- Cookbook related Issues should be logged on Github's issue tracker, and are considered to be the source of truth.
- Issues will be triaged and marked with an appropriate label (e.g. bug, enhancement, question).
- A corresponding internal JIRA could be logged if there needs to be internal discussion or if an internal code review is desired.
- The issue should be worked in a branch (Outside of the cerner/cerner_splunk repo)
- The feature is pull requested to 'stable'
- The feature branch should use as few logical commits as possible with descriptive commit messages (These commits should not reference the issue, that will be done when it is merged)
- A new pull request should be created referencing the original issue
- The pull request is collectively reviewed, gathering comments and must get two or more +1's from reviewers and 1 approver who is a committer to the repo. Any raised comments are then addressed, and re-reviewed.
- The issue is marked for the next milestone.
- The pull request is merged
- Manually, not using the github button so that the fix version of metadata.rb can be incremented in the merge (reference)
- The merge commit text should reference the Issue and the Pull Request so that both are closed when the merge is pushed.
- A pull request of the release commit will be made to stable
- The release commit should contain an update of metadata.rb's version to the milestone version.
- The PR description will summarize what was changed since the last milestone, and propose tag text
- The PR will be labeled "release"
- Pull request is reviewed with 2 +1s
- The pull request is merged
- Manually, not using github issues so a fast forward of stable can be done
- The annotated tag is created of the reviewed release text
- Master is set to the annotated tag
- Release to supermarket
- Cleanup
- The issue and existing milestone is closed
- A new milestone is created for the next enhancement version