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Converting a Chrome App into a Progressive Web App with Caterpillar

This document describes how to convert your Chrome App into a progressive web app which can run on the open web, using Caterpillar.

Caterpillar will help you convert your Chrome App into a progressive web app by inserting JavaScript to substitute Chrome Apps APIs you might be using, and will then generate a report telling you how well the automatic conversion went. If your Chrome App wasn't completely converted automatically, the report will help you finish the conversion.

Usage Summary

./ config -i config.json
./ convert -c config.json my-chrome-app/ my-web-app/

This will convert an unpackaged Chrome App my-chrome-app/ into a progressive web app my-web-app/ and generate a conversion report inside a subdirectory of my-web-app/ (depending on the configuration options you set).

Installing Caterpillar

Clone it from the repository:

git clone caterpillar
cd caterpillar

Generating a configuration file

Caterpillar needs a JSON configuration file, and includes a tool to help you generate one. To interactively generate a config file run:

./ config -i config.json

Caterpillar will prompt you to enter information about your Chrome App. If you hit enter without typing anything, the default value (displayed in parentheses) will be used. If you would rather just generate a config file with all the default values, omit the -i flag.

There are three values you need to specify in the config file. These are:

  • start_url — This is the relative URL of the home page of your Chrome App, usually whatever page launches when you open your Chrome App, e.g. index.html. This will be used as the home page of your website. app once it has been converted.
  • boilerplate_dir — Subdirectory of your output web app where Caterpillar should store its own files in. to reference the root.
  • report_dir — Subdirectory of your output web app where Caterpillar should output the conversion report.

Running Caterpillar on your Chrome App

Say your Chrome App is called "My Chrome App" and is located in "/my-chrome- app", and you want to convert it into a web app stored in the folder "/my-web- app". Run Caterpillar:

./ convert -c config.json ~/my-chrome-app ~/my-web-app

Caterpillar will try to convert your Chrome App into a web app. It will also output warnings if it finds something it can't convert. Finally, it will also put a conversion report into a subdirectory of "~/my-web-app", with the subdirectory name given in the config file.

Conversion Report

The conversion report is an HTML document generated by Caterpillar during the automatic conversion. It has four main sections:

  • Summary
  • General Warnings
  • Polyfilled Chrome Apps APIs
  • Missing Chrome Apps APIs

Throughout the report, the words "total", "partial", and "none" may be used to describe how well some facet of your app was converted.

  • "total" doesn't necessarily mean that everything will completely work. Instead, it means that we expect the Chrome Apps features used in your application to work well enough that your application remains usable.
  • "partial" means up to two things:
    • There are some Chrome Apps features used by your app which haven't been automatically converted. You might be able to convert them manually.
    • There are some features used by your app that work in limited circumstances.
  • "none" means that no conversion was attempted, or an error occurred.


The summary section of the report gives a brief overview of how the conversion went. This includes an indicator of whether your app was totally, partially, or not converted, whether there were any warnings, and whether the Chrome Apps APIs your app uses were filled in with open web equivalents.

General Warnings

The general warnings section contains a list of all warnings generated by Caterpillar while converting. These are generally things that failed to convert or were skipped for some reason during conversion.

Possible warnings

Following is a non-exhaustive list of warnings that might be generated by Caterpillar.

  • "Failed to install dependency `name` with manager". A JavaScript dependency for your app failed to install automatically using the given dependency manager (e.g. npm or bower). You may need to install the listed dependency yourself.
  • "Could not polyfill Chrome APIs: APIs". The listed Chrome Apps APIs couldn't be automatically substituted with open web equivalents. You may need to edit your app's code to not use the listed API.
  • "Chrome Apps must have manifest version 2." The input app's manifest doesn't have manifest version 2, which is required for valid Chrome Apps. The input is either not a valid Chrome App or not a Chrome App at all.
  • "Chrome Apps must include a name." The input app's manifest doesn't include the app's name. The input is either not a valid Chrome App or not a Chrome App at all.
  • "Chrome Apps must include a version." The input app's manifest doesn't include the app's version. The input is either not a valid Chrome App or not a Chrome App at all.
  • "Manifest member `name` will not be converted." A property in the manifest of your app has no open web equivalent, so Caterpillar has ignored it. This may break the output app if something important is ignored, so you should check that the skipped property is not important.
  • "Configuration file `file` missing options: options". The config file given to Caterpillar is missing options that were meant to be included. You should add the missing options to the config file.
  • "Configuration file `file` has unexpected options: options". The config file given to Caterpillar has options that weren't meant to be included. You should remove the extra options.