The conference organization is split up into different committees responsible for the different aspects of the conference. Many committee members have already taken part in previous editions of EuroSciPy. New additions to the team include the local organizers from Brussels.
The chair coordinates the organization of the conference.
The local organization committee takes care of the venue, of the catering and of contacts with the host institution. Local organizers will also try to find Belgian sponsors.
The tutorials form an important part of the conference and as such a dedicated group is responsible for its organization. The tutorial chair takes care of finding tutorial speakers and of managing the schedule of the tutorials.
The program committee has the hard task to select the speakers for the scientific track of the conference. The number of submissions to participate to the conference as a speaker is such that only about 50% of the applicants obtain a time slot.
The local organizing committee is made of
Nicolas Pettiaux
Nicolas Pettiaux is professor of physics in a secondary school, part of the sessional teaching staff of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, scientific collaborator within the same Faculty and software consultant.
Pierre de Buyl
Pierre de Buyl is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, in the field of statistical physics and molecular simulations.