We have sequenced the CHM13hTERT human cell line with a number of technologies, including 120x coverage of Oxford Nanopore, 70x PacBio CLR, 30x PacBio HiFi, 50x 10X Genomics, as well as BioNano DLS and Arima Genomics HiC. Most raw data is available from this site, with the exception of the PacBio data which was generated by the University of Washington and is available from NCBI SRA.
Human genomic DNA was extracted from the cultured cell line. As the DNA is native, modified bases will be preserved. Nanopore sequencing was performed using Josh Quick's ultra-long read (UL) protocol.
All data is released to the public domain (CC0) and we encourage its reuse. While not required, we would appreciate if you would acknowledge the "Telomere-to-Telomere" (T2T) consortium for the creation of this data and encourage you to contact us if you would like to perform analyses on it. More information about our consortium can be found on the T2T homepage.
- Miga KH, Koren S, et al. Telomere-to-telomere assembly of a complete human X chromosome. Nature, 2020.
- Logsdon GA, et al. The structure, function, and evolution of a complete human chromosome 8. bioRxiv, 2020.
- Nurk S, et al. preprint describing a v1.1 whole-genome assembly is in preparation.
Complete T2T reconstruction of a human genome. Changes from v1.0 include fillined rDNA gaps and improved polishing within telomeres. One rare heterozygous variant causing a premature stop codon was changed at chr9:134589924 to the more common allele.
Complete T2T reconstruction of a human genome, with the exception of 5 known gaps within the rDNA arrays. Polished assembly based on v0.9. Introduces 4 structural corrections and 993 small variant corrections, including a 4 kb telomere extension on chr18. Polishing was performed using a conservative custom pipeline based on DeepVariant calls and structural corrections were manually curated. Consensus quality exceeds Q60. Prior to a preprint being drafted, a brief summary can be found at this blog post. Also available at NCBI.
T2T reconstruction of all 23 chromosomes of CHM13 based on a custom assembly pipeline, briefly featuring:
- Homopolymer-compression and self-correction of Pacbio HiFi reads
- Rescoring of overlaps to account for recurrent Pacbio HiFi errors
- Construction and custom pruning of a string graph built over 100% identical overlaps
- Manual reconstruction on chromosomal paths through the graph, if necessary aided by ultra-long Nanopore reads
- Layout/consensus of original HiFi reads, corresponding to the resulting paths
- Patching of regions absent from HiFi data with v0.7 draft sequences
Consensus quality exceeds Q60. Mitochondrial sequence DNA included. Centers of the 5 rDNA arrays are represented by N-gaps.
Assembly draft v0.7 was generated with Canu v1.7.1 including rel1 data up to 2018/11/15 and incorporating the previously released PacBio data. Two gaps on the X plus the centromere were manually resolved. Contigs with low coverage support were split and the assembly was scaffolded with BioNano. The assembly was polished with two rounds of nanopolish and two rounds of arrow. The X polishing was done using unique markers matched between the assembly and the raw read data, the rest of the genome used traditional polishing. Finally, the assembly was polished with 10X Genomics data. We validated the assembly using independent BACs. The overall QV is estimated to be Q37 (Q42 in unique regions) and the assembly resolves over 80% of available CHM13 BACs (280/341). The assembly is 2.94 Gbp in size with 359 scaffolds (448 contigs) and an NG50 of 83 Mbp (70 Mbp). Outside of Chr8 and ChrX, this should be considered a draft and likely has mis-assemblies. Older unpolished assemblies are available for benchmarking purposes, but are of lower quality and should not be used for analyses. Also available at NCBI.
