Only for Maintainers.
1.Tag with version to be released e.g.:
git tag -a 0.4.0-beta -m "0.4.0-beta"
git push origin 0.4.0-beta
2.Do Draft Github release (select the tag created above). Then run the following PowerShell from the root of the repo.
$changelogs = Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse -Filter
foreach ($changelog in $changelogs)
Add-Content -Path .\ -Value "**$($changelog.Directory.Name)**"
$lines = Get-Content -Path $changelog.FullName
$started = $false
$ended = $false
foreach ($line in $lines)
if($line -like "## *" -and $started -ne $true)
$started = $true
elseif($line -like "## *" -and $started -eq $true)
$ended = $true
if ($started -eq $true)
Add-Content -Path .\ $line
This generates combined changelog to be used in Github release. Once contents of combined changelog is saved to Github release, delete the file.
3.Run the following PowerShell script from the root of the repo. This updates all the changelog to have release date for the current version being released. Replace the version with actual version. The actual version would be the tag name from step1 appended with ".1"
$changelogs = Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse -Filter
foreach ($changelog in $changelogs)
(Get-Content -Path $changelog.FullName) -replace "Unreleased", "Unreleased
## 0.7.0-beta.1
Released $(Get-Date -UFormat '%Y-%b-%d')" | Set-Content -Path $changelog.FullName
4.Submit PR with the above changes, and get it merged.
5.Open Pack and publish to MyGet workflow and manually trigger a build. At the end of this, MyGet will have the packages. The package name will be the tag name used in step1 appended with ".1".
6.Validate using MyGet packages. Basic sanity checks :)
7.From the above build, get the artifacts from the drop, which has all the NuGet packages.
8.Copy all the NuGet files and symbols into a local folder.
9.Download latest nuget.exe into the same folder from step 8.
10.Obtain the API key from (Only maintainers have access)
11.Run the following commands from PowerShell from local folder used in step 8:
.\nuget.exe setApiKey <actual api key>
get-childitem -Recurse | where {$_.extension -eq
".nupkg"} | foreach ($_) {.\nuget.exe push $_.fullname -Source}
12.Packages would be available in in few minutes. Validate that the package is uploaded.
13.Delete the API key generated in step 10.
14.Mark the Github release from draft to actual publish.