2.10.1 (2025-02-28)
- db: method for getting entry content (46daf03)
- move test data to another repo so the plugin is small (7acfc84)
2.10.0 (2025-02-27)
- commands: export to any file format with pandoc (0f92af0)
- ui: stream shell output to buffer for less freeze when render (07fdccc)
- picker: picker adapt to stream rendering (f57f929)
- ui: ensure tags order (07fdccc)
- ui: use ts fold in entries (07fdccc)
- update: child process use the current process args (0f92af0)
2.9.0 (2025-02-26)
- add config field for asc/desc sort order (e53b2ad)
- commands: rename server to web (b642e64)
- ensure commands order, show less sub commands (492c4ef)
- ui: map yank_url to Y to allow for normal yanking (b21ed61)
- ui: winbar has its own config field (b21ed61)
2.8.0 (2025-02-25)
- format: more customizable format functions (757b1e6)
- seperate picker layout config (86ea61d)
2.7.3 (2025-02-25)
- db: keep ttrss interface up to date (e66877c)
- parser: resolve links base on htmlUrl (e66877c)
- ui: well format
Feed list
2.7.2 (2025-02-24)
- db: ensure field exist before regex matching (2952662)
- ui: refresh after every feed update (1ceb641)
2.7.1 (2025-02-24)
- doc: makefile for gen doc (dc8333c)
2.7.0 (2025-02-24)
- parser: use ts-html to resolve links (ab4c4a3)
2.6.0 (2025-02-23)
- date: support weeks_ago (89cfff3)
- add health check for markdown parser (c89d9cc)
- parser: author is optional at parsing, fallback at rendering (89cfff3)
- parser: missing author field (89cfff3)
2.5.1 (2025-02-22)
- ui: resolve links earlier for images (bd513db)
2.5.0 (2025-02-22)
- allow passing format functions to layout components (4810f53)
- ui: properly handle multi-byte chars! (e9870d1)
- ui: simplify UI, move non-essential to recipes (1cdcf37)
- zenmode: proper backdrop (1cdcf37)
- config layouts and kv pair plus and order to avoid tbl_merge issue (4810f53)
- config: configuration option for zen mode (e9870d1)
- config: remove icons table, give it as a recipe later (e9870d1)
- ui: auto-calc window heght (1cdcf37)
2.4.0 (2025-02-21)
command to manage feeds and entries (d3fd355)- simple zen mode (318cc93)
- zenmode properly dims the background (973a871)
- remove prune_feed (4fd2211)
2.3.0 (2025-02-20)
- ui: implement undo/redo in index for tag/untag/search (227abe1)
- db: proper AND/OR logic for multiple regex (6e92a96)
- properly namespace highlights, greys out just read entries (105a1a1)
- ui: make it ok to press <esc> in ui.input (227abe1)
- web: web port config (9f4c8b6)
2.2.0 (2025-02-20)
- entries inherit tags from feed (d84d31b)
- remove check for pathlib (b2c700e)
2.1.0 (2025-02-19)
- query syntax support for
, meaning inverse regex match (8d48ccc) - query syntax support for
, meaning not matching a feed (c949c05) - regex also matches a feed's link like in elfeed (293b022)
2.0.2 (2025-02-19)
- more functional get_urls + remove_urls (e1169b5)
2.0.1 (2025-02-19)
- curl: incorrect pass of cb resulting in progress stall (45a1798)
- progress: remove nvim-notify for now (45a1798)
2.0.0 (2025-02-18)
- save html on fetch for performance & web interface
- save html on fetch for performance & web interface (6e1d6c2)
- server: web interface to view entries! (6e1d6c2)
- web: dark mode (696a3ed)
- config: resolve defalult_query properly (42d7f41)
1.19.0 (2025-02-18)
- support image rendering with snacks.image (6bd7ab9)
- avoid error on last empty index line (cf64692)
1.18.0 (2025-02-17)
- ui: use za to toggle list fold, better ts fold (afcdc6b)
- db: fix field name mismatch between db and parser (afcdc6b)
- ui: add back entry highlights (afcdc6b)
- ui: better handling of custom colorscheme (afcdc6b)
1.17.0 (2025-02-17)
- remove pathlib.nvim as dependency (4df67b5)
- curl: properly quote req headers (0a9d415)
- remove some tests for now.. (142ef75)
- use content_type in curl headers to check valid feed (7d0034d)
- use copcall to get err msg in task (7d0034d)
