## Time-stamp: <2017-12-26 16:22:57 vk> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
, path to a file which contains output from following git command:git rev-list --all --pretty=raw
, if you wanna parse only commit from a specific person. format<Forename Lastname>
of user to grep-e
, default encoding utf-8, see http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings for possible encodings
Version control systems are quite common to manage all kinds of data with. git is a modern distributed system that has an enormous feature set.
memacs_git.py parses the output of:
git rev-list --all --pretty=raw
If an outfile is specified, only new commits are appended.
git rev-list --all --pretty=raw > /tmp/file ./memacs_git.py -f /tmp/file -o /path/to/git-project.org_archive
Every 60 minutes try to fetch something new from git repository and parse the output
ORG_DIR="/home/user/orgmode/memacs" MEMACS_DIR="/home/user/git/Memacs" */60 * * * * /home/user/bin/no-power-supply.sh || cd "/home/user/git/Memacs" && git fetch && git rev-list --all --pretty=raw | $MEMACS_DIR/versioning_systems/memacs_git.py -o $ORG_DIR/git-memacs.org_archive
For easily adding a crontab entry, you can modify your .gitconfig and add an alias like memacs-add-crontab to the [alias] section.
It could look like this: (adjust the paths!)
[alias] ... memacs-add-crontab = "! crontab -l > /tmp/crontab && echo \"*/60 * * * * /home/user/bin/no-power-supply.sh || cd \"$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)\" && git fetch && git rev-list --all --pretty=raw | /path/to/memacs/versioning_systems/memacs_git.py -o ~/orgmode/memacs/git-$(basename $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)).org_archive\n\" >> /tmp/crontab && crontab /tmp/crontab && rm /tmp/crontab"
use option
./memacs_git.py <...> -g "Forename Lastname"
./memacs_git.py <...> --grep-user "Forename Lastname"
Whenever user “Bob” commits a change set to an example project, memacs_git can provide an entry like this:
* Memacs for git files :Memacs:git: ** Bob Bobman: added utf-8 support for stdin :PROPERTIES: :COMMIT: 5503912cde8ac94346a7c78583e2e6a6b9163582 :TREE: 845f83f4678963bad0504ce73161312c60de4d2f :PARENT: 652601b94e640ea1225c415e603a6c8374219dd1 :AUTHOR: Bob Bobman <[email protected]> 1324463332 +0100 :CREATED: <2011-12-21 Wed 11:28:52> :COMMITTER: Bob Bobman <[email protected]> 1324463332 +0100 :END: