I want to bookmark good articles' link (or documents) that help me during the time I built this plugin. Hopefully it can help you as well as sharing the knowledge to everyone.
Knowledge is meant to be shared! Goddamit!
- To support symlink for include directory & translation files, I used:
- https://lume.land
- [doc] https://lume.land/docs/core/processors
- [doc] https://lume.land/docs/advanced/plugins
- Invisible characters, which actually Unicode Bidirectional Characters:
In order for this plugin comes to life, I would to thanks to:
- Óscar Otero, Lume creator, for his great advices
- DuckDuckGo, Stack Overflow & internet for free knowledge
Just a teeny bit about me:
As you can see, I'm not an Alpha male :)
I'm a Stable Release male!