1.16.4 (2025-01-24)
- parser: entry content fallback to empty string (0917c8c)
- remove wrong validate call for back compatibility (22316e0)
- ui: correct hl range for vim 0.10 (0917c8c)
- url: pcall get_buf_urls for now because of api difference (0917c8c)
1.16.3 (2025-01-15)
- format: remove plenary require (60b2003)
1.16.2 (2025-01-12)
- ui: list feeds info with markdown instead of nui.Tree (bbb702f)
1.16.1 (2025-01-11)
- ui: mark last visted entry as grey (79ed4e2)
- ui: ui.input with noautocmd win_config, no colorscheme blinking (b06bdbe)
- ui: use vim.hl + my own alignment to render index (c566fc6)
- url: fix github link handling when not using short links (b06bdbe)
1.16.0 (2025-01-11)
- curl: shorthand to subscribe to github repos (adcd768)
- ui: move ui.state as a module (adcd768)
- ui: open_url action with <cfile> (adcd768)
- ui: proper handle of colorschemes (adcd768)
1.15.1 (2025-01-01)
- config: drop validate for now (38c6c0a)
- date: fix new year months ago problem, happy new year (38c6c0a)
- fetch: use concurrent task with coop.nvim (38c6c0a)
1.15.0 (2024-12-30)
- nui: nui based input with normal mode! (de1bc63)
- ui.bar: show keyhints (b4f5418)
- ui.bar: show progress (4fd6a93)
- ui.markdown: grammarly correct header in yaml format with pandoc (2b43cbb)
- ui.split: use floating window for list, hints, split... (2b43cbb)
- ui: manage window and buf with a single obj (de1bc63)
- config: concealcursor in entry (9ec065f)
- config: option to choose whether fill in last search (e3ea9de)
- fetch: cleanup fetch (a898db5)
- paser.opml: replace rsshub links when exporting (de118fd)
- ui.bar: correct winbar truncate (9ec065f)
- ui.bar: properly truncate right parts (d8fe2c3)
- ui.bar: returns a string and sets vim.wo.winbar (e3ea9de)
- ui.config: add option to have padding (4fd6a93)
- ui.window: augroup and keymaps for window class (d8fe2c3)
- ui: reliable buffer state (ce9c602)
1.14.5 (2024-12-22)
- db: remove metatable when saving tags.lua (e5d14bd)
- fetch: add cb fetch back ... (bbce910)
- tag: use vim.defaulttable for tags (bbce910)
1.14.4 (2024-12-21)
- db: method to update in memory contents (adea32b)
- fetch: rewrite fetch with coop.nvim (895576e)
- fzf: proper fzf ui select (895576e)
- ttrss: lastupdated method (955e210)
- ttrss: use vim.defaultable for tags (895576e)
- ui.bar: move bar rendering to bar.lua (1602fe7)
- ui: restore window options (1602fe7)
- utils: vim.startwith for looks_like_url (895576e)
1.14.3 (2024-12-18)
- commands: redo prune feed command (37c727c)
- opml: only export if type is table, avoid pruned and redirects (37c727c)
- parser: fix encolsure parsing for podcasts (3ffceab)
- pick: initial grep impl, as menu interface (37c727c)
- progress: more consitency (37c727c)
- ui: consistent index cursor position on refresh (3ffceab)
- ui: move commands impl to ui for testing and away from vim.ui stuff (3ffceab)
1.14.2 (2024-12-17)
- config: option to enable tag2icon (106acd2)
- feedparser: output fulltext when rsshub (8112665)
- fetch: save entry content with pandoc for stability (7857bfb)
- ui.format: use id to get format (106acd2)
- ui: correct buffer and colorscheme management (106acd2)
- ui: disable spell and list in entry (106acd2)
1.14.1 (2024-12-16)
- db: lastUpdated method with getftime (6bc1520)
- feedparser: entries has url as feed field for syncing (6bc1520)
- feedparser: rss entries' link is resolved properly (6bc1520)
- ui: entry buffer set spell to false (6bc1520)
- ui: use custom highlight groups in index/winbar (6bc1520)
1.14.0 (2024-12-14)
- ui: serve as a client to ttrss, sees ttrss as db (c03fb33)
- api: export functions after setup (a5a3e42)
- db: convert to markdown at fetch, not in db (b2befbc)
- db: proper tests, rm method (b66e8ed)
- fetch: use json whenever it is rsshub source (5ff1e75)
- fzf-lua: fzf-lua as menu backend (fc534dc)
