Axiom Change Log
- FIX: cx_Oracle.InterfaceError: Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle. The oracle library is now embedded in the axiom.exe executable.
- Support for skipping months in MONTHLY schedules
- Support for Ad-hoc schedules.
- Support for Also Schedule On dates.
- Support for Exclude Dates.
- Users can now specify a list of PMs to report on. Leave blank to report on all PMs.
- Axiom will check associated service plan and automatically group tasks by planned start date when the grouping rule is Create Task For Each Asset/Location. When tasks are grouped the aggregate task count is displayed in the details table instead of the task ID.
- Add a new column to the details table that compares only the date portion.
- FIX: Resolve issues with timezone being wrong when date is changed by working calendar to fall IN or OUT of a DST period.
- FIX: The first task was overwritten by table header.
- FIX: When expected occurrences ended before tasks, an exception was thrown. Now Axiom will use a dummy date (Jan 1, 1970) and show all tasks.
- FIX: Do not display error when a PM schedule has no tasks.
- First release