Transliteration for translation of named entities
The transliteration for translation of named entities is a different task than the transliteration from informal variants back into their canonical forms. Instead of many inputs mapping to one output, one input will map to many outputs.
Transliteration of named entities is useful in search engines, especially within social networks, and for legal discovery, criminal investigations and financial or governmental applications. The goal is to find all possible versions of name, in all alphabets.
The same name referring to the same person or other entity could be indexed or queried in multiple forms:
, Yershov
, Ershov
, Jerszow
, Shostakovich
, Šostakovič
, Xostakóvitx
, Szostakowicz
, Tagoush
, Tagoosh
, Tagush
, Tagusch
, Taguš
, Тагуш
, ...
, Алегри
, Ալեգրի
, Ալեգրե
, آلگری
, Αλέγκρε
These forms are not standardised, but they are also not typos or misspellings. Certain forms do not occur organically: Tagus
, Тагусх
, ...
A human literate in the relevant languages and alphabets generally maps them back to the canonical form correctly and effortlessly, subconsciouly resolving ambiguity and discarding invalid candidates: Ершев
, Ерщов
, Թագոուշ
, Տագուշ
, Թաքուշ
, Ершёв
, Схостаковицх
, ...
Our initial task is canonicalisation: given an informal child form and a target language and script, generate the canonical form.
+ ru-Cyrl
➜ Ершов
+ ru-Cyrl
➜ Ершов
+ hy-Armn
➜ Թագուշ
+ hy-Armn
➜ Թագուշ
+ ru-Cyrl
➜ Тагуш
+ pt-Latn
➜ Alegre
+ en-Latn
➜ Alegre
+ pt-Latn
➜ Alegre
Our initial target languages are Russian, Armenian, Persian and Greek, and our source script is generally the Latin alphabet.
We evaluate the output with simple exact-match accuracy and character error rate (CER), based on word error rate (WER) but adapted for character-level sequence generation tasks.
We could also formulate the task in reverse: given a canonical form, generate child forms.
Firstly we should consider the processes by which canonical forms are converted into their various child forms.
Many cases are fairly simple.
Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ en-Latn: Hovik Abrahamyan
Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ pl-Latn: Hovik Abrahamian
Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ de-Latn: Hovig Abrahamyan
Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ ru-Cyrl: Овик Абраамян
Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ uk-Cyrl: Овік Абрамян
➜ en-Latn: Hrazdan
➜ ru-Cyrl: Раздан
Tom Collins
➜ ru-Cyrl: Том Коллинз
Some names can have dozens of versions when transliterated into another language.
Armn: Շողիկ Հովհաննեսի Ցոլակյան
➜ Latn: Shoghik Hovhannes Tsolakyan, Shokhik Hovhanes Tsolakian, Shoghig Hovhaness Tzolakyan
There are of course multiple languages per script, and some of the various is due to the specific target language.
Armn: Շողիկ Հովհաննեսի Ցոլակյան
➜ pl-Latn: Szochik Hovhaness Colakian
Armn: Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ pl-Latn: Howik Abrahamian
Armn: Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ de-Latn: Howik Abrahamjan
Armn: Սերժ Սարգսյան
➜ en-Latn: Serzh Sargsyan
Armn: Սերժ Սարգսյան
➜ fr-Latn: Serge Sarkissian
Armn: Սերժ Սարգսյան
➜ hr-Latn: Serž Sargsjan
Armn: Սերժ Սարգսյան
➜ nl-Latn: Serzj Sarkisian
Latn: John Smith
➜ hy-Armn: Ջոն Սմիթ
Latn: John Smith
➜ ru-Cyrl: Джон Смит, sr-Cyrl: Џон Смит, uk-Cyrl: Джон Сміт
Latn: John Smith
➜ ar-Arab: جون سميث, fa-Arab: جان اسمیت
Latn: SnapChat
➜ hy-Armn: Սնապչատ
Latn: SnapChat
➜ ru-Cyrl: Снепчат, bg-Cyrl: Снапчат
Latn: SnapChat
➜ tr-Latn: Snapçat, pl-Latn: Snapczat
Quite often, a name could be repeatedly transliterated:
Հովիկ Աբրահամյան
➜ ru-Cyrl: Овик Абраамян
➜ en-Latn: Ovik Abramyan
➜ ru-Cyrl: Раздан
➜ en-Latn: Razdan
Howard Hughes
➜ ru-Cyrl: Говард Хьюз
➜ hy-Armn: Գովարդ Խյուզ
➜ it-Latn: Šostakovič
➜ en-Latn: Sostakovic
It could even come back into the original script mangled.
Latn: Howard Hughes
➜ ru-Cyrl: Говард Хьюз
➜ en-Latn: Govard Khyuz
Latn: Charles Aznavour
➜ ru-Cyrl: Шарль Азнавур
➜ en-Latn: Sharl Aznavur
Armn: Հասմիկ Կուրղինյան
➜ ru-Cyrl: Асмик Кургинян
➜ hy-Armn: Ասմիկ Կուրգինյան
We can also consider some variants within the alphabet.
There are three common transcriptions for German umlaut.
- Preserve the umlaut
- Decompose the diacritic
- Simply omit the umlaut
Umlaut decomposition is specific to German. In many other orthographic traditions, the umlaut is usually simply omitted.
