diff --git a/site/grammar.pug b/site/grammar.pug
index 8e54cd8..214e1ef 100644
--- a/site/grammar.pug
+++ b/site/grammar.pug
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ html(lang="en")
ul(class="navbar-nav me-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0 d-md-flex d-block flex-row mx-md-auto mx-0")
- a(class="nav-link active", href="index.pug") Home
+ a(class="nav-link", href="index.pug") Home
a(class="nav-link", href="getting-started.pug") Getting Started
- a(class="nav-link", href="#") Grammar Definition
+ a(class="nav-link active fw-bold", href="#") Grammar Definition
a(class="nav-link", href="constructs.pug") Language Constructs
@@ -77,6 +77,201 @@ html(lang="en")
h4(class="border-bottom pb-2 fw-bold") Backus-Naur Form Definition
+ p
+ | The Uartix programming language features a comprehensive and intricate grammar as
+ | described in its Backus-Naur Form (BNF). The grammar delineates the syntax rules
+ | for various constructs within the language, ranging from fundamental data types to
+ | complex expressions and control structures. Uartix supports multiple
+ | numeric bases including binary (0b
), trinary (0t
), octadecimal (0c
), and hexadecimal
+ | (0x
), providing a versatile foundation for numerical operations. These are
+ | encapsulated under the DIGIT
rule, which allows for a broad range of numeric
+ | representations, enhancing the language's flexibility in handling computational tasks.
+ p
+ | The global
rule is a sequence of statements
, indicating that a Uartix program is
+ | essentially a series of statements executed sequentially. Statements in Uartix can
+ | be simple control flow directives like break
, continue
, return (ret
), and throw
+ | each followed by a semicolon. These basic statements enable control over the program's
+ | execution flow, allowing developers to implement loops, conditional logic, and error
+ | handling effectively.
+ p
+ | Expressions form the backbone of Uartix's syntax, includes a wide array of operations
+ | and constructs. These include type_expr
for type annotations, block_expr
for grouping
+ | statements within braces, and render_expr
for output operations. The catch_expr
+ | a mechanism for exception handling, encapsulating the catch
, handle
, and then
keywords to
+ | manage errors gracefully. Control flow is further enriched with constructs like do_expr
+ | and while_expr
for loop operations, if_expr
for conditional branching, random_expr
+ | probabilistic decision making, loop_expr for traditional for-loops, unless_expr
for negated
+ | conditions, and when_expr
for pattern matching.
+ div(class="bg-primary w-100 mt-2")
+ p(class="text-white m-0 ms-2") grammar.bnf
+ code(class="text-dark")
+ pre(class="border border-primary p-2")
+ | binary := "0b" ("0" | "1")*
+ | trinary := "0t" ("0" - "2")*
+ | octadecimal := "0c" ("0" - "7")*
+ | hexadecimal := "0x" ("0" - "9" | "a" - "f" | "A" - "F")*
+ |
+ | DIGIT :=
+ | ("0" - "9")* |
+ | binary |
+ | trinary |
+ | octadecimal |
+ | hexadecimal
+ |
+ | global := (statement)*
+ |
+ | statement :=
+ | break_stmt |
+ | continue_stmt |
+ | ret_stmt |
+ | throw_stmt |
+ | expr_stmt
+ |
+ | break_stmt := "break" ";"
+ | continue_stmt := "continue" ";"
+ | ret_stmt := "ret" expression ";"
+ | throw_stmt := "throw" expression ";"
+ | expr_stmt := expression ";"
+ |
+ | expression :=
+ | type_expr |
+ | block_expr |
+ | render_expr |
+ | catch_expr |
+ | do_expr |
