diff --git a/docs/_static/neurokit_codebook.csv b/docs/_static/neurokit_codebook.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/docs/codebook.rst b/docs/codebook.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a33073fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/codebook.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Here you can download the complete codebook which details the variables that you can compute using the NeuroKit package.
+.. raw:: html
+This codebook contains detailed descriptions of all variables, their descriptions, and additional metadata.
+Codebook Table
+.. raw:: html
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 635cf94de6..1580ffe22b 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../"))
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ def find_version():
+ "directives.csv_codebook_directive",
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
@@ -140,4 +141,4 @@ def find_version():
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-# html_static_path = ["_static"]
+html_static_path = ["_static"]
diff --git a/docs/directives/csv_codebook_directive.py b/docs/directives/csv_codebook_directive.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f48514758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/directives/csv_codebook_directive.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import csv
+import os
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
+abrv_to_sensor = {
+ "ecg": "Electrocardiography",
+ "eda": "Electrodermal Activity",
+ "rsp": "Respiration",
+ "ppg": "Photoplethysmography",
+ "eeg": "Electroencephalography",
+ "emg": "Electromyography",
+ "eog": "Electrooculography",
+ "hrv": "Heart Rate Variability",
+ }
+class CSVDocDirective(Directive):
+ has_content = True
+ def run(self):
+ # Codebook path
+ csv_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), "_static", "neurokit_codebook.csv")
+ # Check if the file exists and whether it is empty
+ file_empty = not os.path.exists(csv_file_path) or os.stat(csv_file_path).st_size == 0
+ # List to hold bullet list nodes
+ bullet_list = nodes.bullet_list()
+ doc_source_name = self.state.document.settings.env.temp_data.get('object')[0]
+ maybe_sensor = doc_source_name.split("_")
+ doc_sensor = "N/A"
+ if len(maybe_sensor) > 0 and maybe_sensor[0] in abrv_to_sensor:
+ doc_sensor = abrv_to_sensor[maybe_sensor[0]]
+ # Open the CSV file and append the content
+ with open(csv_file_path, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
+ writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
+ # Write header if file is newly created or empty
+ if file_empty:
+ header = ['Field Name', 'Field Description', 'Field Category', 'Source File Name']
+ writer.writerow(header)
+ # Iterate through rows: add them to the codebook and add them to the page
+ for line in self.content:
+ fields = line.split('|')
+ # Remove multi line long space sequences
+ for fid in range(len(fields)):
+ fields[fid] = " ".join(fields[fid].split())
+ # Append last fields
+ fields.append(doc_sensor)
+ fields.append(f"{doc_source_name}.py")
+ # Write to CSV
+ writer.writerow([field.strip() for field in fields])
+ # Prepare the documentation stylization
+ if len(fields) >= 2:
+ paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
+ # Create backtick formatting around the field name
+ field1 = nodes.literal('', '', nodes.Text(fields[0].strip()))
+ # Add the remainder of the line
+ colon_space = nodes.Text(': ')
+ field2 = nodes.Text(fields[1].strip())
+ # Add all the parts to the paragraph
+ paragraph += field1
+ paragraph += colon_space
+ paragraph += field2
+ # Add to the bullet point list
+ list_item = nodes.list_item()
+ list_item += paragraph
+ bullet_list += list_item
+ return [bullet_list]
+def setup(app):
+ app.add_directive("codebookadd", CSVDocDirective)
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 801447140a..3c9218c68b 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ You can navigate to the different sections using the left panel. We recommend ch
+ codebook
diff --git a/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_eventrelated.py b/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_eventrelated.py
index c3ea51f229..893c2e7887 100644
--- a/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_eventrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_eventrelated.py
@@ -30,28 +30,30 @@ def ecg_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False):
by the `Label` column (if not present, by the `Index` column). The analyzed features
consist of the following:
- * ``ECG_Rate_Max``: the maximum heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``ECG_Rate_Min``: the minimum heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``ECG_Rate_Mean``: the mean heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``ECG_Rate_SD``: the standard deviation of the heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``ECG_Rate_Max_Time``: the time at which maximum heart rate occurs.
- * ``ECG_Rate_Min_Time``: the time at which minimum heart rate occurs.
- * ``ECG_Phase_Atrial``: indication of whether the onset of the event concurs with
- respiratory systole (1) or diastole (0).
- * ``ECG_Phase_Ventricular``: indication of whether the onset of the event concurs with
- respiratory systole (1) or diastole (0).
- * ``ECG_Phase_Atrial_Completion``: indication of the stage of the current cardiac (atrial)
- phase (0 to 1) at the onset of the event.
- * ``ECG_Phase_Ventricular_Completion``: indication of the stage of the current cardiac
- (ventricular) phase (0 to 1) at the onset of the event.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ ECG_Rate_Max|The maximum heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ ECG_Rate_Min|The minimum heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ ECG_Rate_Mean|The mean heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ ECG_Rate_SD|The standard deviation of the heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ ECG_Rate_Max_Time|The time at which maximum heart rate occurs.
+ ECG_Rate_Min_Time|The time at which minimum heart rate occurs.
+ ECG_Phase_Atrial|Indication of whether the onset of the event concurs with \
+ respiratory systole (1) or diastole (0).
+ ECG_Phase_Ventricular|Indication of whether the onset of the event concurs with \
+ respiratory systole (1) or diastole (0).
+ ECG_Phase_Atrial_Completion|Indication of the stage of the current cardiac (atrial) \
+ phase (0 to 1) at the onset of the event.
