See also releases and milestones.
Date format: (year/month/day)
- #315 Added ${configsetting} for reading appsettings.json etc - via NLog.Extensions.Logging (@304NotModified) (ASP.NET Core only)
- #313 Added ${aspnet-request-form} (@DrewBrasher)
- #317 Make separators layoutable for (${aspnet-request-querystring} and ${aspnet-request-cookie}) (@304NotModified)
- #314 Better missing HttpContext reporting & Skip null-check of HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext in DoAppend (@snakefoot)
- #312 Removed dependency on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (@snakefoot) ASP.NET Core only)
- #306 Inherits AssemblyVersionLayoutRenderer from NLog implementation, so it has all NLog's features (@alexangas)
- #307 Added "ValuesOnly" property to Cookie and QueryString layout renderers + support for multivalue cookie keys in ASP.NET core (@alexangas)
- #303 Improve error-handling during startup / shutdown for all layout renders using httpcontext
- #285 Update NLog dependency (@304NotModified)
- #283 Avoid assembly lookup on static class initialization (@snakefoot)
- #275 ${aspnet-request-ip} handle emtpy Request on HttpContext (@304NotModified)
- #273 Added public method to configure the NLog ServiceLocator (@snakefoot)
- #272 Improved registration of hidden assemblies for callsite handling (@snakefoot)
- #268 Improved ConfigureNLog for better out-of-the-box experience (@snakefoot)
- #257 ConfigureNLog should not be used together with UseNLog (@snakefoot)
- #256 ASP.NET Core2 Example - Updated with NLog.LogManager.Shutdown() (@snakefoot)
- #253 ASP.NET Core2 Example - Updated blackhole configuration + ${aspnet-appbasepath} + ${aspnet-webrootpath} (@snakefoot)
- #252 Configured xunit DisableTestParallelization to make tests more stable (@snakefoot)
- #250 Removed System.ValueTuple as dependency for .NET Core app 1, add file version to assembly (@snakefoot)
- #249 Automatically register NLog.Web LayoutRenders for NetCoreApp1 (@snakefoot)
- #245 Use LogManager.LoadConfiguration + RC3 (@snakefoot)
- #236 AspNetCore 4.5 RC2 - Update changelog and version (@304NotModified)
- #232 Updated dependencies (@304NotModified)
- #233 Better hide assemblies for ${callsite} (@304NotModified)
- #231 Made ServiceLocator public (@304NotModified)
- #226 ASP.NET core: 4.5 rc1 + changelog (@304NotModified)
- #223 .NET 4.6.1 + ASP.NET Core 2 support (@304NotModified)
- #224 Fix assembly-version (@304NotModified)
- #212 Beta4 (@304NotModified)
- #207 Fix ${callsite} from configure (@304NotModified)
- #205 Register NLogProvider instead of NLogFactory (@304NotModified)
- #204 Improve ASP.NET core 2 example - add callsite (@304NotModified)
- #202 Fix ${callsite} in core 2 (@304NotModified)
- #198 Refactor code (@304NotModified)
- #197 versions and changelog, updated dependencies: NLog.Web 4.5.1 and NLog.Web.AspNetCore 4.5.0-beta01 (@304NotModified)
- #195 add ConfigureNLog on ILoggingBuilder (@304NotModified)
- #191 Added NLogBuilder and ASP.NET Core 2 example (@304NotModified)
- #190 Fix error reporting, fix introduced bug (@304NotModified)
- #188 Auto register NLog.Web.AspNetCore (ASP.NET 2 only) (@304NotModified)
- #186 Register HttpContextAccessor by default (@304NotModified)
- #181 Add UseNLog for ASP.NET Core 2 (@304NotModified)
- #182 Codecov tweaks (@304NotModified)
- #180 Fix IHttpContextAccessor warning (@304NotModified)
- #178 ASP.NET Core 2 support (@304NotModified)
- #179 rename NETSTANDARD_1plus => ASP_NET_CORE (@304NotModified)
- #156 Remove unneeded path in build script (@304NotModified)
- #164 Add IncludeScheme option to ${aspnet-request-url} (@BlaikiC)
- #162 Update AssemblyVersionLayoutRenderer docs for .NET core (@Valeriy1991)
- #155 fix xUnit warnings (@304NotModified)
- #154 deploy to Nuget from AppVeyor (@304NotModified)
- #152 Run test for core on full and core framework, fix unit test build (#152) (@johnkors)
