diff --git a/examples/vga_shell/vga_shell.ino b/examples/vga_shell/vga_shell.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e7e37f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/vga_shell/vga_shell.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * This file is part of the Rishka distribution (https://github.com/rishka-esp32/rishka).
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Nathanne Isip.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+ * This example initializes a VGA display using FabGL library, loads a font for a terminal,
+ * initializes an SD card using SPI, initializes a Rishka virtual machine, loads the specified
+ * file into the Rishka VM, executes it, and then waits for the next input.
+ */
+#define SD_CS 13 // SD card chip select pin
+#define SD_SCK 14 // SD card SPI clock pin
+#define SD_MOSI 12 // SD card SPI MOSI pin
+#define SD_MISO 35 // SD card SPI MISO pin
+// TFT display controller, PS/2 keyboard controller,
+// and Terminal instance
+fabgl::VGAController DisplayController;
+fabgl::PS2Controller PS2Controller;
+fabgl::Terminal Terminal;
+// SPI instance for SD card
+SPIClass sdSpi(HSPI);
+// Rishka virtual machine instance
+RishkaVM* vm;
+// This function utilizes a LineEditor instance to read a line
+// from the terminal input. It then returns the read line as a String.
+static inline String readLine() {
+ fabgl::LineEditor line(&Terminal);
+ line.edit();
+ return String(line.get());
+// This function splits a given input string into tokens based on space characters.
+// It also handles quotes to allow space characters within quoted strings.
+void splitString(const String& input, char** tokens, int maxTokens, int &count) {
+ int tokenCount = 0, tokenStart = 0;
+ bool inQuotes = false;
+ // Iterate over each character in the input string
+ for(int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
+ // Check if the current character is a quotation mark
+ if(input[i] == '"')
+ // Toggle the inQuotes flag to handle quoted strings
+ inQuotes = !inQuotes;
+ else if(input[i] == ' ' && !inQuotes) {
+ // If the current character is a space and not inside quotes,
+ // extract the token from the input string
+ if(tokenCount < maxTokens) {
+ // Extract the substring between tokenStart and i
+ // and copy it into the tokens array
+ input.substring(tokenStart, i)
+ .toCharArray(tokens[tokenCount], i - tokenStart + 1);
+ // Null-terminate the token string
+ tokens[tokenCount++][i - tokenStart] = '\0';
+ tokenStart = i + 1;
+ count++;
+ }
+ else break; // Break if maximum token count reached
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle the case where there are remaining characters after the last space
+ if(tokenCount < maxTokens && tokenStart < input.length()) {
+ // Extract the substring starting from tokenStart to the end of the input string
+ // and copy it into the tokens array
+ input.substring(tokenStart).toCharArray(tokens[tokenCount], input.length() - tokenStart + 1);
+ tokens[tokenCount++][input.length() - tokenStart] = '\0';
+ count++;
+ }
+void setup() {
+ Serial.begin(115200);
+ PS2Controller.begin(PS2Preset::KeyboardPort0);
+ // Initialize VGA display
+ DisplayController.begin();
+ DisplayController.setResolution(VGA_640x240_60Hz);
+ // Initialize terminal
+ Terminal.begin(&DisplayController);
+ Terminal.loadFont(&fabgl::FONT_8x14);
+ Terminal.setBackgroundColor(Color::Black);
+ Terminal.setForegroundColor(Color::White);
+ Terminal.connectLocally();
+ Terminal.clear();
+ Terminal.enableCursor(true);
+ // Initialize SD card
+ sdSpi.begin(SD_SCK, SD_MISO, SD_MOSI, SD_CS);
+ if(!SD.begin(SD_CS, sdSpi, 80000000)) {
+ Terminal.println("Cannot \e[94mInitialize\e[97m SD card.");
+ do sdSpi.begin(SD_SCK, SD_MISO, SD_MOSI, SD_CS);
+ while(!SD.begin(SD_CS, sdSpi, 80000000));
+ Terminal.clear();
+ }
+ // Initialize PSRAM
+ if(!psramInit()) {
+ Terminal.println("\e[94mCannot\e[97m initialize PSRAM.");
+ while(true);
+ }
+ // Initialize the Rishka VM instance.
+ vm = new RishkaVM();
+ vm->initialize(&Terminal);
+ // Virtual key listener to halt program
+ Terminal.onVirtualKeyItem = [&](VirtualKeyItem * vkItem) {
+ if(vkItem->CTRL && vkItem->vk == VirtualKey::VK_c && vm->isRunning()) {
+ // Stop the VM if CTRL+C was pressed
+ vm->stopVM();
+ vm->reset();
+ Terminal.println("^C");
+ }
+ };
+ // Print prompt
+ Terminal.print("\e[32m[\e[97m" + vm->getWorkingDirectory() + "\e[97m\e[32m]~\e[97m ");
+void loop() {
+ // Read input from PS/2 keyboard
+ String input = readLine();
+ // Skip if input is empty
+ if(input == "") {
+ // Print prompt
+ Terminal.print(String("\e[32m[\e[97m") +
+ vm->getWorkingDirectory() + "\e[97m\e[32m]~\e[97m ");
+ return;
+ }
+ char* tokens[10];
+ int count = 0;
+ // Split input string as argument tokens
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ tokens[i] = (char*) malloc(50 * sizeof(char));
+ splitString(input, tokens, 10, count);
+ // Attempt to load specified file into Rishka virtual machine
+ if(!vm->loadFile(tokens[0])) {
+ char message[50];
+ // If loading file fails, print error message and return
+ sprintf(message, "Failed to \e[94mload\e[97m specified file: %s", tokens[0]);
+ vm->panic(message);
+ // Print prompt
+ Terminal.print(String("\e[32m[\e[97m") +
+ vm->getWorkingDirectory() + "\e[97m\e[32m]~\e[97m ");
+ vm->reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Run loaded program on Rishka virtual machine
+ vm->run(count, tokens);
+ // Reset Rishka virtual machine for next execution
+ vm->reset();
+ // Free all tokens in memory
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ free(tokens[i]);
+ // Print prompt for next input
+ Terminal.print(String("\e[32m[\e[97m") +
+ vm->getWorkingDirectory() + "\e[97m\e[32m]~\e[97m ");