diff --git a/OSD/B/BARN_ISLAND.txt b/OSD/B/BARN_ISLAND.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e85c2203 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/B/BARN_ISLAND.txt @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +LOCATION BARN ISLAND CT + +Tentative Series +BEF-CEP-DCP +03/2024 + +BARN ISLAND SERIES + +MLRA(s)--144A, 145 +Depth class--Very deep +Drainage Class--Very poorly drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity--low to high +Surface Runoff--negligible +Parent material--Sapric herbaceous organic deposits over loamy alluvium, estuarine or glacial deposits +Slope range for series--0 to 2 percent +Mean annual air temperature--10 degrees C (50 degrees F) +Mean annual precipitation--1295 millimeters (51 inches) + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy, mixed, euic, mesic Terric Sulfisaprists + +TYPICAL PEDON: Barn island mucky peat on a linear, zero percent slope in a tidal marsh. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise noted). + + Oese--0 to 32 centimeters (0.0 to 12.6 inches); very dark brown (10YR 2/2) mucky peat; many very fine to medium roots throughout; 80 percent unrubbed plant fiber, 40 percent rubbed plant fiber; H5 von Post humification scale; slight sulfurous odor; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; clear boundary. (10 to 50 centimeters thick) + + Oase--32 to 96 centimeters (12.6 to 37.8 inches); very dark brown (10YR 2/2) muck; common very fine to medium roots throughout; 25 percent unrubbed plant fiber, 12 percent rubbed plant fiber fragments; H8 von Post humification scale slight sulfurous odor; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; gradual boundary. (hemic material is 20 to 90 centimeters thick, combined thickness of organic horizons is 40 to 130 centimeters) + + Aseg--96 to 112 centimeters (37.8 to 44.1 inches); black (N 2.5/), silt loam; structureless, massive; nonsticky, nonplastic; very fluid; few very fine roots throughout; slight sulfurous odor; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; clear boundary. + + ACseg--112 to 129 centimeters (44.1 to 50.8 inches); 90 percent very dark gray (5Y 3/1) and 10 percent greenish gray (10Y 5/1) fine sandy loam; structureless, massive; nonsticky, nonplastic; slightly fluid; slight sulfurous odor; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; clear boundary. + + 2Cg--129 to 200 centimeters (50.8 to 72.0 inches); greenish gray (10Y 5/1) fine sand; structureless, single grain; nonsticky, nonplastic, nonfluid; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH. + +TYPE LOCATION: New London County, Town of Stonington, Connecticut; Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, approximately 2,100 feet north of Barn Island Boat Ramp, and 450 feet East of Palmer Neck Road in a tidal marsh. USGS topographic quadrangle: Mystic, CT. + +Latitude--41.3433330 +Longitude-- -71.8765420 +Datum--WGS84 +Coordinates source--from hand-held GPS + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: +Depth to bedrock--Greater than 200 centimeters +Soil moisture--Saturated; peraquic moisture regime +Reaction throughout--Slightly acid to moderately alkaline +Oxidized reaction--Ultra acid or extremely acid in the organic horizons, and extremely acid to moderately acid in the mineral substrate +Electrical Conductivity (EC 1:5 water)--Greater than 0.6 dS/m throughout +Depth to hypersulfidic materials (incubated pH 4.0 or less)--0 to 50 centimeters +Coarse fragments--0 to 50 percent fine and medium gravels, and/or 0 to 10 percent fine and medium shells in the underlying mineral horizons +Coastal Blue Carbon density range--from XXXX in the organic horizons to XXXX in the mineral substrate. Barn island soils can often average XXXX mega grams of coastal blue carbon per hectare to a 2 meter depth. + +Oa, Oase, Oe, Oese, Oi, or Oise horizons (Oase horizons often dominate the surface and subsurface tiers, other types of O horizons are thin or absent) +Hue--7.5YR, 10YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, or N +Value--2 to 4 +Chroma--0 to 3 +Texture--muck, mucky peat, or peat +Organic matter content--20 percent or more +Von Post Scale of Humification - typically ranges from H7 to H10 + +Aseg or ACseg horizon (where present) +Hue--7.5YR, 10YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, 10Y or N +Value--2 to 3 +Chroma--0 to 2 +Texture--Silt loam, very fine sandy loam, fine sandy loam, sandy loam, coarse sandy loam including mucky analogues. +Manner of failure/fluidity class--slightly fluid to moderately fluid +Organic matter content--less than 20 percent + +2Cseg or 2Cg horizon (where present) +Hue--2.5Y, 5Y, 10Y, or N +Value--2.5 to 5 +Chroma--0 to 3 +Texture--ranges from coarse sand to silty clay loam, coarser textures are typically below 130 centimeters in glacial deposits. +Organic matter content--less than 20 percent +Clay content--5 to 25 percent +Manner of failure / fluidity class--nonfluid to very fluid + +COMPETING SERIES: +There are no competing series in the same family. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Parent material--Sapric herbaceous organic material over estuarine, alluvial or glacial deposits +Landscape--Estuaries, coastal lowlands, and tidal rivers +Landform--Tidal marshes +Slope--0 to 2 percent +Mean annual precipitation--1023 to 1320 millimeters (40 to 52 inches) +Mean annual air temperature--4 to 13 degrees C (39.2 to 55.4 degrees F) +Frost-free period--180 to 225 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: +These are the Hammonasset, Ipswich, Oyster River, Pawcatuck, Quinnipiac, and Westbrook soils. +Hammonasset soils--formed in thick deposits (greater than 130 centimeters) of sapric dominated organic soil materials. +Ipswich soils--formed in thick deposits of hemic dominated organic soil materials. +Oyster River soils--formed coarse-loamy mineral soil materials with buried organic soil materials 40 centimeters thick within 200 centimeters of the mineral soil surface. +Pawcatuck soils--formed in hemic organic soil materials over sandy mineral soil materials. +Quinnipiac soils--formed in loamy alluvium and do not have histic epipedons. +Westbrook soils--formed in hemic dominated organic soil materials over loamy mineral soil materials + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class--Very poorly drained +Saturated hydraulic conductivity--Low to High +Soil moisture regime--Peraquic +Flooded twice daily by tides in addition to periodic riverine flooding at times. + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Major uses--Most areas are in salt marsh and provide food and habitat for fish, shellfish and wildfowl. +Vegetation--Phragmites australis, Spartina alterniflora, Spartina patens, and Salicornia spp. may occur on these soils. + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: +General area--These soils are located along the Connecticut coast. +Land Resource Regions--R - Northeastern Forage and Forest Region +MLRA(s)--144A, 145 +Extent--Small + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Amherst, Massachusetts + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: New London County, Connecticut, 2024. + +REMARKS: + +Diagnostic horizons and features in this pedon include-- +Peraquic feature--Zero or positive soil water potential at the soil surface. +Particle-size control section--The zone from 0 to 130 centimeters. +Organic soil materials--0 to 96 centimeters +Sapric soil materials--The zone from 32 to 96 centimeters (Oase horizon). +Hypersulfidic materials--The zone from 0 to 129 centimeters (Oese, Oase, 2Aseg, and 2ACseg horizons) have oxidized reactions with pH values less than 4 after 16 weeks. +Lithologic Discontinuity--129 to 200 centimeters. +Taxonomic version--Keys to Soil Taxonomy, 13th edition (2022) +Series Name - Named for the Barn island River, a tidal tributary of the Connecticut River in Old Lyme, CT. + +ADDITIONAL DATA: Type location taken from S2023CT011317 in Barn Island Wildlife Management area, Stonington, CT. +________________________________________ +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/H/HAMMONASSET.txt b/OSD/H/HAMMONASSET.