between 0 and 1. Additionally, one can set a different coverage threshold for 'short' sequences using the--tshortcov <x1>
option, which must be used in combination with the--tshortlen <n>
option which specifies that sequences less than or equal to<n>
nucleotides in length will be subject to the coverage threshold<x1>
from--tshortcov <x1>
. The total length of all hits calculated as the sum of the length of all hits with scores at or above the secondary bit score threshold, which is 10 bits by default but changeable to<x>
with the--minssc <x>
option. Only causes failure if the--covfail
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:LowCoverage(0.835<0.860)
; indicating total coverage is 0.835, below threshold of 0.86 -
LowScoreDifference: the score difference between the top two domains is below the 'low' threshold. By default this is the score per position difference, and the 'low' threshold is 0.10 bits per position, but this is changeable to bits per position with the
option. The difference can be changed from bits per position to total bits with the--absdiff
option. If--absdiff
is used, the threshold is 100 bits, but changeable to with the--lowadiff
option. Only causes failure if the--difffail
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:LowScoreDifference:(0.052<0.10_bits_per_posn)
; indicating that the score per position difference between the top two models is0.052
, below the threshold of0.10
. -
VeryLowScoreDifference: the score difference between the top two domains is below the 'very low' threshold. By default this is the score per position difference, and the 'very low' threshold is 0.04 bits per position, but this is changeable to
bits per position with the--vlowpdiff
option. The difference can be changed from bits per position to total bits with the--absdiff
option. If--absdiff
is used, the threshold is 40 bits, but changeable to with the--vlowadiff <x>
option. Only causes failure if the--difffail
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:VeryLowScoreDifference:(0.009<0.040_bits_per_posn)
; indicating that the score per position difference between the top two models is0.009
, below the threshold of0.040
. -
MultipleHits: there are more than one hits with scores above the secondary bit score threshold of 10 bits (changeable to
bits with--minssc <x>
) to the best matching model. Only causes failure if the--multfail
option is enabled.For the MultipleHits unexpected feature, the output includes information on the gap between every pair of adjacent hits including a classification of each gap into one of three classes based on the size of the gap in both model coordinates and sequence coordinates as described below. These classifications depend on two thresholds: the maximum size of a small gap in model coordinates (referred to below as small model gap), set as
by default, but settable to<n>
with the--mgap <n>
option, and the maximum size of a small gap in sequence coordinates (referred to below as small sequence gap), set as10
by default, but settable to<n>
with the--sgap <n>
option.Three classes of gaps in MultipleHits output strings:
- sequence insertion: the model gap length is less than or equal to the maximum size of a small model gap, regardless of size of gap in sequence coordinates; abbreviated as
in the output, see below for an example - model deletion: the model gap length is more than the maximum size of a small model gap and the sequence gap length is less than or equal to the maximum size of a small sequence gap; abbreviated as
in the output, see below for an example - nonhomologous region: if the model gap length is more than the maximum size of a small model gap and the sequence gap length is more than the maximum size of a small sequence gap; abbreviated as
in the output, see below for an example
Example messages in
output files:MultipleHits:(2:SI[M:10(1161..1170),S:10(1121..1130)])
; indicating that there are2
hits and the gap between hits1
has been classified as a sequence insertion (SI
); the gap between hit 1 and 2 is10
positions in the model (M
) from model positions1161
, and10
positions in the sequence (S
) from sequence positions1121
; indicating that there are2
hits and the gap between hits1
has been classified as a model deletion (MD
); the gap between hit 1 and 2 is33
positions in the model (M
) from model positions1133
, and0
positions in the sequence (S
) and occurs between sequence positions1061
; indicating that there are2
hits and the gap between hits1
has been classified as a nonhomologous region (NH
); the gap between hit 1 and 2 is24
positions in the model (M
) from model positions1152
, and24
positions in the sequence (S
) from sequence positions1112
. - sequence insertion: the model gap length is less than or equal to the maximum size of a small model gap, regardless of size of gap in sequence coordinates; abbreviated as
EvalueScoreDiscrepancy: hits were sorted by E-value due to the
option and the second best hit had higher bit score than the best hit and the bit score difference between those two hits exceeded threshold. By default, that threshold is 0.001 bits but this is changeable to bits with the--esdmaxsc <x>
option. Only reported if the--evalues
option is enabled. Only causes failure if the--esdfail
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:EvalueScoreDiscrepancy:(second_hit_by_evalue_bit_score_exceeds_top_hit_by_evalue_bit_score_by_4.457>0.001_bits
; indicating that the second best hit by E-value has a higher bit score (4.457
bits higher) than the best hit by E-value -
TooShort: the sequence is too short, less than
nucleotides in length, where<n1>
is defined with the--shortfail <n1>
option. Always causes failure when reported but only reported if the--shortfail <n1>
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:TooShort:(127<200)
; indicating sequence length is127
which is less than the minimum length of200
nt set by the--shortfail 200
option -
TooLong: the sequence is too long, more than
nucleotides in length, where<n2>
is defined with thelongfail <n2>
option. Always causes failure when reported but only reported if the--longfail <n2>
option is enabled.Example message in
output files:TooLong:(4217>3000)
; indicating sequence length is4217
which is greater than the maximum length of3000
nt set by the--longfail 3000
By default, ribotyper
will use its default model library (installed in
) which includes 15 SSU rRNA
profiles and 3 LSU rRNA profiles. More information on the model library
can be found here.
