An implementation to measure the open DNS infrastructure using various Protocols over IPv4 (for now DNS-over-TCP & DNS-over-UDP). It comprises all ODNS components:
- Recursive resolvers
- Recursive forwarders
- Transparent forwarders
Regular scan results are published under
The data of the last scan can be accessed via an API on
-c, --config [string]
Path to configuration file
-e, --ethernet
dns_tool will manually craft the ethernet header
Display help
-m, --mode [string]
available modes: <(s|scan) | (t|trace|traceroute) | (r|rate|ratelimit)>
-o, --out [string]
output file path
enable cpu profiling (output file:
-p, --protocol [string]
available protocols: tcp, udp
-r --rate [int]
overwrites packet rate set in the config in pkt/s, -1 for unlimited (default -2)
-v, --verbose [int]
overwrites the debug level set in the config (default -1, 1-6)
-q, --qname [string]
overwrites the dns query name
-port [int]
overwrites the port
Setup: Modify the config accordingly (set your interface name and IP-address).
The config template is located at src/scanner/tcp/config.yml.template
Run the scan:
cd src
sudo go run dns_tool.go --mode scan --protocol tcp --config scanner/tcp/config.yml <net-to-scan-in-CIDR|filename-of-ip-list>
Results are written to tcp_results.csv.gz
Transform the data into a format useful for classification:
python3 src/postprocessing/ <input_file> <output_file>
Setup: Modify the config accordingly (set your interface name and IP-address).
The config template is located at src/scanner/udp/config.yml.template
The port range can also be specified in the config. By default the range lies outside the Linux ephemeral port range (random port range) used by normal applications.
Run the scan:
cd src
sudo go run dns_tool.go --mode scan --protocol udp --config scanner/udp/config.yml [net-to-scan-in-CIDR|filename-of-ip-list]
Results are written to udp_results.csv.gz
Appends the type of forwarder to the results file
python3 src/postprocessing/ <input_file> <output_file>
These tools measure the path to and beyond transparent DNS forwarders.
Sends out SYN packets with increasing IP TTL values. As soon as a SYN/ACK arrives, the tool starts to send DNS requests over TCP with increasing IP TTL to explore the path between scanner over target to DNS resolver.
Run the traceroute
cd src
sudo go run dns_tool.go --mode traceroute --protocol tcp [target-ip|path-to-list-of-ips]
Run the test
This requires:
with a reduced scan rateratelimit/config.yml
specifying arate_curve
(see ratelimit/config.yml.template)
cd src
sudo ratelimit/ [in: last udp scan] [out: intermediate resolver scan file] [out: intersect file]
Results will be in ratelimit_results/<timestamp>/