- markdown: gets the pandoc filter with api.nvim_get_runtime_files (8375a57)
- parser.opml: use description + title instead of text in feeds.lua (b66e8ed)
- parser: calc sha in db instead of parser (b66e8ed)
- parser: opml tags from parent outline should be deepcopied (0f129d1)
- telescope: feed grep redone (2c62692)
- telescope: native picker for telescope (2c62692)
- ui: ability to render entry from content function (7e67fb9)
- ui: align header and index, no listchars in entry (5ff1e75)
- ui: custom higlight groups (5ff1e75)
- ui: fix entry buffer not named (8375a57)
- ui: markdown converter accepts src html (7e67fb9)
- ui: properly clears lines when rerendering (fc534dc)
- ui: put cursor back to top on every render (7e67fb9)
1.13.3 (2024-12-09)
1.13.2 (2024-12-07)
1.13.1 (2024-12-07)
- ui: fix winbar alignment (cd79bfb)
- ui: handle text alignment without plenary (cd79bfb)
- ui: remove integration for formatters, autocmd and pandoc power! (3ccd7af)
- ui: show_full using the -r of pandoc (cd79bfb)
1.13.0 (2024-12-07)
- fetch: use child process + promise to update feeds (f34b662)
- grey out entries just opened (7a6cccd)
- ui: ability to fetch full text html (1efe1fa)
- config: allow config keys and tag2icon (9510da2)
- decode html entities at feedparser stage (c499650)
- health: only check xml parser (9510da2)
- opml: import logic (7daddeb)
- parser: handle if xml header missing (1efe1fa)
- ui and url handling (1efe1fa)
- ui: async render of feeds, better for preview and fetch full (47f4891)
- ui: better full-text fetch, consitant logic of getting entry (f34b662)
- ui: manage entry_buf better to handle complex actions (9510da2)
- ui: more robust url viewing (1efe1fa)
- ui: only try sanitize if feed has ts error (47f4891)
- use buf_delete to fix jumplist, better search preview (5699c51)
- use NuiLine to render entry (f68f194)
- use nuiLine to render index, better opml support (f68f194)
1.12.0 (2024-12-02)
- grey out entries just opened (7a6cccd)
- ui.search: proper logic of choosing search backend! telescope/pick/vim.ui (04d8931)
- ui: no prune_feed, implement sync_feed in the future (04d8931)
- use buf_delete to fix jumplist, better search preview (5699c51)
- use NuiLine to render entry (f68f194)
- use nuiLine to render index, better opml support (f68f194)
1.11.0 (2024-11-30)
- ui: nui based key hints, feed-tree-view, split-view (fd67ea1)
- allow user to pass in additional curl params (9d5b2e9)
- db: filter by tag also sort by time (fd67ea1)
- fetch: proper logic of handling https status code (fd67ea1)
- handle 404 more elegantly (9d5b2e9)
- ui.search: pick backend for feed_search (5ede8f1)
- ui.search: proper logic of choosing search backend! telescope/pick/vim.ui (04d8931)
- ui: dynamic entry buf creation (5ede8f1)
- ui: no prune_feed, implement sync_feed in the future (04d8931)
1.10.1 (2024-11-27)
- fetch: rsshub links as first class citizen (8af8a22)
- parser: handle rdf in rss090&rss10 (1ad3877)
- parser: handle rss1.0's rdf tag (3ee96b1)
1.10.0 (2024-11-26)
- parser.fetch: support links like rsshub://{route}, DIY power! (2a052f3)
- fetch: use -D flag to avoid proxy header, handles more feeds! (656aa4f)
- render: better health with version check for curl and pandoc (2a052f3)
- telescope: open entry on enter (656aa4f)
1.9.3 (2024-11-23)
- commands: make tag/untag dot repeatable and undoable (1cd5ccb)
- format (b74568a)
- health: check for nui.nvim (4cf7a18)
- render: handle colorscheme change normal (1cd5ccb)
1.9.2 (2024-11-22)
- date: handle asctime and try each format possible when parsing (7af1de7)
- fetch: recursive impl of fetching (7af1de7)
- log: add vlog.nvim for logging (21e7f6e)
- parser.fetch: handle redirects (21e7f6e)
- parser.opml: handle nested opml (21e7f6e)
- progress: show name and success/fail in progress (21e7f6e)
- progress: show used time, progress class (7af1de7)
- telescope: render upper bug in telescope search (75ce6e7)