requires a modelinfo
file that includes information on the
model library it uses. The modelinfo
file that goes along with the
default model library is $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR/models/ribotyper.modelinfo
That file is included below:
> cat $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR/models/ribotyper.modelinfo
# Each non-# prefixed line should have 4 white-space delimited tokens:
#<modelname> <family> <domain> <CM-file-with-only-this-model>
# The first line is special, it indicates the name of the master CM file
# with all the models in it
#model family domain cmfile
*all* - - ribotyper.cm
SSU_rRNA_archaea SSU Archaea rt.SSU_rRNA_archaea.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_bacteria SSU Bacteria rt.SSU_rRNA_bacteria.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_eukarya SSU Eukarya rt.SSU_rRNA_eukarya.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_microsporidia SSU Euk-Microsporidia rt.SSU_rRNA_microsporidia.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_chloroplast SSU Chloroplast rt.SSU_rRNA_chloroplast.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_metazoa SSU Mito-Metazoa rt.SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_metazoa.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_cyanobacteria SSU Bacteria rt.SSU_rRNA_cyanobacteria.enone.cm
LSU_rRNA_archaea LSU Archaea rt.LSU_rRNA_archaea.enone.cm
LSU_rRNA_bacteria LSU Bacteria rt.LSU_rRNA_bacteria.enone.cm
LSU_rRNA_eukarya LSU Eukarya rt.LSU_rRNA_eukarya.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_apicoplast SSU Euk-Apicoplast rt.SSU_rRNA_apicoplast.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_chloroplast_pilostyles SSU Chloroplast rt.SSU_rRNA_chloroplast_pilostyles.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_amoeba SSU Mito-Amoeba rt.SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_amoeba.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_chlorophyta SSU Mito-Chlorophyta rt.SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_chlorophyta.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_fungi SSU Mito-Fungi rt.SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_fungi.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_kinetoplast SSU Mito-Kinetoplast rt.SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_kinetoplast.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_plant SSU Mito-Plant rt.SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_plant.enone.cm
SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_protist SSU Mito-Protist rt.SSU_rRNA_mitochondria_protist.enone.cm
Using this file will classify sequences SSU and LSU sequences from any of the listed domains.
You can create your own modelinfo
and CM files and use them with ribotyper
, with the -i
proceeds in two rounds. The first round is called the
classification stage. In this round, all models are compared against
all sequences using a fast profile HMM algorithm that does not do a
good job at defining boundaries of SSU/LSU sequences, but is good at
determining if a sequence is a SSU/LSU sequence or not. For each
comparison, a bit score is reported. For each sequence, the model that
gives that sequence the highest bit score is defined as the
'best-matching' model for that sequence.
In the second round, each model is used to search again against the set of sequences for which it is the best-matching model. This time, a slower but more powerful profile HMM algorithm is used that is better at defining sequence boundaries. This round takes about as much time as the first round even though the algorithm is slower because at most one model is compared against each sequence.
