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Software supporting NWChem

edoapra edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 61 revisions

Software supporting NWChem


While we have done our best to compile an exhaustive list of software using NWChem, we might have missed packages and/or incorrectly described some software features. Please use the Github Issue feature to provide feedback on this page content.

User interface software

Codes using NWChem wavefunctions and/or post-processing NWChem output files

Programs that can display or manipulate cube and/or Molden files

The following programs can display cube files from charge density and ESP and/or use Molden files

Programs post-processing AIM files

NWChem can generate AIM[^3] wavefunction files (.wfn/.wfx) can be post-processed with a variety of codes, e.g.

[^1]: No longer been actively developed at PNNL. New development effort at [^2]: The WebMo interface might not be compatible with NWChem 6.0 and later versions [^3]: WARNING: Since we have discovered issues in generating .WFN files with this module (e.g. systems with ECPs), the recommended method for generating .WFN file is to first generate a Molden file with the Moldenfile option, then convert the Molden file into a WFN file by using the Molden2AIM program.

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