+ ECG_Phase_Ventricular_Completion|Indication of the stage of the current cardiac \
+ (ventricular) phase (0 to 1) at the onset of the event.
We also include the following *experimental* features related to the parameters of a
quadratic model:
- * ``ECG_Rate_Trend_Linear``: The parameter corresponding to the linear trend.
- * ``ECG_Rate_Trend_Quadratic``: The parameter corresponding to the curvature.
- * ``ECG_Rate_Trend_R2``: the quality of the quadratic model. If too low, the parameters
- might not be reliable or meaningful.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ ECG_Rate_Trend_Linear|The parameter corresponding to the linear trend.
+ ECG_Rate_Trend_Quadratic|The parameter corresponding to the curvature.
+ ECG_Rate_Trend_R2|The quality of the quadratic model. If too low, the parameters \
+ might not be reliable or meaningful.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_intervalrelated.py b/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_intervalrelated.py
index d735b2869e..5e223cb665 100644
--- a/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_intervalrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_intervalrelated.py
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ def ecg_intervalrelated(data, sampling_rate=1000):
A dataframe containing the analyzed ECG features. The analyzed features consist of the following:
- * ``ECG_Rate_Mean``: the mean heart rate.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ ECG_Rate_Mean|The mean heart rate.
* ``ECG_HRV``: the different heart rate variability metrices.
See :func:`.hrv_summary()` docstrings for details.
diff --git a/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_process.py b/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_process.py
index 39a6274a0a..584843bc7c 100644
--- a/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_process.py
+++ b/neurokit2/ecg/ecg_process.py
@@ -39,28 +39,27 @@ def ecg_process(ecg_signal, sampling_rate=1000, method="neurokit"):
signals : DataFrame
A DataFrame of the same length as the ``ecg_signal`` containing the following columns:
- * ``"ECG_Raw"``: the raw signal.
- * ``"ECG_Clean"``: the cleaned signal.
- * ``"ECG_Rate"``: heart rate interpolated between R-peaks.
- * ``"ECG_Quality"``: the quality of the cleaned signal
- * ``"ECG_R_Peaks"``: the R-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_P_Peaks"``: the P-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros
- * ``"ECG_P_Onsets"``: the P-onsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_P_Offsets"``: the P-offsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_Q_Peaks"``: the Q-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros .
- * ``"ECG_R_Onsets"``: the R-onsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_R_Offsets"``: the R-offsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_S_Peaks"``: the S-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_T_Peaks"``: the T-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_T_Onsets"``: the T-onsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_T_Offsets"``: the T-offsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"ECG_Phase_Atrial"``: cardiac phase, marked by "1" for systole and "0" for diastole.
- * ``"ECG_Phase_Completion_Atrial"``: cardiac phase (atrial) completion, expressed in
- percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current cardiac phase.
- * ``"ECG_Phase_Ventricular"``: cardiac phase, marked by "1" for systole and "0" for
- diastole.
- * ``"ECG_Phase_Completion_Ventricular"``: cardiac phase (ventricular) completion, expressed
- in percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current cardiac phase.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ ECG_Raw|The raw signal.
+ ECG_Clean|The cleaned signal.
+ ECG_Rate|Heart rate interpolated between R-peaks.
+ ECG_Quality|The quality of the cleaned signal.
+ ECG_R_Peaks|The R-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_R_Onsets|The R-onsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_R_Offsets|The R-offsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_P_Peaks|The P-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_P_Onsets|The P-onsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_P_Offsets|The P-offsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_Q_Peaks|The Q-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_S_Peaks|The S-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_T_Peaks|The T-peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_T_Onsets|The T-onsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_T_Offsets|The T-offsets marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ ECG_Phase_Atrial|Cardiac phase, marked by "1" for systole and "0" for diastole.
+ ECG_Phase_Completion_Atrial|Cardiac phase (atrial) completion, expressed in \
+ percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current cardiac phase.
+ ECG_Phase_Completion_Ventricular|Cardiac phase (ventricular) completion, expressed \
+ in percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current cardiac phase.
rpeaks : dict
A dictionary containing the samples at which the R-peaks occur, accessible with the key
@@ -88,6 +87,8 @@ def ecg_process(ecg_signal, sampling_rate=1000, method="neurokit"):
# Sanitize and clean input
diff --git a/neurokit2/eda/eda_eventrelated.py b/neurokit2/eda/eda_eventrelated.py
index 732088672a..d12b58ecab 100644
--- a/neurokit2/eda/eda_eventrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/eda/eda_eventrelated.py
@@ -30,22 +30,18 @@ def eda_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False):
by the `Label` column (if not present, by the `Index` column). The analyzed features consist
the following:
- * ``"EDA_SCR"``: indication of whether Skin Conductance Response (SCR) occurs following the event
- (1 if an SCR onset is present and 0 if absent) and if so, its corresponding peak amplitude,
- time of peak, rise and recovery time. If there is no occurrence of SCR, nans are displayed
- for the below features.
- * ``"EDA_Peak_Amplitude"``: the maximum amplitude of the phasic component of the signal.
- * ``"SCR_Peak_Amplitude"``: the peak amplitude of the first SCR in each epoch.
- * ``"SCR_Peak_Amplitude_Time"``: the timepoint of each first SCR peak amplitude.
- * ``"SCR_RiseTime"``: the risetime of each first SCR i.e., the time it takes for SCR to
- reach peak amplitude from onset.