- #150 Update vulnerable dependency (#150) (@johnkors)
- #66 ${Assembly-version} working for (core) (#66) (@304NotModified)
- #140 Added ${aspnet-request-ip} (@304NotModified)
- #143 added ${aspnet-user-isAuthenticated} (@304NotModified)
- #125 Added ${aspnet-environment} (@grokky1)
- #123 Added Culture option to ${aspnet-item} and {aspnet-session} (#123) (@sbebrys)
- #141 Improve performance with many threads 2 (@304NotModified)
- #133 Improve performance with many threads (@304NotModified)
- #132 Fix invalid JSON format for ${aspnet-request-cookie} and ${aspnet-request-querystring}, added extra formatting options, consistent rendering of multiple values (@304NotModified)
- #66 ${Assembly-version} working for (core) (#66) (@304NotModified)
- #140 Added ${aspnet-request-ip} (@304NotModified)
- #143 added ${aspnet-user-isAuthenticated} (@304NotModified)
- #126 Add ${aspnet-request-contenttype} (ASP.NET Core only) (@304NotModified)
- #125 Added ${aspnet-environment} (@grokky1)
- #123 Added Culture option to ${aspnet-item} and {aspnet-session} (#123) (@sbebrys)
- #144 Limit dependecies (#144) (@304NotModified)
- #142 ignore ObjectDisposedException in aspnet-user renderers (@304NotModified)
- #141 Improve performance with many threads 2 (@304NotModified)
- #133 Improve performance with many threads (@304NotModified)
- #132 Fix invalid JSON format for ${aspnet-request-cookie} and ${aspnet-request-querystring}, added extra formatting options, consistent rendering of multiple values (@304NotModified)
- #125 fix ${iis-site-name} for ASP.NET Core (@grokky1)
- #112 NLog.Web.AspNetCore 4.3.2 (@304NotModified)
- #110 Enabled strong naming with correct version (@304NotModified)
- #111 Update nlog version (@304NotModified)
- #106 Update assemblyinfo & strong name version to (@304NotModified)
- #108 Added mvc tag (@304NotModified)
- #98 support for empty 'QueryStringKeys' for ${all-querystrings{aspnet-request-querystring} (@304NotModified)
- #100 Fixing missing name for ${aspnet-request-cookie} (@304NotModified)
- #99 Add ${aspnet-traceidentifier} (ASP.NET Core only) (@304NotModified)
- #97 Update dependencies and version number (@304NotModified)
- #95 Adding a link to some ASP.NET Core examples (@damienbod)
- #91 Update AssemblyInfo (@304NotModified)
- #89 Update NLog.Extensions.Logging dependecy (@304NotModified)
- #80 Update for 4.3 (@304NotModified)
- #88 Move ASP.NET helpers from nlog.extensions.logging, (@304NotModified)
- #87 Renames #2, allow aspnet-request-host in non-core ASP.NET (@304NotModified)
- #86 renames for consistency (@304NotModified)
- #78 added null checks (@304NotModified)
- #77 Upgrade to NLog 4.4 (@304NotModified)
- #68 Readme - make core vs non-core clearer (@timabell)
- #54 Additional aspnet renderers & unit tests for .net core (@304NotModified, @Page-Not-Found)
- #61 Upgrade RC2 to RTM. .Net Core. (#61) (@Page-Not-Found)
- #59 Upgrade to ASP.NET Core RC2 (@304NotModified)
- #57 Package both nupkg + build scripts (#57) (@304NotModified)
- #56 Suppressing exception thrown when accessing HttpContext.Request (#56) (@vegar)
- #48 Update LICENSE (#48) (@304NotModified)
- #41 DNX: Prevent stackoverflowException in ${aspnet-session} (#41) (@304NotModified)
- #52 Extra null check (#52) (@304NotModified)
- #50 Add dotnet5.4 framework (@304NotModified)
- #37 fix syntax of (@petemounce)
- #36 Update README for aspnet5 (@304NotModified)
- #35 Fix aspnet5 (@304NotModified)
- #33 Less dependencies (@304NotModified)
- #30 Added ASP.NET 5 compatible package (@304NotModified)
- #27 Add ability to render Headers (@petemounce)
- #22 Introducing ASP.NET Layout Renderer base class (@epignosisx)
- #25 Add info about configuration of NLog.Web in web.config to (@muromek)
- #18 Added Codecov (@304NotModified)
- #17 MsTest => xUnit2 (@304NotModified)
- #16 Added Culture tests and use current culture (can be set) (@304NotModified)
- #15 Aspnet-item renderer (@304NotModified, @dafanasiev)