+ | while_expr |
+ | if_expr |
+ | random_expr |
+ | loop_expr |
+ | unless_expr |
+ | when_expr |
+ | func_expr |
+ | maybe_expr |
+ | array_expr |
+ | logic_or_expr
+ |
+ | type_expr := "type" expression
+ |
+ | block_expr := "{" (statement)* "}"
+ |
+ | render_expr := "render" expression
+ |
+ | catch_expr :=
+ | "catch" expression
+ | "handle" <IDENTIFIER> expression
+ | "then" expression
+ |
+ | do_expr :=
+ | "do" expression
+ | "while" "(" expression ")"
+ |
+ | while_expr :=
+ | "while" "(" expression ")" expression
+ |
+ | if_expr :=
+ | "if" "(" expression ")" expression
+ | ["else" expression]
+ |
+ | random_expr :=
+ | "random" expression
+ | ["else" expression]
+ |
+ | loop_expr :=
+ | "loop" "("
+ | expression ";"
+ | expression ";"
+ | expression
+ | ")" expression
+ |
+ | unless_expr :=
+ | "unless" "(" expression ")" expression
+ | ["else" expression]
+ |
+ | when_expr :=
+ | "when" "(" expression ")" "{"
+ | [
+ | "if" "(" expression ")" expression
+ | ("," "if" "(" expression ")" expression)*
+ | ]
+ | ["else" expression]
+ | "}"
+ |
+ | maybe_expr := "maybe"
+ |
+ | func_expr :=
+ | "func" "(" [<IDENTIFIER> ("," <IDENTIFIER>)*] ")"
+ | expression
+ |
+ | array_expr :=
+ | "[" [expression ("," expression)*] "]"
+ |
+ | logic_or_expr :=
+ | logic_and_expr ["||" logic_and_expr]
+ |
+ | logic_and_expr :=
+ | bitwise_or_expr ["&&" bitwise_or_expr]
+ |
+ | bitwise_or_expr :=
+ | bitwise_xor_expr ["|" bitwise_xor_expr]
+ |
+ | bitwise_xor_expr :=
+ | bitwise_and_expr ["^" bitwise_and_expr]
+ |
+ | bitwise_and_expr :=
+ | null_coalesce_expr ["&" null_coalesce_expr]
+ |
+ | null_coalesce_expr :=
+ | equality_expr ["?" equality_expr]
+ |
+ | equality_expr :=
+ | comparison_expr [("==" | "!=" | "=") comparison_expr]
+ |
+ | comparison_expr :=
+ | shift_expr [("<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=") shift_expr]
+ |
+ | shift_expr :=
+ | term_expr [("<<" | ">>") term_expr]
+ |
+ | term_expr :=
+ | factor_expr [("+" | "-") factor_expr]
+ |
+ | factor_expr :=
+ | primary_expr [("*" | "/" | "%) primary_expr]
+ |
+ | primary_expr :=
+ | (
+ | ("+" | "-" | "~") expression |
+ | "(" expression ")" |
+ | <IDENTIFIER> ("[" expression "]")* |
+ | literal_expr
+ | )
+ |
+ | (
+ | "(" [expression ("," expression)*] ")" |
+ | "[" expression"]"
+ | )*
+ |
+ | literal_expr :=
+ | "true" | "false" | "nil" |
+ | <STRING> |
+ | <DIGIT>
+ p
+ | Functionality in Uartix is extended through func_expr
, which defines functions
+ | with optional parameters, facilitating modular and reusable code. Arrays are
+ | managed using array_expr, which allows for the creation and manipulation of indexed
+ | collections. Logical operations are handled through logic_or_expr
and logic_and_expr
+ | with further support for bitwise operations (bitwise_or_expr
, bitwise_xor_expr
+ | bitwise_and_expr
) and comparison operators (equality_expr
, comparison_expr
). The
+ | grammar also includes expressions for arithmetic operations (term_expr
, factor_expr
+ | and primary expressions (primary_expr
), which can be literals, identifiers, or complex
+ | nested expressions.
+ p
+ | Literal values in Uartix, defined under literal_expr, include boolean values (true
+ | false
), a null value (nil
), strings, and digits, offering a fundamental set of data
+ | types to work with. The grammar ensures that these literals can be used flexibly
+ | within expressions to construct more complex computations.