The user can provide an additional input file that specifies which
models are 'acceptable' or 'questionable'. For GenBank, this usage can
be relevant when the submitter has made claims about which types of
SSU or LSU sequences are being submitted. In that situation, the
models consistent with the submitter's claims should be acceptable and
all other models should be questionable. All sequences for which the
highest ranked (by bit score unless the option --evalues
is used)
hit is not one of the acceptable or questionable models, will FAIL for
Reason 6 above. All sequences for which the top hit is one of the
questionable models will be reported with 'questionable_model' in
their unexpected_feature
string (and will FAIL if the --questfail
is enabled) (Reason 7 above).
If the --inaccept
option is not used, then all models listed in the
file will be considered acceptable and none will be
considered questionable.
An example input file that specifies that only the SSU_rRNA_bacteria
and SSU_rRNA_cyanobacteria as 'acceptable' from model file 1 is:
> cat $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR/models/ribosensor.ssu-arc-bac.accept
# A list of 'acceptable' and 'questionable' models.
# Each non-# prefixed line has 2 tokens, separated by a space.
# First token is the name of a model.
# Second token is either 'acceptable' or 'questionable'.
# 'acceptable' means that this model is allowed and no 'unusual
# features' will be reported for sequences for which this model is the
# best-scoring model
# 'questionable' means that this model will have the
# 'questionable_model' unusual feature reported for it.
# Any model not listed here will have the 'unacceptable_model'
# unusual feature reported for it.
SSU_rRNA_archaea acceptable
SSU_rRNA_bacteria acceptable
SSU_rRNA_cyanobacteria acceptable
SSU_rRNA_chloroplast questionable
To use this on the example run from above, use the --inaccept
> ribotyper -f --inaccept $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR/models/ribosensor.ssu-arc-bac.accept $RIBOSCRIPTSDIR/testfiles/example-16.fa test2
Now, the short output file will set any family that was classified as
a model other than SSU_rRNA_archaea, SSU_rRNA_bacteria,
SSU_rRNA_cyanobacteria, or SSU_rRNA_chloroplast as FAILs, and the
string *UnacceptableModel
will be present in the
> cat test2/test2.ribotyper.short.out
#idx target classification strnd p/f unexpected_features
#--- --------------------------------------------- --------------------- ----- ---- -------------------
1 00052::Halobacterium_sp.::AE005128 SSU.Archaea plus PASS -
2 00013::Methanobacterium_formicicum::M36508 SSU.Archaea plus PASS -
3 00004::Nanoarchaeum_equitans::AJ318041 SSU.Archaea plus PASS -
4 00121::Thermococcus_celer::M21529 SSU.Archaea plus PASS LowCoverage:(0.835<0.860);
5 random - - FAIL *NoHits;
6 00115::Pyrococcus_furiosus::U20163|g643670 SSU.Archaea minus PASS MinusStrand;
7 00035::Bacteroides_fragilis::M61006|g143965 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
8 01106::Bacillus_subtilis::K00637 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
9 00072::Chlamydia_trachomatis.::AE001345 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
10 01351::Mycoplasma_gallisepticum::M22441 SSU.Bacteria minus PASS MinusStrand;
11 00224::Rickettsia_prowazekii.::AJ235272 SSU.Bacteria plus PASS -
12 01223::Audouinella_hermannii.::AF026040 SSU.Eukarya plus FAIL *UnacceptableModel:(SSU_rRNA_eukarya);
13 01240::Batrachospermum_gelatinosum.::AF026045 SSU.Eukarya plus FAIL *UnacceptableModel:(SSU_rRNA_eukarya);
14 00220::Euplotes_aediculatus.::M14590 SSU.Eukarya plus FAIL *UnacceptableModel:(SSU_rRNA_eukarya);
15 00229::Oxytricha_granulifera.::AF164122 SSU.Eukarya minus FAIL *UnacceptableModel:(SSU_rRNA_eukarya);MinusStrand;
16 01710::Oryza_sativa.::X00755 SSU.Eukarya plus FAIL *UnacceptableModel:(SSU_rRNA_eukarya);
You can see all the available command line options to ribotyper
calling it at the command line with the -h option:
> ribotyper -h
# ribotyper :: detect and classify ribosomal RNA sequences
# Ribovore 1.0 (Feb 2021)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# date: Tue Dec 22 16:56:29 2020
Usage: ribotyper [-options] <fasta file to annotate> <output directory>
basic options:
-f : force; if <output directory> exists, overwrite it
-v : be verbose; output commands to stdout as they're run
-n <n> : use <n> CPUs [0]
-i <s> : use model info file <s> instead of default
options for controlling the first round search algorithm:
--1hmm : run first round in slower HMM mode
--1slow : run first round in slow CM mode that scores structure+sequence
options for controlling the second round search algorithm:
--2slow : run second round in slow CM mode that scores structure+sequence
options related to bit score REPORTING thresholds:
--minpsc <x> : set minimum bit score cutoff for primary hits to include to <x> bits [20.]