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..821e498c --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/H/HAMMONASSET.txt @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +LOCATION HAMMONASSET CT + +Tentative Series +Revised DCP-BEF-CEP +03/2024 + +HAMMONASSET SERIES + +MLRA(s)--144A, 145 +Depth class--Very deep +Drainage Class--Very poorly drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity--Low to high +Surface Runoff--Negligible +Parent material--Herbaceous organic material +Slope range for series--0 to 2 percent +Mean annual air temperature--10 degrees C (50 degrees F) +Mean annual precipitation--1295 millimeters (51 inches) + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Euic, mesic Typic Sulfisaprists + +TYPICAL PEDON: Hammonasset mucky peat on a linear, zero percent slope in a tidal marsh. Tidal range is 194 centimeters. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated). + + Oese--0 to 33 centimeters (0 to 13 inches); very dark brown (10YR 2/2) mucky peat, very dark gray (2.5Y 3/1) rubbed; 50 percent unrubbed fibers, 30 percent rubbed fibers; H3 von Post humification; many very fine, fine, and medium, few coarse roots throughout; 10 percent mineral soil material; negative color change with 3% hydrogen peroxide; slight effervescence with 30% hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; clear boundary. (0 to 56 centimeters thick.) + + Oase1--33 to 108 centimeters (13 to 43 inches); very dark gray (10YR 3/1) muck, black (10YR 2/1) rubbed; 25 percent unrubbed fibers, 12 percent rubbed fibers; H8 von Post humification; common very fine and fine roots throughout; 5 percent mineral soil material; slight sulfurous odor; negative color change with 3% hydrogen peroxide; slight effervescence with 30% hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; gradual boundary. + + Oase2--108 to 200 centimeters (43 to 79 inches); very dark gray (2.5Y 3/1) muck; 10 percent unrubbed fibers, 3 percent rubbed fibers; H9 von Post humification; few fine roots throughout; 40 percent mineral soil material; slight sulfurous odor; negative color change with 3% hydrogen peroxide; slight effervescence with 30% hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; neutral (xxx); xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH. (Combined thickness of Oase horizons is 132 to 200 centimeters thick.). + +TYPE LOCATION: Middlesex County, Connecticut; Hammock River Marsh Wildlife Area, approximately 540 feet northeast (73 degree bearing) of intersection of E Main Street and Meadow Road in Clinton, CT. USGS topographic quadrangle: Clinton, CT. + +Latitude--41.2716020 +Longitude-- -72.5003911 +Datum--WGS84 +Coordinates source--from hand-held GPS + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: +Depth to bedrock--Greater than 200 centimeters +Soil moisture--Saturated; peraquic moisture regime +Reaction throughout--Slightly acid to moderately alkaline +Oxidized reaction--Ultra acid or extremely acid +Electrical Conductivity (EC 1:5 water)--Greater than 0.6 dS/m throughout +Depth to hypersulfidic materials (incubated pH 4.0 or less)--0 to 100 centimeters +Coastal Blue Carbon density range--from XXXX in the organic horizons to XXXX in the mineral substrate, if present. Hammonasset soils can often average XXXX mega grams of coastal blue carbon per hectare to a 2-meter depth. + +Oase horizon +Hue--2.5YR, 5YR, 7.5YR, 10YR, or 2.5Y +Value--2 to 3 +Chroma--1 or 2 +Texture--Muck +Organic matter content--30 to 100 percent +Rubbed fiber content--1 to 15 percent +Von Post humification--H7to H10 +Mineral soil content--0 to 70 percent + +Oese (where present) +Hue--10YR, 2.5Y, or 5Y +Value--2 to 3 +Chroma--1 or 2 +Texture--Mucky peat +Organic matter content--50 to 92 percent +Rubbed fiber content--18 to 38 percent +Von Post humification scale-H4 to H6 +Mineral soil content--8 to 50 percent + +Oise horizon (where present) +Hue--7.5YR, 10YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, or 10Y +Value--2 to 3 +Chroma--1 to 3 +Texture--Peat +Organic matter content--90 to 95 percent +Rubbed fiber content--40 to 75 percent +Von Post humification scale--H1 to H3 +Mineral soil content--5 to 10 percent + +Aseg horizon (where present) +Hue--N +Value--2.5 +Chroma--0 +Texture--mucky silt loam +Clay content-- +Manner of failure / fluidity class--moderately fluid + +2Cseg or 2Cse (where present) +Hue--10YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, 10Y, 5GY, or 10BG +Value--2 to 4 +Chroma--1 to 3 +Texture--fine sand, loamy fine sand, sandy loam, very fine sandy loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam and their mucky analogs +Unrubbed fiber content--0 to 35 percent +Clay content-- +Manner of failure / fluidity class--nonfluid to moderately fluid +Coarse fragments--0 to 12 percent, by volume, fine and medium gravels + +COMPETING SERIES: +There are no competing series in the same family. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Parent material--herbaceous organic material sometimes underlain by coarse-loamy estuarine deposits +Landscape--Coastal estuaries, coastal lowlands, and tidal rivers +Landform--Tidal marshes +Slope--0 to 2 percent +Mean annual precipitation--754 to 1826 millimeters (40 to 52 inches) +Mean annual air temperature-6.4to 16.2 degrees C (39.2 to 55.4 degrees F) +Water salinity range--18 to 30 parts per thousand +Frost-free period--180 to 204 days + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: +These are the Barn Island, Calves, Ipswich, Pawcatuck, Quinnipiac, and Westbrook soils. +Barn Island soils--formed in sapric dominated organic soil materials over loamy mineral soil materials. +Calves soils--formed in loamy estuarine deposits overlying loamy or sandy alluvium and have a histic epipedon +Ipswich soils--formed in thick deposits of hemic dominated organic soil materials. +Pawcatuck soils--formed in hemic organic soil materials over sandy mineral soil materials. +Quinnipiac soils--formed in loamy alluvium and do not have thick organic soil materials. +Westbrook soils--formed in hemic dominated organic soil materials over loamy mineral soil materials. + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class--Very poorly drained +Saturated hydraulic conductivity--Low to high +Soil moisture regime--Peraquic +Flooded twice daily by tides in addition to periodic riverine flooding at times. + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Major uses--Most areas are in salt marsh and provide food and habitat for fish, shellfish and wildfowl. +Vegetation--Phragmites australis, Spartina alterniflora, Spartina patens, and Salicornia spp. may occur on these soils. + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: +General area--These soils are located along the Connecticut coast. +Land Resource Regions--R - Northeastern Forage and Forest Region +MLRA(s)--144A, 145 +Extent--Small + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Amherst, Massachusetts + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Middlesex County, Connecticut, 2024. + +REMARKS: +Diagnostic horizons and features in this pedon include-- +Peraquic feature--Zero or positive soil water potential at the soil surface. +Particle-size control section--The zone from 0 to 130 centimeters. +Hemic soil materials--The zone from 0 to 33 centimeters (Oese horizon). +Sapric soil materials--The zone from 33 to 200 centimeters (Oase horizons). +Hypersulfidic materials--The zone from 0 to 200 centimeters (Oese and Oase horizons) have oxidized reactions with pH values less than 4.0 after 16 weeks. +Taxonomic version--Keys to Soil Taxonomy, 13th edition (2022) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: Type location taken from S2023CT007348 in Hammock River Marsh Wildlife Area, Clinton, CT. + +Additional support pedons used to develop this series include S2023CT007220, S2023CT007228, S2023CT007243, S2023CT007340, S2023CT007356, S2023CT009243, S2023CT009248, S2023CT011201, S2023CT011226, and S2023CT011279. +________________________________________ +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/OSD/O/OYSTER_RIVER.txt b/OSD/O/OYSTER_RIVER.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1537e91 --- /dev/null +++ b/OSD/O/OYSTER_RIVER.txt @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +LOCATION OYSTER RIVER CT + +Tentative Series +BEF-CEP-DCP +03/2024 + +OYSTER RIVER SERIES + +MLRA(s)--144A, 145 +Depth class--Very deep +Drainage Class--Very poorly drained +Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity--Low to high +Parent material--Estuarine deposits over herbaceous organic material +Slope range for series--0 to 2 percent +Mean annual air temperature--10 degrees C (50 degrees F) +Mean annual precipitation--1295 millimeters (51 inches) + +TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid, mesic Thapto-Histic Sulfaquents + +TYPICAL PEDON: Oyster River mucky fine sandy loam on a linear, zero percent slope in a tidal marsh. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated). + + Aseg--0 to 10 centimeters; greenish black (10Y 2.5/1) mucky fine sandy loam; massive; nonfluid; many very fine, fine, and medium roots throughout; moderate sulfurous odor; slight reaction to 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; neutral (xxx), xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; clear boundary. (Combined thickness of Aseg horizons is 0 to 48 centimeters) + + Cseg1--10 to 44 centimeters; dark olive gray (5Y 3/2) mucky fine sandy loam; massive; slightly fluid; many very fine, fine, and medium roots throughout; moderate sulfurous odor; slight reaction to 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; 40 percent plant fibers; neutral (xxx), xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; clear boundary. + + Cseg2--44 to 52 centimeters; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) mucky silt loam; massive; moderately fluid; many very fine and fine, few medium roots throughout; moderate sulfurous odor; slight reaction to 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; 40 percent plant fibers; neutral (xxx), xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; gradual boundary. (Combined thickness of Cseg horizons is 39 to 103 centimeters) + + Oaseb--52 to 174 centimeters; very dark gray (2.5Y 3/1) and black (2.5Y 2.5/1) rubbed, muck; 40 percent fibers; 10 percent rubbed fibers; H7 von Post humification scale; many very fine and fine, common medium roots throughout; moderate sulfurous odor; neutral (xxx), xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; abrupt boundary. (Combined thickness of Oase horizons is 40 to 136 centimeters) + + C'seg1--174 to 191 centimeters; dark gray (2.5Y 4/1) mucky silt loam; massive; very fluid; common very fine and fine roots throughout; moderate sulfurous odor; slight reaction to 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; 10 percent plant fibers; neutral (xxx), xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH; abrupt boundary. + + C'seg2--191 to 202 centimeters; very dark gray (2.5Y 3/1) mucky silt loam; massive; moderately fluid; common very fine and fine roots throughout; moderate sulfurous odor; 20 percent plant fibers; neutral (xxx), xxx acid (xxx) oxidized pH. (Combined thickness of C'seg horizons is 0 to 28 centimeters) + +TYPE LOCATION: Middlesex County, Town of Old Saybrook, Connecticut; Along the Oyster River, approximately 1,560 feet Northeast (31 degree bearing) of intersection of Boston Post Road and Old Boston Post Road and approximately 1,325 feet west of the intersection of King Street and Boston Post Road. USGS topographic quadrangle: Essex, CT + +Latitude--41.2913890 +Longitude-- -72.3881670 +Datum--WGS84 +Coordinates source--from hand-held GPS + +RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: +Depth to bedrock--Greater than 200 centimeters +Soil moisture--Saturated; peraquic moisture regime +Reaction throughout--slightly acid to moderately alkaline +Oxidized reaction--ultra acid or extremely acid +Electrical conductivity (EC 1:5 water)--Greater than 0.6 dS/m +Depth to hypersulfidic materials (incubated pH 4.0 or less)--0 to 50 centimeters +Wood fragments--0 to 20 percent, by volume +Coarse fragments--0 to 50 percent fine and medium gravels, by volume in individual horizons +Coastal Blue Carbon density range--from XXXX in the mineral horizons to XXXX in the buried organic materials. Oyster River soils can often average XXXX mega grams of coastal blue carbon per hectare to a 2 meter depth. + +Aseg horizons (where present) +Hue--2.5Y, 10Y +Value--2.5 to 4 +Chroma--1 +Texture--mucky very fine sandy loam, mucky fine sandy loam, mucky loam +Organic matter content--less than 20 percent +Manner of failure / fluidity class--nonfluid to very fluid + +Oaseb or Oeseb horizons +Hue--2.5Y, 5Y, 10YR, 7.5YR, or N +Value--2 