- * ``"SCR_RecoveryTime"``: the half-recovery time of each first SCR i.e., the time it takes
- for SCR to decrease to half amplitude.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EDA_SCR|indication of whether Skin Conductance Response (SCR) occurs following the \
+ event (1 if an SCR onset is present and 0 if absent) and if so, its corresponding \
+ peak amplitude, time of peak, rise and recovery time. If there is no occurrence \
+ of SCR, nans are displayed for the below features.
+ EDA_Peak_Amplitude|The maximum amplitude of the phasic component of the signal.
+ SCR_Peak_Amplitude|The peak amplitude of the first SCR in each epoch.
+ SCR_Peak_Amplitude_Time|The timepoint of each first SCR peak amplitude.
+ SCR_RiseTime|The risetime of each first SCR i.e., the time it takes for SCR to \
+ reach peak amplitude from onset.
+ SCR_RecoveryTime|The half-recovery time of each first SCR i.e., the time it takes \
+ for SCR to decrease to half amplitude.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/eda/eda_intervalrelated.py b/neurokit2/eda/eda_intervalrelated.py
index 7cdebabd4a..f480ec7569 100644
--- a/neurokit2/eda/eda_intervalrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/eda/eda_intervalrelated.py
@@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ def eda_intervalrelated(data, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs):
A dataframe containing the analyzed EDA features. The analyzed
features consist of the following:
- * ``"SCR_Peaks_N"``: the number of occurrences of Skin Conductance Response (SCR).
- * ``"SCR_Peaks_Amplitude_Mean"``: the mean amplitude of the SCR peak occurrences.
- * ``"EDA_Tonic_SD"``: the mean amplitude of the SCR peak occurrences.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ SCR_Peaks_N|The number of occurrences of Skin Conductance Response (SCR).
+ SCR_Peaks_Amplitude_Mean|The mean amplitude of the SCR peak occurrences.
+ EDA_Tonic_SD|The mean amplitude of the SCR peak occurrences.
* ``"EDA_Sympathetic"``: see :func:`eda_sympathetic` (only computed if signal duration
> 64 sec).
* ``"EDA_Autocorrelation"``: see :func:`eda_autocor` (only computed if signal duration
diff --git a/neurokit2/eda/eda_process.py b/neurokit2/eda/eda_process.py
index 862dd5cd2d..c93361eaa3 100644
--- a/neurokit2/eda/eda_process.py
+++ b/neurokit2/eda/eda_process.py
@@ -40,31 +40,20 @@ def eda_process(
A DataFrame of same length as ``"eda_signal"`` containing the following
- * ``"EDA_Raw"``: the raw signal.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EDA_Raw|The raw signal.
+ EDA_Clean|The cleaned signal.
+ EDA_Tonic|The tonic component of the signal, or the Tonic Skin Conductance Level (SCL).
+ EDA_Phasic|The phasic component of the signal, or the Phasic Skin Conductance Response (SCR).
+ SCR_Onsets|The samples at which the onsets of the peaks occur, marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ SCR_Peaks|The samples at which the peaks occur, marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ SCR_Height|The SCR amplitude of the signal including the Tonic component. Note that cumulative \
+ effects of close-occurring SCRs might lead to an underestimation of the amplitude.
+ SCR_Amplitude|The SCR amplitude of the signal excluding the Tonic component.
+ SCR_RiseTime|The SCR amplitude of the signal excluding the Tonic component.
+ SCR_Recovery|The samples at which SCR peaks recover (decline) to half amplitude, marked as "1" \
+ in a list of zeros.
- * ``"EDA_Clean"``: the cleaned signal.
- * ``"EDA_Tonic"``: the tonic component of the signal, or the Tonic Skin Conductance Level
- (SCL).
- * ``"EDA_Phasic"``: the phasic component of the signal, or the Phasic Skin Conductance
- Response (SCR).
- * ``"SCR_Onsets"``: the samples at which the onsets of the peaks occur, marked as "1" in a
- list of zeros.
- * ``"SCR_Peaks"``: the samples at which the peaks occur, marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"SCR_Height"``: the SCR amplitude of the signal including the Tonic component. Note that
- cumulative effects of close-occurring SCRs might lead to an underestimation of the
- amplitude.
- * ``"SCR_Amplitude"``: the SCR amplitude of the signal excluding the Tonic component.
- * ``"SCR_RiseTime"``: the time taken for SCR onset to reach peak amplitude within the SCR.
- * ``"SCR_Recovery"``: the samples at which SCR peaks recover (decline) to half amplitude,
- marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
info : dict
A dictionary containing the information of each SCR peak (see :func:`eda_findpeaks`),
as well as the signals' sampling rate.
diff --git a/neurokit2/eda/eda_sympathetic.py b/neurokit2/eda/eda_sympathetic.py
index 3a9f311d0a..bd7c93816b 100644
--- a/neurokit2/eda/eda_sympathetic.py
+++ b/neurokit2/eda/eda_sympathetic.py
@@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ def eda_sympathetic(
``"EDA_Sympathetic"`` and ``"EDA_SympatheticN"`` (normalized, obtained by dividing EDA_Symp
by total power).
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EDA_Sympathetic|Derived from Posada-Quintero et al. (2016), who argue that dynamics of \
+ the sympathetic component of EDA signal is represented in the frequency band of 0.045-0.25Hz.