- Assembly draft v1.1 (md5: 1cab2b2776005cdf339ec9f283ba2c70)
- Telomere identified by the VGP pipeline
- telomere bed file (md5: d6b148d16bf303e25552e381cddff9df)
- Liftover from v1.0
- chain file (md5: 7a6eb727ad489fe040d5ec2c8383c961)
- Alignments (the index bai file is available under the same name as the bam with .bai appended (e.g. chm13.draft_v1.1.hifi.bam has a chm13.draft_v1.1.hifi.bam.bai)
- PacBio HiFi alignments (generated via Winnowmap v2.01 -x map-pb) (md5: 4b75c0d7cff16f00ec2a8a8787f984a8)
- Oxford nanopore alignments (generated via Winnowmap v2.01 -x map-ont) (md5: 5864c09db27e1649fc6dc958a8faba9f)
- PCRFree Illumina alignments (generated via bwa mem v0.7.15) (md5: bb41008d0f5de787d26896fb49027420)
- Telomere identified by the VGP pipeline
- Assembly draft v1.0 (md5: 6d827b6512562630137008830c46e1ac)
- RepeatMasker 4.1.0 track constructed with NCBI / RMblast and the Dfam_3.1 database (
RepeatMasker -s -xsmall -e ncbi -species human
)- RepeatMasker output (md5: 4c0f97b156b84536523729727778b718)
- Telomere identified by the VGP pipeline
- telomere bed file (md5: 5cdca0c8b563b87f7a624d61ae0b5497)
- Alignments (the index bai file is available under the same name as the bam with .bai appended (e.g. chm13.draft_v1.0.wm_2.01.hifi.bam has a chm13.draft_v1.0.wm_2.01.hifi.bam.bai)
- PacBio CLR alignments (generated via Winnowmap v1.11 -x map-pb-clr) (md5: 4a3999abdd303cff58989c5cd6a92919)
- PacBio HiFi alignments (generated via Winnowmap v2.01 -x map-pb) (md5: b91f4cced2273f3dbc1369e34d54c6ad)
- Oxford nanopore alignments (generated via Winnowmap v2.01 -x map-ont) (md5: befa18adb9719e2516f48219112232b7)
- PCRFree Illumina alignments (generated via bwa mem v0.7.15) (md5: 9143c6d6dc3e8f537c49f43f9e6cbedd)
- RepeatMasker 4.1.0 track constructed with NCBI / RMblast and the Dfam_3.1 database (
- Assembly draft v0.9 (md5: 05fd40ffc5d68a9b6754773a56381db8)
- Regions patched by non-HiFi data & rDNA loci (md5: a754f98d5e960b3d1e9029cba4414cf2)
- v0.9 assembly graph in GFA format (built over homopolymer-compressed HiFi reads) (md5: df2218db9ebbcd239d07d2544372cfa5)
- Consensus sequences for individual nodes of the v0.9 assembly graph (since the sequence is not homopolymer compressed, the lengths and overlap sizes will not match the GFA!) (md5: 086d3d968b2c8cbc8c4be891e56ad177)
- Genomic paths through the v0.9 graph (part of chr9 was reconstructed by a different assembly method excluded) (md5: 913205d75f5f9c49e5269eb4363fbf16)
- Alignments (the index bai file is available under the same name as the bam with .bai appended (e.g. chm13.draft_v0.9.clr.bam has a chm13.draft_v0.9.clr.bam.bai)
- PacBio CLR alignments (generated via Winnowmap v1.11 -x map-pb-clr) (md5: 7cd9c812e4398db6ed318969fe7080f9)
- PacBio HiFi alignments (generated via Winnowmap v1.11 -x map-pb) (md5: 7527b44aba07d9acbed597fbc445b61a)
- Oxford nanopore alignments (generated via Winnowmap v1.11 -x map-ont) (md5: 4a5bbf70193e65c35a287a70099bb99c)
- PCRFree Illumina alignments (generated via bwa mem v0.7.15) (md5: 7c13fd36ae404eb41697ec5d54ba608f)
- Chromosome X v0.7 (md5: 89b3dd61db66177dd830527b920956fa)
- Chromosome X v0.7 Nanopore rel1 unique k-mer anchored mappings (md5: ada12a00d4781f6b0101a09be19abe93)
- Chromosome X v0.7 PacBio HiFi unique k-mer anchored mappings (md5: bd22daaf6d4a2cd775f109a853a911a9)
- Chromosome X v0.7 PacBio CLR unique k-mer anchored mappings (md5: 69be7bd105ee590bf57853c249e1f8d8)