to 4 +Chroma--0 to 1 +Texture--muck or mucky peat +Organic matter content--20 percent or more +Von Post humification scale--H4 to H9 +Coarse fragments--0 to 20 percent wood fragments + +Cseg horizons (where present) +Hue--2.5Y, 5Y, 10Y, or N +Value--2 to 5 +Chroma--0 to 2 +Texture--mucky silt loam, mucky loam, fine sandy loam, sandy clay loam, loamy sand +Organic matter content--less than 20 percent +Clay content--5 to 25 percent +Manner of failure / fluidity class--slightly fluid to very fluid + +2Cseg horizons (where present) +Hue--5Y or 10Y +Value--3 to 5 +Chroma--1 to 2 +Texture--mucky sandy loam, mucky coarse sandy loam, loamy coarse sand, clay loam +Organic matter content--less than 20 percent +Manner of failure / fluidity class--nonfluid to slightly fluid + +COMPETING SERIES: +There are no competing series in the same family. + +GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: +Parent material--Estuarine deposits over herbaceous organic materials +Landscape--Estuaries, coastal lowlands, and tidal rivers +Landform--Tidal marshes +Slope--0 to 2 percent +Mean annual precipitation--1023 to 1320 millimeters (40 to 52 inches) +Mean annual air temperature--4 to 13 degrees C (39.2 to 55.4 degrees F) +Frost-free period--180 to 225 days +Water salinity range--18 to 30 parts per thousand + +GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: +These are the Barn Island, Calves, Hammonasset, Ipswich, Pawcatuck, Quinnipiac, and Westbrook soils. +Barn Island soils--have 40 to 130 centimeters of sapric dominated materials over loamy substrate. +Calves soils--formed in coarse-loamy estuarine deposits over loamy or sandy alluvium and have a histic epipedon. +Ipswich soils--formed in thick deposits of hemic dominated organic soil materials. +Hammonasset soils--have greater than 130 centimeters of sapric dominated materials. +Pawcatuck soils--formed in hemic dominated organic soil materials over sandy mineral soil materials. +Quinnipiac soils--formed in loamy alluvium with no histic epipedon. +Westbrook soils--formed in hemic dominated organic soil materials over loamy mineral soil materials. + +DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: +Drainage class--Very poorly drained +Saturated hydraulic conductivity--Low to high +Soil moisture regime--Peraquic +Flooded twice daily by tides in addition to periodic riverine flooding at times. + +USE AND VEGETATION: +Major uses--Most areas are in salt marsh and provide food and habitat for fish, shellfish and wildfowl. +Vegetation--Phragmites australis, Spartina alterniflora, Spartina patens, and Salicornia spp. may occur on these soils. + +DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: +General area--These soils are located along the Connecticut coast. +Land Resource Regions--R - Northeastern Forage and Forest Region +MLRA(s)--144A, 145 +Extent--Small + +SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (SSRO) RESPONSIBLE: Amherst, Massachusetts + +SERIES ESTABLISHED: Middlesex County, Connecticut, 2024. + +REMARKS: +Diagnostic horizons and features in this pedon include-- +Peraquic feature--Zero or positive soil water potential at the soil surface. +Particle-size control section--The zone from 25 to 100 centimeters. +Thapto histic feature--buried organic horizon 52 to 174 centimeters (Oaseb horizon) +Hypersulfidic materials--The zone from 0 to 202 centimeters (Aseg, Cseg, Oaseb and C'seg horizons) have oxidized reactions with pH values of 4.0 or less after 16 weeks. +N-value > 0.7--The zone from 10 to 52 and 174 to 202 centimeters (Aseg, Cseg, and C'seg horizons) +Taxonomic version--Keys to Soil Taxonomy, 13th edition (2022) + +ADDITIONAL DATA: Type location taken from 2023CT007218 in a tidal marsh along Oyster River in Old Saybrook, CT. +Additional support pedons used to develop this series include 2023CT001219, 2023CT001215, 2023CT001278, 2023CT007223, and 2023CT007224. +________________________________________ +National Cooperative Soil Survey +U.S.A. diff --git a/SC/SCDB.csv b/SC/SCDB.csv index b3f6eb82..5568b57b 100644 --- a/SC/SCDB.csv +++ b/SC/SCDB.csv @@ -1428,6 +1428,7 @@ 29995,"BARLEY","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, FRIGID CALCIC