# GW
## Overview
Electron attachment and detachment energies can be accurately described
by many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) methods. In particular, the
*GW* approximation (GWA) to the self-energy is a MBPT method that has
seen recent interest in its application to molecules due to a
promising cost/accuracy ratio.
The *GW* module implemented in NWChem takes a [DFT](Density-Functional-Theory-for-Molecules.md)
mean-field approximation to the Green's function, *G0*, in order to
solve the quasiparticle equation at the one-shot *G0W0* or
at various *levels* of the eigenvalue self-consistent *GW* approach (ev*GW*).
Since the mean-field orbitals are kept fixed in all these
approaches, the results depend on the actual starting
point *G0* (hence, they depend on the exchange-correlation
functional chosen for the underlying DFT calculation).
For example, it has been known that a large fraction of exact exchange
is needed for the accurate prediction of core-level binding energies at the
one-shot *G0W0* level.
For further theoretical insights and details about the actual implementation in
NWChem, please refer to the paper by Mejia-Rodriguez et al[@mejia2021].
*GW* input is provided using the compound directive
The actual *GW* calculation will be performed when the
input module encounters the [TASK](TASK.md) directive.
Note that `DFT` must be specified as the underlying *QM* theory before
`GW`. The [charge](Charge.md), [geometry](Geometry.md), and
[DFT](Density-Functional-Theory-for-Molecules.md) options are all specified as
In addition to an atomic orbital [basis set](Basis.md), the *GW* module **requires**
an *auxiliary basis set* to be provided in order to fit the four-center
electron repulsion integrals. The auxliary basis set can have either the
`cd basis` or `ri basis` names (see also [DFT](Density-Functional-Theory-for-Molecules.md#specification-of-basis-sets-for-the-dft-module)). Three combinations can be obtained:
- If a `ri basis` is given without a `cd basis`,
the ground-state DFT will be performed without density fitting,
and the *GW* task will use the `ri basis` to fit the integrals.
- If a `cd basis` is given without a `ri basis`,
**both** DFT and *GW* tasks will be performed using the
`cd basis` to fit the integrals.
- If both `cd basis` and `ri basis` are present, the `cd basis` will be used
for the DFT task, while the `ri basis` will be used
for the *GW* task.
## GW Input directive
There are sub-directives which allow for customized *GW* calculations.
The most general *GW* input block directive will look like:
EVGW0 []
METHOD [ [analytic] || [cdgw ] ]
SOLVER [ [newton ] || [graph] ]
STATES [ [ alpha || beta ] [occ ] [vir ] ]
The following sections describe these keywords.
### RPA
The keyword `RPA` triggers the computation of the RPA correlation energy.
This adds a little overhead to the [*CD-GW*](#method) approach.
### CORE and FIRST
The `CORE` keyword forces to start counting the [`STATES`](#states)
from the `FIRST` molecular orbital **upwards**.
The `FIRST` keyword has no meaning without `CORE` specified.
### EVGW and EVGW0
The `EVGW` keyword trigger the partial self-consistnet ev*GW* approach,
where both the Green's function *G* and the screened Coulomb *W* are updated
by using the quasiparticle energies from the previous step in their
Similarly, the `EVGW0` triggers the ev*GW0* approach, where
only the Green's function *G* is updated with the quasiparticle energies
of the previous iterations. *W0* is kept fixed.
Both partial self-consistent cycles run for `eviter` number of cycles.
The use of `EVGW` or `EVGW0` will trigger the use of a scissor-shift
operator for all states not updated in the *evGW* cycle.
Two different techniques to obtain the diagonal self-energy
matrix elements are implemented in NWChem.
The `analytic` method builds and diagonalizes the full Casida RPA matrix
in order to obtain the screened Coulomb matrix elements. The Casida RPA
matrix grows very rapidly in size (*Nocc* × *Nvir*)
and ultimately yields a *N6* scaling due to the diagonalization step.
It is therefore recommended to link the [ELPA](https://elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de/)
and turn on its use by setting
SET dft:scaleig e
The `cdgw` method uses the Contour-Deformation technique in order to
avoid the *N6* diagonalization step. The diagonal self-energy
matrix elements Ʃ*nn* are obtained via a numerical
integration on the imaginary axis and the integrals over closed contours
on the first and third quadrants of the complex plane. The `grid_points`
value controls the density of the modified Gauss-Legendre grid used
in the numerical integration over the imaginary axis.