- Chromosome 8 v9 (md5: cc33037728ab1f743d3e79f85e8c10ac)
- Chromosome 8 v9 Nanopore rel5 unique k-mer anchored mappings (md5: e953525b097c98d8485a3a7b152da897)
- Assembly draft v0.7 (md5: b9777540aaa0251c7dbb4974fb0a69d6)
- Assembly draft v0.6 (md5: c3e3318e82ba5dc64b74f458f4989b85)
- Assembly draft v0.4 (md5: 7e3c2fff9479ba45f7916fa1eee1310b)
- HG002 chrX draft v0.7 (not T2T, missing p-arm PAR region) (md5: 1d79ac022424fc5671135e2ac362d91d)
We sequenced a total of 390 Gbp of data (126x coverage). The read N50 is 58 kbp and there are 219 Gbp bases in reads >50 kbp (71x). The longest full-length mapping read is 1.3 Mbp. Sequencing data was generated from three lines of CHM13 (NHGRI, UW, UCD), which all originate from the original line established by Urvashi Surti. Only the NHGRI line was karyotyped and confirmed to be stable prior to sequencing. For the NHGRI line, NHGRI (PI: Phillippy) and University of Nottingham (PI: Loose) contributed approximately 140 flowcells of UL data using Quick's ultra-long protocol; 199 Gbp (64x, 1.4 Gbp/flowcell). The read N50 is 71 kbp and there are 128 Gbp of data in reads >50 kbp (41x). For the UW line, University of Washington (PI: Eichler) contibuted 106 flowcells of UL data using a new UL protocol developed by Glennis Logsdon; 69 Gbp (22x, 0.6 Gbp/flowcell). The read N50 is 133 kbp and there are 57 Gbp of data in reads >50 kbp (18x). For the UCD line, UCDavis (PI: Dennis) contributed two PromethION cells using a ligation prep; 114 Gbp (37x, 57 Gbp/flowcell). The read N50 is 36 kbp and there are 25 Gbp of data in reads >50 kbp (8x).
Read ids broken out by sequencing location are available for NHGRI, U of Nottingham, UW, and UCD.
rel 7 is the full dataset as of 2020/10/01. All data was re-called using Bonito v0.3.1.
- Bonito 0.3.10 (md5: d56fb4b4e4a7165c8fa7315795d9d419)
rel6 is the full dataset as of 2020/10/01, adding UW data from partitions 232-243. All data was re-called using Guppy 3.6.0 with the HAC model.
- Guppy flip-flop 3.6.0 (md5: b6f9b702d5dd1a3407b5343fb17391b2)
rel5 is the full dataset as of 2019/09/01, all data was re-called using Guppy 3.6.0 with the HAC model.
- Guppy flip-flop 3.6.0 (md5: fe4941f1f4c5d5b551c50faf368735fb)
rel4 is the full dataset as of 2019/09/01, all data was re-called using Guppy 3.4.5 with the HAC model.
- Guppy flip-flop 3.4.5 (md5: dad0b6caa4a2b03f57387c1bd8107b2f)
rel3 is the full dataset as of 2019/09/01, all data was re-called using Guppy 3.1.5 with the HAC model. We have provided mappings both to our current draft assembly and to the GRCh38 with decoys in cram format, using minimap2.
- Guppy flip-flop 3.1.5 (md5: 92026d97a898c2f5b65074048a1caabf)
- Canu v1.9 rel3 assembly (no curation or polishing, resolves 314 BACs at Q24) (md5: a05a864eb90578f0fe36e0d774395075)
- Flye v2.5 rel3 assembly (no curation or polishing, resolves 253 BACs at Q22) (md5: 80428824ecc3ec41cde9301aa3a986d0)
- Shasta rel3 assembly (no curation or polishing, resolves 176 BACs at Q28) (md5: 4da86a6b4af5fa5c35407d7cf39c1bac)
- Guppy flip-flop mapped to asm v0.7 with minimap2 (md5: 02b8966c447f2cc9dc1ae211930fd4e3)
- Guppy flip-flop mapped to GRCh38 with decoys with minimap2 (md5: a18c3c9e9f3fa638ff348ebba0f883da)
rel2 is the same data as rel1 but recalled with the latest generation callers (Guppy flip-flop 2.3.1). We have provided mappings both to our current draft assembly and to the GRCh38 with decoys in cram format, using minimap2.