+ EDA_SympatheticN|normalized version of "EDA_Sympathetic" obtained by dividing \
+ EDA_Sympathetic by total power
.. ipython:: python
diff --git a/neurokit2/emg/emg_eventrelated.py b/neurokit2/emg/emg_eventrelated.py
index ee2336a5c6..6b8bf3eb36 100644
--- a/neurokit2/emg/emg_eventrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/emg/emg_eventrelated.py
@@ -31,15 +31,13 @@ def emg_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False):
by the `Label` column (if not present, by the `Index` column). The analyzed features consist
of the following:
- * ``"EMG_Activation*``: indication of whether there is muscular activation following
- the onset of the event (1 if present, 0 if absent) and if so, its corresponding
- amplitude features and the number of activations in each epoch. If there is no
- activation, nans are displayed for the below features.
- * ``"EMG_Amplitude_Mean*``: the mean amplitude of the activity.
- * ``"EMG_Amplitude_Max*``: the maximum amplitude of the activity.
- * ``"EMG_Amplitude_SD*``: the standard deviation of the activity amplitude.
- * ``"EMG_Amplitude_Max_Time*``: the time of maximum amplitude.
- * ``"EMG_Bursts*``: the number of activations, or bursts of activity, within each epoch.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EMG_Activation|Indication of whether there is muscular activation following.
+ EMG_Amplitude_Mean|The mean amplitude of the activity.
+ EMG_Amplitude_Max|The maximum amplitude of the activity.
+ EMG_Amplitude_SD|The standard deviation of the activity amplitude.
+ EMG_Amplitude_Max_Time|The time of maximum amplitude.
+ EMG_Bursts|The number of activations, or bursts of activity, within each epoch.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/emg/emg_intervalrelated.py b/neurokit2/emg/emg_intervalrelated.py
index 8eac5392dc..13af79e791 100644
--- a/neurokit2/emg/emg_intervalrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/emg/emg_intervalrelated.py
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ def emg_intervalrelated(data):
A dataframe containing the analyzed EMG features. The analyzed features consist of the following:
- * ``"EMG_Activation_N"``: the number of bursts of muscular activity.
- * ``"EMG_Amplitude_Mean"``: the mean amplitude of the muscular activity.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EMG_Activation_N|The number of bursts of muscular activity.
+ ECG_Amplitude_Mean|The mean amplitude of the muscular activity.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/emg/emg_process.py b/neurokit2/emg/emg_process.py
index 91229ae890..20b2cb12ba 100644
--- a/neurokit2/emg/emg_process.py
+++ b/neurokit2/emg/emg_process.py
@@ -35,13 +35,14 @@ def emg_process(emg_signal, sampling_rate=1000, report=None, **kwargs):
signals : DataFrame
A DataFrame of same length as ``emg_signal`` containing the following columns:
- * ``"EMG_Raw"``: the raw signal.
- * ``"EMG_Clean"``: the cleaned signal.
- * ``"EMG_Amplitude"``: the signal amplitude, or the activation level of the signal.
- * ``"EMG_Activity"``: the activity of the signal for which amplitude exceeds the threshold
- specified,marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"EMG_Onsets"``: the onsets of the amplitude, marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"EMG_Offsets"``: the offsets of the amplitude, marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EMG_Raw|The raw EMG signal.
+ EMG_Clean|The cleaned EMG signal.
+ EMG_Amplitude|The signal amplitude, or the activation of the signal.
+ EMG_Activity|The activity of the signal for which amplitude exceeds the threshold \
+ specified,marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ EMG_Onsets|The onsets of the amplitude, marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ EMG_Offsets|The offsets of the amplitude, marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
info : dict
A dictionary containing the information of each amplitude onset, offset, and peak activity
diff --git a/neurokit2/eog/eog_eventrelated.py b/neurokit2/eog/eog_eventrelated.py
index ce5b377508..ac8a56beda 100644
--- a/neurokit2/eog/eog_eventrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/eog/eog_eventrelated.py
@@ -31,21 +31,15 @@ def eog_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False):
by the `Label` column (if not present, by the `Index` column). The analyzed features
consist of the following:
- * ``"EOG_Rate_Baseline"``: the baseline EOG rate before stimulus onset.
- * ``"EOG_Rate_Max"``: the maximum EOG rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"EOG_Rate_Min"``: the minimum EOG rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"EOG_Rate_Mean"``: the mean EOG rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"EOG_Rate_SD"``: the standard deviation of the EOG rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"EOG_Rate_Max_Time"``: the time at which maximum EOG rate occurs.
- * ``"EOG_Rate_Min_Time"``: the time at which minimum EOG rate occurs.
- * ``"EOG_Blinks_Presence"``: marked with '1' if a blink occurs in the epoch, and '0' if not.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EOG_Rate_Baseline|The baseline EOG rate before stimulus onset.
+ EOG_Rate_Max|The maximum EOG rate after stimulus onset.
+ EOG_Rate_Min|The minimum EOG rate after stimulus onset.
+ EOG_Rate_Mean|The mean EOG rate after stimulus onset.
+ EOG_Rate_SD|The standard deviation of the EOG rate after stimulus onset.
+ EOG_Rate_Max_Time|The time at which maximum EOG rate occurs.
+ EOG_Rate_Min_Time|The time at which minimum EOG rate occurs.
+ EOG_Blinks_Presence|Marked with '1' if a blink occurs in the epoch, and '0' if not.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/eog/eog_intervalrelated.py b/neurokit2/eog/eog_intervalrelated.py
index 71abf08ca6..ff2c26689b 100644
--- a/neurokit2/eog/eog_intervalrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/eog/eog_intervalrelated.py
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ def eog_intervalrelated(data):
A dataframe containing the analyzed EOG features. The analyzed features consist of the
- * ``"EOG_Rate_Mean"``: the mean heart rate.