Some Latin orthographies nativize according to pronunciation, not unlike non-Latin alphabet orthographies.
George Bush
➜ tr-Latn: Corc Buş
George Bush
➜ de-Latn: Schorsch Busch
George Bush
➜ sq-Latn: Xhorxh Bysh
We use an approach similar to those commonly used for translation and also our main transliteration project: parallel corpora.
We have trained initial models with two different architectures, seq2seq and tensor2tensor.
There are very limited datasets available for transliteration, let alone transliteration of named entities in all directions.
Our goal was to create an almost fully automatic data harvesting pipeline so that other researchers in the field of NMT could use it. We were motivated by the fact that at the time of this research there were very few open sources. We extracted raw data, learned word alignment and created a dataset of multi-token name pairs.
We assumed that the pronunciation of a last name is independent of the previous tokens, and we and represent parallel corpora as pairs of single tokens, as in Yuval Merhav's and Steven Ash's approach.
Dataset | Total size | Training size | Source Alphabet size | Target Alphabet size |
Latn ➜ hy-Armn | 39,707 | 25,412 | 152 | 107 |
Latn ➜ ru-Cyrl | 179,853 | 143,882 | 278 | 124 |
Latn ➜ el-Grek | 37,505 | 30,004 | 170 | 97 |
Latn ➜ fa-Arab | 78,663 | 62,930 | 170 | 117 |
The data in the Latin script included not just English but other European languages.
As benchmarks we considered the transliteration module of Polyglot and the bi-directional transliteration library transliterate.
TODO: describe hardware, training time, hyperparams
We compared character error rate (CER) between Polyglot, and our seq2seq and tensor2tensor implementations on the given parallel corpora.
The results of the transliterate library baseline are not shown because they were not competitive at all.
Interestingly, the seq2seq model consistently performed better than the tensor2tensor model. The only exception is Latn ➜ el-Grek, where seq2seq and tensor2tensor had equal results. Moreover, the tensor2tensor model failed to train on the Persian dataset.
TODO: add exact match accuracy
Target language | Polyglot baseline | seq2Seq | tensor2Tensor |
hy-Armn | 0.64 | 0.46 | 0.47 |
ru-Cyrl | 0.56 | 0.24 | 0.37 |
el-Grek | 0.9 | 0.52 | 0.52 |
fa-Arab | - | 0.49 | - |
For each target language and thus for each model, we show a few examples where the model did well - the top candidate was the correct output - and a few where the model did poorly - the correct output was not even among the top 3 candidates - and in that case we also include the actual correct output.
Source text | Model outputs | Correct output |
fazlian | ֆազլյան ֆասլյան ֆացլյան |
ֆազլյան |
chukhajyan | չուխաջյան չուխայան ճուխաջյան |
չուխաջյան |
breslin | բրեսլին բրեզլին բրեսլեն |
բրեսլին |
gobelyan | գոբելյան գոբիլյան գոպելյան |
կոպելյան |
bizet | բիզեթ բիզետ բիսեթ |
բիզե |
chkheidze | չկխեյձե չկխիձե չխայձե |
չխեիձե |
Source text | Model outputs | Correct output |
afanasyeva | афанасьева афанасиева афанасева |
афанасьева |
vishnevskiĭ | вишневский вышневский вишнёвский |
вишневский |
edward | эдвард эдуард эдуорд |
эдвард |
suzdal | суздал сюздаль сюздал |
суздаль |
fargère | фарджер фаргер фарджир |
фаржер |
wolkenstain | волкенштайн волькенштайн уолкенштайн |
волькенштейн |
Source text | Model outputs | Correct output |
kioussis | κιούσης κιούσσης κιούσις |
κιούσης |
papastathopoulos | παπασταθόπουλος παπασθαθόπουλος παπασταθώπουλος |
παπασταθόπουλος |
denzel | ντένζελ ντένσελ ντάνζελ |
ντένζελ |
nissiotis | νισιώτης νισσιώτης νυσιώτης |
νησιώτης |
dallas | ντάλλας ντέιλας ντόλας |
ντάλας |
håkan | χάκαν χακάν χέκαν |
χόκαν |
Source text | Model outputs | Correct output |
momayez | ممیز ممیظ معمیز |
ممیز |
adineh | آدینه ادینه آدینیه |
آدینه |
appleby | اپلبی آپلبی اپلیبی |
اپلبی |
ereyahi | اریاهی اریهای اریهی |
الریاحی |
ligt | لیگت لیجت لیگ |
لیخت |
entezam | انتزام انتجام انتزم |
انتظام |
Creating models for different combination of source and target languages, i.e. Latn ➜ ru-Cyrl, Cyrl ➜ en-Latn, Armn ➜ ru-Cyrl, etc.
Creating models for scripts that use ideograms, syllabaries, such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean, or often omit vowels, such as Hebrew or Arabic.
Test and graph how dataset size correlates with accuracy
Research how model errors and quality correlate with token frequency and length.
Train models that use context, both the previous or next word or an entire sentence.
Train character-based NMT (Ling et al., 2015) or convolutional seq2seq (Gehring et al., 2017)
Train a single general model for all the languages and transliteration directions.
Design Challenges in Named Entity Transliteration 2018 arXiv
Yuval Merhav, Stephen Ash
Amazon Alexa AI, Amazon AWS AI