Go to your local code folder (here I'm using ~/code
), and clone your fork of superdesk and superdesk-client-core:
cd ~/code
git clone [email protected]:lnogues/superdesk.git
git clone [email protected]:lnogues/superdesk-client-core.git
git clone [email protected]:lnogues/superdesk-content-api.git
Create symlinkis between superdesk-client-core and superdesk-content-api to superdesk
ln -s ~/code/superdesk-client-core ~/code/superdesk/client-core
ln -s ~/code/superdesk-content-api ~/code/superdesk/content-api
Then run the docker-compose script
cd ~/code/superdesk
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yml up
Once everything is up and running, quit docker (with Ctrl+C) and run:
cd ~/code/superdesk/docker
docker-compose run superdesk ./scripts/fig_wrapper.sh python3 manage.py users:create -u admin -p admin -e '[email protected]' --admin
Now, you can re run your docker compose and your local server is up and running
cd ~/code/superdesk
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yml up
For this setup, only the end to end server will run in docker. The client part will run on your local machine.
Assuming you already have a superdesk development environment set up:
cd ~/code/superdesk
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-e2e.yml up
Then the client specific setup:
cd ~/code/superdesk-client-core
npm install
./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager update
On the dependencies have been installed and docker-compose-e2e.yml
is running, you can run the tests:
./node_modules/.bin/protractor protractor.conf.js \
--stackTrace --verbose \
--baseUrl 'http://localhost:9000' \
--params.baseBackendUrl 'http://localhost:5000/api' \
--params.username 'admin' \
--params.password 'admin'