1.9.1 (2024-11-18)
- command line short hand to search with "Feed <query>" (067b576)
- correct update feed info behavior (067b576)
- db: add entry with a list of tags (d31df0a)
- parser: rss feed dup link (d31df0a)
- replace entity in rendering! (9f2c881)
- telscope: preview html as markdown (in progress) (d31df0a)
- xhtml sanitize (6806d35)
1.9.0 (2024-11-16)
- db + telescope search improvements (43f7eb7)
- feedparser overhaul, inlcude test suite and http features! (43f7eb7)
- better tags, use the new converter (452983d)
- lazy load db to speed up startuptime, more native telescope (4113c15)
- save html to local and only convert when render (05a43d7)
1.8.4 (2024-11-11)
- one db instance, improve loging, mini.notify backend (ce848be)
1.8.3 (2024-11-10)
- winbar improvement, build.lua, plugin/ (651b70a)
1.8.2 (2024-11-09)
- fixed telescope implementation (376cda7)
- use nui.nvim to hanlde rendering, multi-width works! (376cda7)
1.8.1 (2024-11-08)
- take lastBuildDate into account for better update fix: bunch of date parsing bugs fix: implement prune/remove feeds command (ff4471a)
1.8.0 (2024-11-08)
- a more stable model of fetching (0fbf290)
- total rewrite of db to get arround lua constant limit (0fbf290)
- fixed missing on_attach in default config (5effb2d)
1.7.2 (2024-11-07)
- feed grep now only searches the content of the entry (f3ab1c6)
- sub command completion respects context now (f3ab1c6)
1.7.1 (2024-11-06)
1.7.0 (2024-11-06)
- support for multiple notify backends (1240969)
1.6.3 (2024-11-02)
- bunch of small fixes, better conventions, less garbage (c984750)
- fix log file missing (3a8c8e1)
- format to please stylua.. (ca52700)
- put url.lua back for better install in lazy (3a8c8e1)
- use feed.url in utils... (f1e0ad5)
- utf8.lua (6b9cf15)
1.6.2 (2024-10-26)
1.6.1 (2024-10-25)
- batter date api (74fa69d)
- handle podcast links (74fa69d)
- remove some unnecessary commands, prepare for more extensible api (74fa69d)
- use fidget in single feed update (74fa69d)
1.6.0 (2024-10-23)
- fully functional feedparser, reliable fetching, many ux improvements (cd06253)
1.5.1 (2024-10-19)
- imporve opml handling: dups, incomplete.. (f7c837e)
- move xml parsing here (f7c837e)
- remove the copied url module, use luarock power! (f7c837e)
- sort search results by time (f7c837e)
1.5.0 (2024-10-18)
- custom telescope livegrep in all feeds (148d3b3)
- implement search, faster db lookup, more opml support (7d9eeec)
- fix link display problem by removing link and use urlview (148d3b3)
- handle images in urlview (885083c)
- internal improvements: use autocmds, better render api (148d3b3)
1.4.2 (2024-10-12)
- imporved path handling, used in std data dir (d6341d2)
1.4.1 (2024-10-12)
- proper integration with vim.ui.select/input for taging and (e829c84)
1.4.0 (2024-10-11)
- ts/telescope powered link selector (8c07a42)
1.3.0 (2024-10-11)
- export_opml (36d19a4)
1.2.4 (2024-10-11)
- add back a setup function for consistancy (345f849)
- date parsing for some atom feeds (345f849)
- wsl specific open in browser (345f849)
1.2.3 (2024-10-10)
- correct logic of managing buffers, quitting, zenmode, and color (2b641ef)
1.2.2 (2024-10-10)
- clean commands impl (879be2e)
- set filetype to markdown (879be2e)
- telescope extension fix db (879be2e)
1.2.1 (2024-10-10)
- api imporvement, better calling conventions (07ac8cb)
- more proper lazy calls (07ac8cb)
- pcall parsing and error handling on fecth (07ac8cb)
- render logic cleanup, refresh command (07ac8cb)
1.2.0 (2024-10-08)
- implement checkhealth (5502c0f)
- add new feed into opml without duplicates by xmlUrl as unique identifier (f5fdb80)
- proper state management in render (315b2e6)
1.1.0 (2024-10-06)
- telescope integration with highted buffer and line wrap (87afce3)
- remove a few test files for treedoc (87afce3)
1.0.1 (2024-10-06)
- proper handling of atom links (3fef37b)