- * ``"EOG_Peaks_N"``: the number of blink peak occurrences.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EOG_Rate_Mean|The mean EOG value.
+ EOG_Peaks_N|The number of blink peak occurrences.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/eog/eog_process.py b/neurokit2/eog/eog_process.py
index 13ec77a858..1cf1823c7b 100644
--- a/neurokit2/eog/eog_process.py
+++ b/neurokit2/eog/eog_process.py
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ def eog_process(veog_signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs):
signals : DataFrame
A DataFrame of the same length as the :func:`.eog_signal` containing the following columns:
- * ``"EOG_Raw"``: the raw signal.
- * ``"EOG_Clean"``: the cleaned signal.
- * ``"EOG_Blinks"``: the blinks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
- * ``"EOG_Rate"``: eye blinks rate interpolated between blinks.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ EOG_Raw|The raw signal.
+ EOG_Clean|The cleaned signal.
+ EOG_Blinks|The blinks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ EOG_Rate|Eye blink rate interpolated between blinks
info : dict
A dictionary containing the samples at which the eye blinks occur, accessible with the key
diff --git a/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_frequency.py b/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_frequency.py
index 5b61ad6286..1fb7031f76 100644
--- a/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_frequency.py
+++ b/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_frequency.py
@@ -101,7 +101,24 @@ def hrv_frequency(
- Contains frequency domain HRV metrics.
+ DataFrame consisting of the computed HRV frequency metrics, which includes:
+ .. codebookadd::
+ HRV_ULF|The spectral power of ultra low frequencies (by default, .0 to .0033 Hz). \
+ Very long signals are required for this to index to be extracted, otherwise, \
+ will return NaN.
+ HRV_VLF|The spectral power of very low frequencies (by default, .0033 to .04 Hz).
+ HRV_LF|The spectral power of low frequencies (by default, .04 to .15 Hz).
+ HRV_HF|The spectral power of high frequencies (by default, .15 to .4 Hz).
+ HRV_VHF|The spectral power of very high frequencies (by default, .4 to .5 Hz).
+ HRV_TP|The total spectral power.
+ HRV_LFHF|The ratio obtained by dividing the low frequency power by the high frequency \
+ power.
+ HRV_LFn|The normalized low frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency power by \
+ the total power.
+ HRV_HFn|The normalized high frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency power by \
+ the total power.
+ HRV_LnHF|The log transformed HF.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_nonlinear.py b/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_nonlinear.py
index cf7c6058a6..cb699b8be2 100644
--- a/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_nonlinear.py
+++ b/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_nonlinear.py
@@ -144,7 +144,62 @@ def hrv_nonlinear(peaks, sampling_rate=1000, show=False, **kwargs):
- Contains non-linear HRV metrics.
+ DataFrame consisting of the computed non-linear HRV metrics, which includes:
+ .. codebookadd::
+ HRV_SD1|Standard deviation perpendicular to the line of identity. It is an index of \
+ short-term RR interval fluctuations, i.e., beat-to-beat variability. It is \
+ equivalent (although on another scale) to RMSSD, and therefore it is redundant to \
+ report correlation with both.
+ HRV_SD2|Standard deviation along the identity line. Index of long-term HRV changes.
+ HRV_SD1SD2|Ratio of SD1 to SD2. Describes the ratio of short term to long term \
+ variations in HRV.
+ HRV_S|Area of ellipse described by *SD1* and *SD2* (``pi * SD1 * SD2``). It is \
+ proportional to *SD1SD2*.
+ HRV_CSI|The Cardiac Sympathetic Index (Toichi, 1997) is a measure of cardiac \
+ sympathetic function independent of vagal activity, calculated by dividing the \
+ longitudinal variability of the Poincaré plot (``4*SD2``) by its transverse \
+ variability (``4*SD1``).
+ HRV_CVI|The Cardiac Vagal Index (Toichi, 1997) is an index of cardiac parasympathetic \
+ function (vagal activity unaffected by sympathetic activity), and is equal equal \
+ to the logarithm of the product of longitudinal (``4*SD2``) and transverse \
+ variability (``4*SD1``).
+ HRV_CSI_Modified|The modified CSI (Jeppesen, 2014) obtained by dividing the square of \
+ the longitudinal variability by its transverse variability.
+ HRV_GI|Guzik's Index, defined as the distance of points above line of identity (LI) to \
+ LI divided by the distance of all points in Poincaré plot to LI except those that \
+ are located on LI.
+ HRV_SI|Slope Index, defined as the phase angle of points above LI divided by the phase \
+ angle of all points in Poincaré plot except those that are located on LI.
+ HRV_AI|Area Index, defined as the cumulative area of the sectors corresponding to the \
+ points that are located above LI divided by the cumulative area of sectors \
+ corresponding to all points in the Poincaré plot except those that are located \
+ on LI.
+ HRV_PI|Porta's Index, defined as the number of points below LI divided by the total \
+ number of points in Poincaré plot except those that are located on LI.