- Guppy flip-flop 2.3.1 (md5: 7e3f4ded02d500a3db0c76c84cdc42b9)
- Canu v1.8 rel2 assembly (no curation or polishing, resolves 287 BACs at Q20) (md5: 778ec406528e153e9b0cb74b4a4caade)
- Guppy flip-flop mapped to asm v0.6 with minimap2 (md5: 20afc508915207c5082e6f3c427739d2)
- Guppy flip-flop mapped to GRCh38 with decoys with minimap2 (md5: 1a4888cafbc935a21c17f449b4802438)
The full dataset as of 2019/01/09. These basecalls were generated on-instrument and use older versions of Guppy (depending on when the flowcell ran on the instrument).
- Guppy on-instrument (md5: c2cb74601eb657df21b7d25980908288)
The raw fast5 data, without basecalls, is available for completeness. The data is grouped into 243 sets.
Partitions 1-94 were sequenced at NHGRI
Partitions 95-98 were sequenced at University of Nottingham
Partitions 99-144 were sequenced at NHGRI
Partitions 145-224 were sequenced at University of Washington
Partitions 225-226 were sequenced at UC Davis
Partitions 227-231 were sequenced at NHGRI
Partitions 232-243 were sequenced at University of Washington
Note that when the tgz were groupped and uploaded, some inadvertently included more than a single partition. These are denoted as partition ranges in the downloads (e.g. 145-149).
- Partition 001 (md5: c837460c50a4446fc8320c95dc88f204)
- Partition 002 (md5: 05ceccf4256d248aaec2a4c61e58c26c)
- Partition 003 (md5: 879e3a6391e5da5f943fa46b92decd47)
- Partition 004 (md5: 600bfa46c741eeff0064b1d8040b9349)
- Partition 005 (md5: 1a72beff4b2e4556c5033176ed1cd109)
- Partition 006 (md5: fcd6f8ceeac2034eddaa33cedf6d0010)
- Partition 007 (md5: 0d44cb41a4888b55bce2cba7e70107ba)
- Partition 008 (md5: 52242770505ac9aca1070e0b926c4769)
- Partition 009 (md5: 4e85e63a4ebf8efb2f97fdcee46e5737)
- Partition 010 (md5: e495530dd8a68b7bc9864ab89a4ef52f)
- Partition 011 (md5: 3b57e6256d0162d83a281e74157134e0)
- Partition 012 (md5: 735a0a03c6bec1e0ed417baa0c2d7db2)
- Partition 013 (md5: 90c51a9ab06266b2a980bcc16d3d3960)
- Partition 014 (md5: 645ea0b4edc2bfc71c708a53d5b0d92b)
- Partition 015 (md5: 24f456adb4c1c6579fe34f07c82179e7)
- Partition 016 (md5: 6b72ddda5a7a1c10b50f3026914519ec)
- Partition 017 (md5: 14e7b918b28ecc784b68569454fa27d9)
- Partition 018 (md5: d5f7c9b1d88cf48298f6cbbb2a2a45a9)
- Partition 019 (md5: cefa121a627dfcf9a1dfb117065a7264)
- Partition 020 (md5: ca0729b28cd4cccc81eba670c6e86689)
- Partition 021 (md5: 51a873a2019f2b091ab035cc3f074bb8)
- Partition 022 (md5: e9235f052d651b4ba1fdaaa06ad134d0)
- Partition 023 (md5: 82735ac6bde6dd3064ed23ec89befbe5)
- Partition 024 (md5: e1e05425f9823e50650bd2cf1efa41c6)
- Partition 025 (md5: f8efb23a5e77b12f46bce73b2ddba36a)
- Partition 026 (md5: 829f32786514b092da9e4fb8701da037)
- Partition 027 (md5: 15ebb086d975583386c1d0e49fbca932)
- Partition 028 (md5: 202f0507d424b70b60b785d5131d28a4)
- Partition 029 (md5: 3c5b3522dd741214554f84d8645cdf20)