--minssc <x> : set minimum bit score cutoff for secondary hits to include to <x> bits [10.]
options for controlling which sequences PASS/FAIL (turning on optional failure criteria):
--minusfail : hits on negative (minus) strand defined as FAILures
--scfail : seqs that fall below low score threshold FAIL
--difffail : seqs that fall below low score difference threshold FAIL
--covfail : seqs that fall below low coverage threshold FAIL
--multfail : seqs that have more than one hit to best model FAIL
--questfail : seqs that score best to questionable models FAIL
--shortfail <n> : seqs that are shorter than <n> nucleotides FAIL [0]
--longfail <n> : seqs that are longer than <n> nucleotides FAIL [0]
--esdfail : seqs in which second best hit by E-value has better bit score above threshold FAIL
options for controlling thresholds for failure/warning criteria:
--lowppossc <x> : set minimum bit per position threshold for reporting suspiciously low scores to <x> bits [0.5]
--tcov <x> : set low total coverage threshold to <x> fraction of target sequence [0.86]
--tshortcov <x> : set low total coverage threshold for short seqs to <x> fraction of target sequence
--tshortlen <n> : set maximum length for short seq coverage threshold to <n> nucleotides
--lowpdiff <x> : set 'low' per-posn score difference threshold to <x> bits [0.10]
--vlowpdiff <x> : set 'very low' per-posn score difference threshold to <x> bits [0.04]
--absdiff : use total score difference thresholds instead of per-posn
--lowadiff <x> : set 'low' total score difference threshold to <x> bits [100.]
--vlowadiff <x> : set 'very low' total score difference threshold to <x> bits [40.]
--maxoverlap <n> : set maximum allowed number of model positions to overlap b/t 2 hits before failure to <n> [20]
--esdmaxsc <x> : set maximum allowed bit score difference for E-value/score discrepancies to <x> [0.001]
optional input files:
--inaccept <s> : read acceptable/questionable domains/models from file <s>
options that modify the behavior of --1slow or --2slow:
--mid : with --1slow/--2slow use cmsearch --mid option instead of --rfam
--max : with --1slow/--2slow use cmsearch --max option instead of --rfam
--smxsize <x> : with --max also use cmsearch --smxsize <x>
options for parallelizing cmsearch on a compute farm:
-p : parallelize cmsearch on a compute farm
-q <s> : use qsub info file <s> instead of default
-s <n> : seed for random number generator is <n> [181]
--nkb <n> : number of KB of sequence for each cmsearch farm job is <n> [100]
--wait <n> : allow <n> wall-clock minutes for cmsearch jobs on farm to finish, including queueing time [500]
--errcheck : consider any farm stderr output as indicating a job failure
options for controlling gap type definitions:
--mgap <n> : maximum size of a 'small' gap in model coordinates is <n> [10]
--sgap <n> : maximum size of a 'small' gap in sequence coordinates is <n> [10]
options for creating additional output files:
--outseqs : save per-model pass/fail sequences to files
--outhits : save per-model pass/fail sequences to files
--outgaps : save gap sequences between hits to a file
--outxgaps <n> : save gap sequence file with <n> added nts [20]
--keep : keep all intermediate files that are removed by default
advanced options:
--evalues : rank hits by E-values, not bit scores
--skipsearch : skip search stage, use results from earlier run
--noali : no alignments in output, requires --keep
--samedomain : top two hits can be to models in the same domain
--skipval : skip validation of CM and model info files
--onlyval : validate CM and model info files and exit