This example shows how to use OCI Landing Zones IAM policy module to manage policies that are directly supplied to the module.
Directly supplied policies are passed to the module via the supplied_policies attribute.
Check the module documentation for details.
Rename to <project-name>.auto.tfvars, where <project-name> is any name of your choice.
Within <project-name>.auto.tfvars, provide tenancy connectivity information and adjust the policies_configuration input variable, by making the appropriate substitutions:
- Replace <REPLACE-BY-COMPARTMENT-OCID> placeholder by a compartment OCID. This determines the compartment the sample policy gets attached to. Alternatively, instead of an OCID, you can replace the placeholder by the string "TENANCY-ROOT" for attaching the policy to the Root compartment.
Refer to for overall module functioning and to for attributes usage.
- In this folder, run the typical Terraform workflow:
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out