Releases: nfdi4cat/voc4cat-tool
Release 0.7.0
New features:
- In concept scheme sheet creator can now be ORCID, ROR ID or a predefined string; publisher can be ROR ID or a predefined string (for example
) #120, #151 - Support for two environment variables was added. If present they will be used with highest preference. #148
- Can be used to supply a modified date.VOC4CAT_VERSION
- version string; it must start with "v".
- voc4cat detects if it runs in gh-actions. In gh-actions it clears the modified date to avoid tracking its changes with git. #148
- In concept scheme sheet, modified date and version are now optional. #148
- Update notes xlsx-template and example files. #152
- Use rotating logfiles instead of single file by default. #149, #150
Bug fixes:
Release 0.6.2
New features:
- Option
of sub-commandvoc4cat check
was improved to detect and work with split vocabularies. #146
Release 0.6.1
New features:
- The
script gained support for directories containing vocabularies created withvoc4cat transform --split
. This feature is used in gh-actions of voc4cat-template-based vocabularies. #144
- The use of logging levels was made more consistent: Success of an operation is now logged for all operation on INFO level. #145
- The log file will now always be written to the given directory. Previously the log file directory depended on the presence of the
option. #144
Bug fixes:
Release 0.6.0
New features:
- New command line interface
that uses sub-commandstransform
. This was added as preview in Release 0.5.1 and is now the default. With the new CLI conversion and validation are no longer coupled but can be run separately. #140, #141 - New options for sub-command
to split a large SKOS/rdf file to a directory of files with one file per concept/collection.--join
for the reverse operation of transforming the directory of files back to a single turtle vocabulary. #139
Release 0.5.1
New features:
- New (experimental) command line interface
that will replace the current one in 0.6.0. #128, #135 - When adding IDs via
option, the new CLI offers to pass a base-IRI (see helpvoc4cat-ng transform --help
- Various small changes to improve test coverage (now 96 %) and reduce the number of linter complaints (from 38 to 25).
Release 0.5.0
New features:
- Support for a vocabulary configuration file idranges.toml. Via this configuration file ranges of IDs can be assigned/reserved for individual contributors. #131, #134
- Extended validation/checks especially useful for the CI-vocabulary pipeline of voc4cat-template. The new config provides the basis for such more thorough validation. #126 #134
- Support for pylode as new documentation generator which is also the new default. #115
- Added a central logging config. Updated code to use logging instead of print() almost everywhere.
- Merged some parts from vocexcel to remove vocexcel as a dependency. #119
- Various code improvements. #126, #127, #129
- Adapted and revised example files. #137
- Switched to ruff as code linter.
Bug fixes:
- None.
The voc4cat-template corresponding to this release was also tagged v0.5.0.
Release 0.4.0
First public release on GitHub after completing the migration from a private GitLab instance.
The voc4cat-template corresponding to this release was also tagged v0.4.0.
Release 0.3.0
Major changes & features since the last release (see %3 for details):
- Fixed issues discovered during user testing
- Add shacl validation in excel-to-RDF conversion step
- Add handling of complex and cyclic SKOS (broader/narrower) relationships in tree (=indentation) representation
- Full support for multi-language use
- Moved code for the vocabulary CI-pipeline into its own repository (voc4cat-template)
- Added test for all features. The test coverage grew from ~30 % to 99 %.
The voc4cat-template corresponding to this release was as well tagged v0.3.0.
This release will be the last on gitlab. As part of the next milestone 4 the code will be moved to Github.
Release 0.2.0
Includes work done on Milestone 2 and several features/changes from Milestone 3.
The code in this release was used as basis for the presentation about voc4cat and the CI workflow on 2022-06-22 in TA1 of NFDI4Cat.
Release 0.1.0
Working wrapper for using unmodified vocexcel and new templates.
In addition to interfacing vocexcel, the script vocexcel_4cat adds
- automatic creation of valid IRIs from preferred label (column A in concepts and collections sheets)
- generating lists of URIS from a lookup by preferred label (to fill column G in concepts and D in collections sheet)