UDIC HAPLUSTEPTS","Inceptisols","Ustepts","Haplustepts","Calcic Udic Haplustepts","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"frigid","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 4960,"BARLING","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-SILTY, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC FLUVAQUENTIC DYSTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Dystrudepts","Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts","coarse-silty",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"thermic","temple, tx","AR","Arkansas","State or Territory",NA,1971,2008 4961,"BARLOW","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, ISOTIC TYPIC HAPLOCRYODS","Spodosols","Cryods","Haplocryods","Typic Haplocryods","coarse-loamy",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,NA,"bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1975,2002 +30053,"BARN ISLAND","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, EUIC, MESIC TERRIC SULFISAPRISTS","Histosols","Saprists","Sulfisaprists","Terric Sulfisaprists","loamy",NA,"mixed",NA,"euic","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2024 4962,"BARNABE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"LOAMY-SKELETAL, MIXED, ACTIVE, ISOMESIC LITHIC HAPLUSTOLLS","Mollisols","Ustolls","Haplustolls","Lithic Haplustolls","loamy-skeletal",NA,"mixed","active",NA,"isomesic","davis, ca","CA","California","State or Territory",NA,1979,2003 4963,"BARNARD","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, SMECTITIC, MESIC ARGIDURIDIC DURIXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Durixerolls","Argiduridic Durixerolls","fine",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",NA,1941,1997 29993,"BARNEGAT","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"COARSE-LOAMY, SILICEOUS, ACTIVE, NONACID, MESIC HISTIC-HAPLIC SULFAQUENTS","Entisols","Aquents","Sulfaquents","Histic-Haplic Sulfaquents","coarse-loamy",NA,"siliceous","active","nonacid","mesic","amherst, ma","NJ","New Jersey","State or Territory",2023,2023,2023 @@ -2199,7 +2200,6 @@ 3566,"BLACHLY","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"FINE, ISOTIC, MESIC HUMIC DYSTRUDEPTS","Inceptisols","Udepts","Dystrudepts","Humic Dystrudepts","fine",NA,"isotic",NA,NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","OR","Oregon","State or Territory",1959,1970,2011 3567,"BLACK BUTTE","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"FINE-SILTY OVER SANDY OR SANDY-SKELETAL, ANISO, MIXED, ACTIVE, THERMIC TYPIC HAPLOSALIDS","Aridisols","Salids","Haplosalids","Typic Haplosalids","fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal","aniso","mixed","active",NA,"thermic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",NA,1970,2007 3568,"BLACK CANYON","Established",FALSE,FALSE,"CLAYEY OVER LOAMY, SMECTITIC OVER MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC TYPIC ENDOAQUOLLS","Mollisols","Aquolls","Endoaquolls","Typic Endoaquolls","clayey over loamy",NA,"smectitic over mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","bozeman, mt","ID","Idaho","State or Territory",NA,1949,2001 -30053,"BLACK HALL","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"LOAMY, MIXED, EUIC, MESIC TERRIC SULFISAPRISTS","Histosols","Saprists","Sulfisaprists","Terric Sulfisaprists","loamy",NA,"mixed",NA,"euic","mesic","amherst, ma","CT","Connecticut","State or Territory",2023,NA,2023 3569,"BLACK RIDGE","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"CLAYEY, SMECTITIC, MESIC, SHALLOW PETROCALCIDIC PALEXEROLLS","Mollisols","Xerolls","Palexerolls","Petrocalcidic Palexerolls","clayey",NA,"smectitic",NA,NA,"mesic","davis, ca","UT","Utah","State or Territory",NA,1971,1997 3570,"BLACK SLOUGH","Tentative",FALSE,FALSE,"DYSIC HYDRIC CRYOFIBRISTS","Histosols","Fibrists","Cryofibrists","Hydric Cryofibrists",NA,NA,NA,NA,"dysic",NA,"wasilla, ak","AK","Alaska","State or Territory",2009,NA,2009 3571,"BLACKA","Established",FALSE,TRUE,"COARSE-LOAMY, MIXED, SUPERACTIVE, MESIC CAMBIDIC HAPLODURIDS","Aridisols","Durids","Haplodurids","Cambidic Haplodurids","coarse-loamy",NA,"mixed","superactive",NA,"mesic","davis, ca","NV","Nevada","State or Territory",1974,1974,2001