+ HRV_SD1a|Short-term variance of contributions of decelerations (prolongations of RR \
+ intervals), (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_SD1d|Short-term variance of contributions of accelerations (shortenings of RR \
+ intervals), (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_C1a|The contributions of heart rate accelerations to short-term HRV, (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_C1d|The contributions of heart rate decelerations to short-term HRV, (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_SD2a|Long-term variance of contributions of accelerations (shortenings of RR \
+ intervals), (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_SD2d|Long-term variance of contributions of decelerations (prolongations of RR \
+ intervals), (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_C2a|The contributions of heart rate accelerations to long-term HRV, (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_C2d|The contributions of heart rate decelerations to long-term HRV, (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_SDNNa|Total variance of contributions of accelerations (shortenings of RR \
+ intervals), (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_SDNNd|Total variance of contributions of decelerations (prolongations of RR \
+ intervals), (Piskorski, 2011).
+ HRV_Ca|The total contributions of heart rate accelerations to HRV.
+ HRV_Cd|The total contributions of heart rate decelerations to HRV.
+ HRV_PIP|Percentage of inflection points of the RR intervals series.
+ HRV_IALS|Inverse of the average length of the acceleration/deceleration segments.
+ HRV_PSS|Percentage of short segments.
+ HRV_PAS|Percentage of NN intervals in alternation segments.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_rsa.py b/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_rsa.py
index 2970212fbc..9aee3fcfe7 100644
--- a/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_rsa.py
+++ b/neurokit2/hrv/hrv_rsa.py
@@ -95,16 +95,15 @@ def hrv_rsa(
rsa : dict
A dictionary containing the RSA features, which includes:
- * ``"RSA_P2T_Values"``: the estimate of RSA during each breath cycle, produced by
- subtracting the shortest heart period (or RR interval) from the longest heart period in
- ms.
- * ``"RSA_P2T_Mean"``: the mean peak-to-trough across all cycles in ms
- * ``"RSA_P2T_Mean_log"``: the logarithm of the mean of RSA estimates.
- * ``"RSA_P2T_SD"``: the standard deviation of all RSA estimates.
- * ``"RSA_P2T_NoRSA"``: the number of breath cycles
- from which RSA could not be calculated.
- * ``"RSA_PorgesBohrer"``: the Porges-Bohrer estimate of RSA, optimal
- when the signal to noise ratio is low, in ``ln(ms^2)``.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ RSA_P2T_Values|The estimate of RSA during each breath cycle, produced by subtracting \
+ the shortest heart period (or RR interval) from the longest heart period in ms.
+ RSA_P2T_Mean|The mean peak-to-trough across all cycles in ms.
+ RSA_P2T_Mean_log|The logarithm of the mean of RSA estimates.
+ RSA_P2T_SD|The standard deviation of all RSA estimates.
+ RSA_P2T_NoRSA|The number of breath cycles from which RSA could not be calculated.
+ RSA_PorgesBohrer|The Porges-Bohrer estimate of RSA, optimal when the signal to noise \
+ ratio is low, in ln(ms^2).
diff --git a/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_eventrelated.py b/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_eventrelated.py
index a6e8aa72d5..59518f0afc 100644
--- a/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_eventrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_eventrelated.py
@@ -26,29 +26,23 @@ def ppg_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False):
by the `Label` column (if not present, by the `Index` column). The analyzed features
consist of the following:
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Baseline"``: the baseline heart rate (at stimulus onset).
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Max"``: the maximum heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Min"``: the minimum heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Mean"``: the mean heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"PPG_Rate_SD"``: the standard deviation of the heart rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Max_Time"``: the time at which maximum heart rate occurs.
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Min_Time"``: the time at which minimum heart rate occurs.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ PPG_Rate_Baseline|The baseline heart rate (at stimulus onset).
+ PPG_Rate_Max|The maximum heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ PPG_Rate_Min|The minimum heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ PPG_Rate_Mean|The mean heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ PPG_Rate_SD|The standard deviation of the heart rate after stimulus onset.
+ PPG_Rate_Max_Time|The time at which maximum heart rate occurs.
+ PPG_Rate_Min_Time|The time at which minimum heart rate occurs.
We also include the following *experimental* features related to the parameters of a
quadratic model:
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Trend_Linear"``: The parameter corresponding to the linear trend.
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Trend_Quadratic"``: The parameter corresponding to the curvature.
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Trend_R2"``: the quality of the quadratic model. If too low, the parameters
- might not be reliable or meaningful.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ PPG_Rate_Trend_Linear|The parameter corresponding to the linear trend.
+ PPG_Rate_Trend_Quadratic|The parameter corresponding to the curvature.
+ PPG_Rate_Trend_R2|The quality of the quadratic model. If too low, the parameters \
+ might not be reliable or meaningful.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_intervalrelated.py b/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_intervalrelated.py
index fdee4fd9d8..4f46ba0c03 100644
--- a/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_intervalrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_intervalrelated.py
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ def ppg_intervalrelated(data, sampling_rate=1000):
A dataframe containing the analyzed PPG features. The analyzed features consist of the following:
- * ``"PPG_Rate_Mean"``: the mean heart rate.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ PPG_Rate_Mean|The mean PPG rate.
* ``"HRV"``: the different heart rate variability metrices.
diff --git a/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_process.py b/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_process.py
index 21a94993ba..31302aca2c 100644
--- a/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_process.py
+++ b/neurokit2/ppg/ppg_process.py
@@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ def ppg_process(
signals : DataFrame
A DataFrame of same length as :func:`.ppg_signal` containing the following columns:
- * ``"PPG_Raw"``: the raw signal.
- * ``"PPG_Clean"``: the cleaned signal.
- * ``"PPG_Rate"``: the heart rate as measured based on PPG peaks.
- * ``"PPG_Peaks"``: the PPG peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ PPG_Raw|The raw signal.
+ PPG_Clean|The cleaned signal.
+ PPG_Rate|The heart rate as measured based on PPG peaks.
+ PPG_Peaks|The PPG peaks marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
info : dict
A dictionary containing the information of peaks and the signals' sampling rate.
diff --git a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_eventrelated.py b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_eventrelated.py
index 321fc645e0..8750b690b5 100644
--- a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_eventrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_eventrelated.py
@@ -31,25 +31,20 @@ def rsp_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False):
by the `Label` column (if not present, by the `Index` column). The analyzed features
consist of the following:
- * ``"RSP_Rate_Max"``: the maximum respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"RSP_Rate_Min"``: the minimum respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"RSP_Rate_Mean"``: the mean respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"RSP_Rate_SD"``: the standard deviation of the respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
- * ``"RSP_Rate_Max_Time"``: the time at which maximum respiratory rate occurs.
- * ``"RSP_Rate_Min_Time"``: the time at which minimum respiratory rate occurs.
- * ``"RSP_Amplitude_Baseline"``: the respiratory amplitude at stimulus onset.
- * ``"RSP_Amplitude_Max"``: the change in maximum respiratory amplitude from before stimulus
- onset.
- * ``"RSP_Amplitude_Min"``: the change in minimum respiratory amplitude from before stimulus
- onset.
- * ``"RSP_Amplitude_Mean"``: the change in mean respiratory amplitude from before stimulus
- onset.
- * ``"RSP_Amplitude_SD"``: the standard deviation of the respiratory amplitude after
- stimulus onset.
- * ``"RSP_Phase"``: indication of whether the onset of the event concurs with respiratory
- inspiration (1) or expiration (0).
- * ``"RSP_PhaseCompletion"``: indication of the stage of the current respiration phase (0 to
- 1) at the onset of the event.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ RSP_Rate_Max|The maximum respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Rate_Min|The minimum respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Rate_Mean|The mean respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Rate_SD|The standard deviation of the respiratory rate after stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Rate_Max_Time|The time at which maximum respiratory rate occurs.
+ RSP_Rate_Min_Time|The time at which minimum respiratory rate occurs.
+ RSP_Amplitude_Baseline|The respiratory amplitude at stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Amplitude_Max|The change in maximum respiratory amplitude from before stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Amplitude_Min|The change in minimum respiratory amplitude from before stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Amplitude_Mean|The change in mean respiratory amplitude from before stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Amplitude_SD|The standard deviation of the respiratory amplitude after stimulus onset.
+ RSP_Phase|Indication of whether the onset of the event concurs with respiratory inspiration (1) or expiration (0).
+ RSP_PhaseCompletion|Indication of the stage of the current respiration phase (0 to 1) at the onset of the event.
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_intervalrelated.py b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_intervalrelated.py
index 10b7342b6b..738083a027 100644
--- a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_intervalrelated.py
+++ b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_intervalrelated.py
@@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ def rsp_intervalrelated(data, sampling_rate=1000):
A dataframe containing the analyzed RSP features.
The analyzed features consist of the following:
- * ``"RSP_Rate_Mean"``: the mean respiratory rate.
- * ``"RSP_Amplitude_Mean"``: the mean respiratory amplitude.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ RSP_Rate_Mean|The mean respiratory rate.
+ RSP_Amplitude_Mean|The mean respiratory amplitude.
+ RSP_Phase_Duration_Inspiration|The average inspiration duration.
+ RSP_Phase_Duration_Expiration|The average expiration duration.
+ RSP_Phase_Duration_Ratio|The inspiration-to-expiratory time ratio (I/E).
* ``"RSP_RRV"``: the different respiratory rate variability metrices.
See :func:`.rsp_rrv` docstrings for details.
- * ``"RSP_Phase_Duration_Inspiration"``: the average inspiratory duration.
- * ``"RSP_Phase_Duration_Expiration"``: the average expiratory duration.
- * ``"RSP_Phase_Duration_Ratio "``: the inspiratory-to-expiratory time ratio (I/E).
See Also
diff --git a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_process.py b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_process.py
index 9e32036fee..3dd153157e 100644
--- a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_process.py
+++ b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_process.py
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ def rsp_process(
signals : DataFrame
A DataFrame of same length as :func:`.rsp_signal` containing the following columns:
- * ``"RSP_Raw"``: the raw signal.
- * ``"RSP_Clean"``: the cleaned signal.
- * ``"RSP_Peaks"``: the respiratory peaks (exhalation onsets) marked as "1" in a list of
- zeros.
- * ``"RSP_Troughs"``: the respiratory troughs (inhalation onsets) marked as "1" in a list of
- zeros.
- * ``"RSP_Rate"``: breathing rate interpolated between inhalation peaks.
- * ``"RSP_Amplitude"``: breathing amplitude interpolated between inhalation peaks.
- * ``"RSP_Phase"``: breathing phase, marked by "1" for inspiration and "0" for expiration.
- * ``"RSP_Phase_Completion"``: breathing phase completion, expressed in percentage (from 0 to
- 1), representing the stage of the current respiratory phase.
- * ``"RSP_RVT"``: respiratory volume per time (RVT).
+ .. codebookadd::
+ RSP_Raw|The raw signal.
+ RSP_Clean|The raw signal.
+ RSP_Peaks|The respiratory peaks (exhalation onsets) marked as "1" in a list of zeros.
+ RSP_Troughs|The respiratory troughs (inhalation onsets) marked as "1" in a list \
+ of zeros.
