NHS-R Committee Meeting
7 May 2024
Via Teams
Attendees: Zoë Turner (Chair), Bianca O’Mahoney (notes), Stewart Loughlin, Lynda Howard, Ben Murch, Sam Hollings, Pablo León Ródenas, Stuart Howard, Paul Johnson, Prajwal Khairnar, Joe Wilson, Ellen Coughlan
Apologies: Neil Bray, Chris Mainey
The notes of the last meeting will be sent out for comment Action: Bianca and posted to GitHub when finalised Action: Zoë.
Bookings for the conference remain slow but steady. Numbers booked as of 7 May 2024: Thursday in person – 37 Thursday virtual – 12 Friday in person – 30 Friday virtual - 8
More thought will need to be given to comms (particularly now that X/formerly Twitter is not being used). A newsletter could work but there is a lot of work involved in keeping up to date email addresses. Consideration needs to be given to what else we can do to best get the message out.
Action: all to consider and volunteer if interested to creating a newsletter.
Action: all to share details of existing newsletters to collate for regular promotion
Abstracts for HACA notifications have now been sent out. Unsuccessful submitters are being offered the opportunity to run their workshop / webinar through NHS-R. So far, one person has been in touch with a view to running a webinar. This has been a good opportunity to raise awareness of the NHS-R Community.
Following discussion, it was agreed we should use a points system and the criteria should be sent out with the call for abstracts. This will be based on that used for HACA and adjusted for NHS-R. All submissions will be anonymised and double-scored to ensure consistency. We will wait to see what is submitted and then decide whether to group into topics. Action: Zoë to obtain HACA scoring system.
Thanks goes to Ben, Pablo and Paul for volunteering to write a blog on either why to come to the conference or a blog once the conference has taken place.
Action: Ben, Pablo and Paul submit a blog either as a PR to the GitHub nhs-r-community/nhs-r-community: A quarto website for NHS-R Community (github.com) or directly via email (preferably as a Quarto document)
Action: Zoe will post to WordPress website.
A draft conference support fund text for the NHS-R Community website was shared; this is based on the support fund for HACA. Once a submission is agreed, admin will book train tickets and / or hotel on behalf of the delegates.
All agreed that reinstating but simplifying the Fellowship system is a good idea. This will be an on-going discussion. Action: Zoe to redraft and submit to committee
Slack provides daily and weekly membership and usage stats and currently this shows stable membership. Website usage shows daily active users increasing with high points at conference time and a noticeable dip during weekends and holidays. The data is available if anyone wants to look at and it would be good to compare to NHS Pycom. Action: Sam to consider how this could be done.
It would be good to channel people between websites. For example, there are a couple of Python webinars/workshops coming up which could be run by NHS-R Community but posted to the Pycom website. Consideration could also be given to other programmes such as Tableau.
Turing Way – their approach and ethos concur with many aspects of the NHS-R Community.They were invited to the 2023 conference but unable to attend (due to the conference scheduling of keynote speakers unfortunately resulting in no space) and have been invited again this year. Action: Sam to contact to ascertain if able to present at RPySOC 24.
We will discuss copyright issues at the next meeting.
Action: Bianca to add to agenda
There was no other business for discussion.