diff --git a/site/constructs.pug b/site/constructs.pug
index 01c1e71..41cf1f9 100644
--- a/site/constructs.pug
+++ b/site/constructs.pug
@@ -283,6 +283,112 @@ html(lang="en")
| if(should_print)
| render "Maybe had a true value."
| else render "Maybe had a false value.";
+ br
+ b(class="pb-2") Function Expression
+ p Function expressions define a function with optional parameters and a body.
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") example_14.utx
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | # Function example for printing a greeting message.
+ |
+ | greet = func(name) {
+ | render "Hello, " + name + "!\r\n";
+ | };
+ |
+ | greet("world");
+ br
+ b(class="pb-2") Array Expressions
+ p Array expressions create an array of values and/or elements. An array might contain combinations of number, string, function, nil, boolean values, or even another array.
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") example_15.utx
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | # Simple array example.
+ |
+ | array = ["Hello", "Kamusta", "Konnichiwa"];
+ | render array[1] + "\r\n";
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") example_16.utx
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | # Multidimensional array example.
+ |
+ | array = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]];
+ | render array;
+ | render "\r\n";
+ |
+ | array[1][1] = "Four";
+ | render array;
+ | render "\r\n";
+ br
+ b(class="pb-2") Logical and Bitwise Expressions
+ p These expressions perform logical and bitwise operations. While the logical operators (|| and &t&) returns boolean values, the bitwise operators (| and &) returns number values.
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") example_17.utx
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | # Logical and bitwise operation examples.
+ |
+ | render (true || false) + "\r\n"; # Logical or
+ | render (true && false) + "\r\n"; # Logical and
+ | render (8 | 9) + "\r\n"; # Bitwise or
+ | render (8 & 9) + "\r\n"; # Bitwise and
+ | render (8 ^ 9) + "\r\n"; # Bitwise xor
+ br
+ b(class="pb-2") Equality and Comparison Expressions
+ p These expressions compare expressions and returns boolean values.
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") example_18.utx
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | # Comparison operator examples.
+ |
+ | render (8 == 9) + "\r\n"; # Equals
+ | render (8 != 9) + "\r\n"; # Not equals
+ | render (8 < 9) + "\r\n"; # Less than equals
+ | render (8 > 9) + "\r\n"; # Greater than equals
+ | render (8 <= 9) + "\r\n"; # Less than equals
+ | render (8 >= 9) + "\r\n"; # Greater than equals
+ br
+ b(class="pb-2") Shift Expressions
+ p These expressions perform bitwise shift operations.
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") example_19.utx
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | # Shift operator examples.
+ |
+ | render (8 << 9) + "\r\n"; # Left shift expression
+ | render (8 >> 9) + "\r\n"; # Right shift expression
+ br
+ b(class="pb-2") Term and Factor Expressions
+ p These expressions perform basic arithmetic operations.
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") example_20.utx
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | # Term and factor operator examples.
+ |
+ | render (8 + 9) + "\r\n"; # Add
+ | render (8 - 9) + "\r\n"; # Subtract
+ | render (8 / 9) + "\r\n"; # Divide
+ | render (8 * 9) + "\r\n"; # Multiply
+ | render (8 % 9) + "\r\n"; # Reminder/Modulus
+ br