Both `analytic` and `cdgw` methods are suitable for *core* **and**
*valence* calculations.
### ETA
The magnitude of the imaginary infinitesimal can be controlled using the
keyword `ETA`. The default value of `0.001` should work rather well
for *valence* calculations, but `CORE` calculations might need a
larger value, sometimes between `0.005` or even `0.01`.
Two methods to solver the quasiparticle equations are implemented
in NWChem.
The `newton` method uses a modified Newton approach to find the fixed-point
of the quasiparticle equations. The Newton method tries to bracket the
solution and switches to a golden section method whenever the Newton step goes
beyond the bracketing values.
The `graph` method uses a frequency grid in order to bracket the solution
between two consecutive grid points. The number of grid points is controlled
heuristically depending on the [`METHOD`](#method)
and on the presence, or not, of nearby states in a cluster
of energy (see below).
Regardless of the solver, the energies of the states are always
classified in clusters with a maximum extension of `1.5 eV`. For
a given cluster of energies, the
`newton` method will start with the state closer to the Fermi level
and use its solution as guess for the rest of the states in the cluster.
The `graph` method will look for the solution of all the states
in a given cluster at once with a frequency grid with range large
enough to encompass all the cluster ± `0.2 eV`.
The keyword `STATES` controls for which particular state
the *GW* quasiparticle equations are to be solved. The
keyword might appear twice, one for the *alpha* spin channel
and one for the *beta* channel. The *beta* channel keyword is
meaningless for restricted closed-shell DFT calculations
(`MULT 1` without `ODFT` in the `DFT` input block).
The number of occupied states will be counted starting from the
state closest to the Fermi level (HOMO) unless the keyword
[`CORE`](#core-and-first) is present. The virtual states will **always**
be counted from the state closest to the Fermi level upwards.
A **-1** following either `occ` or `vir` stands for all
states in the respective space.
The converegnce threshold of the quasiparticle equations can
be controlled with the keyword `CONVERGENCE` and might be
given either in `eV` or Hartree `au`.
## Sample Input File
- A *GW* calculation requesting the core-level binding
energies of all 1*s* states (6 Fluorines and 6 Carbons)
using the [CD-GW](#method) method.
title "CDGW C6F6 core"
memory 2000 mb
C -0.21589696 1.38358991 0.00000000
C -1.30618181 0.50480033 0.00000000
C -1.09023026 -0.87871037 0.00000000
C 0.21590562 -1.38360671 0.00000000
C 1.30610372 -0.50476737 0.00000000
C 1.09020243 0.87883094 0.00000000
F -0.42025331 2.69273557 0.00000000
F -2.54211642 0.98238922 0.00000000
F -2.12174279 -1.71033945 0.00000000
F 0.42026196 -2.69275237 0.00000000
F 2.54203111 -0.98237286 0.00000000
F 2.12188428 1.71024875 0.00000000
basis "ao basis" spherical
* library cc-pvdz
basis "cd basis" spherical
* library cc-pvdz-ri
xc xpbe96 0.55 hfexch 0.45 cpbe96 1.0
eta 0.01
method cdgw
solver newton 15
states alpha occ 12
task dft gw
- A *valence* *GW* calculation to obtain the vertical ionization
potential and the vertical electron affinity of the water
molecule using the [analytic](#method) method.
O -0.000545 1.517541 0.000000
H 0.094538 0.553640 0.000000
H 0.901237 1.847958 0.000000
basis "ao basis" spherical
h library def2-svp
o library def2-svp
basis "cd basis" spherical
h library def2-universal-jkfit
o library def2-universal-jkfit
mult 1
xc pbe96
grid fine
states alpha occ 1 vir 1
task dft gw
- An ev*GW*0 calculation with 10 iterations
using the [analytic](#method) method.
All occupied energies, but only 10 virtual ones, are
updated using *GW*. The rest of the virtual states
are shifted using the so-called scissor operator.
O -0.000545 1.517541 0.000000
H 0.094538 0.553640 0.000000
H 0.901237 1.847958 0.000000
basis "ao basis" spherical
h library def2-svp
o library def2-svp
basis "cd basis" spherical
h library def2-universal-jkfit
o library def2-universal-jkfit
mult 1
xc pbe96
grid fine
evgw0 10
states alpha occ -1 vir 10
task dft gw
## References
///Footnotes Go Here///