+ RSP_Rate|The breathing rate interpolated between inhalation peaks.
+ RSP_Amplitude|The breathing amplitude interpolated between inhalation peaks.
+ RSP_Phase|The breathing phase, marked by "1" for inspiration and "0" for expiration.
+ RSP_Phase_Completion|The breathing phase completion, expressed in percentage \
+ (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current respiratory phase.
+ RSP_RVT|Respiratory volume per time (RVT).
info : dict
A dictionary containing the samples at which inhalation peaks and exhalation troughs occur,
diff --git a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_rrv.py b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_rrv.py
index 3516911a11..7bc114dc1c 100644
--- a/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_rrv.py
+++ b/neurokit2/rsp/rsp_rrv.py
@@ -41,43 +41,40 @@ def rsp_rrv(rsp_rate, troughs=None, sampling_rate=1000, show=False, silent=True)
DataFrame consisting of the computed RRV metrics, which includes:
- * ``"RRV_SDBB"``: the standard deviation of the breath-to-breath intervals.
- * ``"RRV_RMSSD"``: the root mean square of successive differences of the breath-to-breath
- intervals.
- * ``"RRV_SDSD"``: the standard deviation of the successive differences between adjacent
- breath-to-breath intervals.
- * ``"RRV_BBx"``: the number of successive interval differences that are greater than x
- seconds.
- * ``"RRV-pBBx"``: the proportion of breath-to-breath intervals that are greater than x
- seconds,
- out of the total number of intervals.
- * ``"RRV_VLF"``: spectral power density pertaining to very low frequency band (i.e., 0 to .
- 04 Hz) by default.
- * ``"RRV_LF"``: spectral power density pertaining to low frequency band (i.e., .04 to .15
- Hz) by default.
- * ``"RRV_HF"``: spectral power density pertaining to high frequency band (i.e., .15 to .4
- Hz) by default.
- * ``"RRV_LFHF"``: the ratio of low frequency power to high frequency power.
- * ``"RRV_LFn"``: the normalized low frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency
- power by the total power.
- * ``"RRV_HFn"``: the normalized high frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency
- power by total power.
- * ``"RRV_SD1"``: SD1 is a measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the
- Poincaré plot perpendicular to the line of identity. It is an index of short-term
- variability.
- * ``"RRV_SD2"``: SD2 is a measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the
- Poincaré plot along the line of identity. It is an index of long-term variability.
- * ``"RRV_SD2SD1"``: the ratio between short and long term fluctuations of the
- breath-to-breath intervals (SD2 divided by SD1).
- * ``"RRV_ApEn"``: the approximate entropy of RRV, calculated
- by :func:`.entropy_approximate`.
- * ``"RRV_SampEn"``: the sample entropy of RRV, calculated by :func:`.entropy_sample`.
- * ``"RRV_DFA_alpha1"``: the "short-term" fluctuation value generated from Detrended
- Fluctuation Analysis i.e. the root mean square deviation from the fitted trend of the
- breath-to-breath intervals. Will only be computed if mora than 160 breath cycles in the
- signal.
- * ``"RRV_DFA_alpha2"``: the long-term fluctuation value. Will only be computed if mora
- than 640 breath cycles in the signal.
+ .. codebookadd::
+ RRV_SDBB|The standard deviation of the breath-to-breath intervals.
+ RRV_RMSSD|The root mean square of successive differences of the breath-to-breath intervals.
+ RRV_SDSD|The standard deviation of the successive differences between adjacent \
+ breath-to-breath intervals.
+ RRV_BBx|The number of successive interval differences that are greater than x seconds.
+ RRV_pBBx|the proportion of breath-to-breath intervals that are greater than x seconds, \
+ out of the total number of intervals.
+ RRV_VLF|Spectral power density pertaining to very low frequency band (i.e., 0 to\
+ .04 Hz) by default.
+ RRV_LF|Spectral power density pertaining to low frequency band (i.e., .04 to \
+ .15 Hz) by default.
+ RRV_HF|Spectral power density pertaining to high frequency band (i.e., .15 to \
+ .4 Hz) by default.
+ RRV_LFHF|The ratio of low frequency power to high frequency power.
+ RRV_LFn|The normalized low frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency power by \
+ the total power.
+ RRV_HFn|The normalized high frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency power by \
+ total power.
+ RRV_SD1|SD1 is a measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the Poincaré \
+ plot perpendicular to the line of identity. It is an index of short-term variability.
+ RRV_SD2|SD2 is a measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the Poincaré \
+ plot along the line of identity. It is an index of long-term variability.
+ RRV_SD2SD1|The ratio between short and long term fluctuations of the breath-to-breath \
+ intervals (SD2 divided by SD1).
+ RRV_DFA_alpha1|The "short-term" fluctuation value generated from Detrended Fluctuation \
+ Analysis i.e. the root mean square deviation from the fitted trend of the \
+ breath-to-breath intervals. Will only be computed if mora than 160 breath cycles \
+ in the signal.
+ RRV_DFA_alpha2|The long-term fluctuation value. Will only be computed if mora than \
+ 640 breath cycles in the signal.
+ RRV_ApEn|The approximate entropy of RRV, calculated by :func:`.entropy_approximate`.
+ RRV_SampEn|The sample entropy of RRV, calculated by :func:`.entropy_sample`.
* **MFDFA indices**: Indices related to the :func:`multifractal spectrum <.fractal_dfa()>`.