- Partition 030 (md5: 6e54914ef12c9b7757496b5867028067)
- Partition 031 (md5: e9501d4d0fd38d64c2ad1c81f8d1a0e3)
- Partition 032 (md5: 1f3ff51da0e87c2009bef8256b930f0b)
- Partition 033 (md5: 76a518084b021db82fd5dab7540e88bb)
- Partition 034 (md5: fd9f4dcfaeb89134a4f700a5346c16fa)
- Partition 035 (md5: dbdd53ba61d67a7f61405ae39d2b931b)
- Partition 036 (md5: c243b8f64bde0051fe104e8baaecf09b)
- Partition 037 (md5: aafa1d558881b2b4856fde3af0cbb9b2)
- Partition 038 (md5: d2e39e42eaf6a0a63d0542435590dd88)
- Partition 039 (md5: ef48d5c46f19de02fb6f6646726c95de)
- Partition 040 (md5: 17d7d34b45e14b2a79fc30e5c5084315)
- Partition 041 (md5: eb6a16d0b37d538bdbf90c3bfcc0f098)
- Partition 042 (md5: 7dbf87d75c901463b2e4e4afdc4adb52)
- Partition 043 (md5: 97c071a1d0a170e9f4809f6cdc459a6b)
- Partition 044 (md5: 27dc707435a2c98fc7201ccefec68c9d)
- Partition 045 (md5: 54ce28e1e1b54ab9fd8dd072711acd30)
- Partition 046 (md5: b174c7826fc399312fad331660745e55)
- Partition 047 (md5: 2b6ce400051fce5d2de09fd8fd461fc8)
- Partition 048 (md5: 81415b29f2b6a605473af6d3529758b1)
- Partition 049 (md5: ffc9182d8a9ad9752b6571d3d2f2b69d)
- Partition 050 (md5: 790281fcf0512a798b6f0e75b14620be)
- Partition 051 (md5: 4fc5dc17819a3727e5cedaa89550ef9f)
- Partition 052 (md5: d33a70e926dee0e67cf1a75d50ee1249)
- Partition 053 (md5: 04e641cfc8bbe7233773fc38add3fbd2)
- Partition 054 (md5: 958b62e07349258d93ee3e089c6f91ff)
- Partition 055 (md5: 55f74869ce3303277edf2225b4796fa0)
- Partition 056 (md5: 29b205c649f66e3d44ea9f598b492bc2)
- Partition 057 (md5: 7336b91e333ae912b4cfc6e366570c54)
- Partition 058 (md5: 2d992482005a2523f710487f2c0a0a31)
- Partition 059 (md5: 3b45c205982796a90aa0f40955c4937b)
- Partition 060 (md5: f085ae6a4818c44d03a6f5adfc445699)
- Partition 061 (md5: 1c5a3a0ed8b53a930535b9d34e6a0667)
- Partition 062 (md5: fbfd4ffb7cf8fca4d613d0ec67d3104c)
- Partition 063 (md5: 9ddf7a9fe7e9cf8ceb02b8debed41fcc)
- Partition 064 (md5: ee3ac8080a19d4a6ab3af84074d03d7a)
- Partition 065 (md5: d94a12692d399c44612cab8b2aea8164)
- Partition 066 (md5: a9f3bfa69bbc248b33f99f42827331eb)
- Partition 067 (md5: 6c9d4b38edc6f78521f3cfdd8edc571c)
- Partition 068 (md5: 76a29683bfad7c4a0b8a0bdbbbd6fd49)
- Partition 069 (md5: f924667636c528d56e46aa92db0a182d)
- Partition 070 (md5: f813b0a4b2a4a2353c7deb539f16f286)
- Partition 071 (md5: fa56e2524ea2cc57e79f692466375b83)
- Partition 072 (md5: 23b1df220d55ab9df2735c74849a53c9)
- Partition 073 (md5: 70839cbc61d3d8af7fafcb7ba8f96461)
- Partition 074 (md5: 109b91ceda32ab0f8b9edb24cb35fb23)
- Partition 075 (md5: 53c466af09a3a119df3255189091bcda)
- Partition 076 (md5: 22ad2327db64767e34378508afe60706)
- Partition 077 (md5: 64c7c1702e3476137c54ebc0c07d970e)
- Partition 078 (md5: 6e2048a8a2ceb36bb679455e0af81230)
- Partition 079 (md5: 45717c24fe844f2605be81bd8e15d856)
- Partition 080 (md5: 1ac20637828f0f3115f1c0f289e006aa)
- Partition 081 (md5: e7b5e584de5f2cbda1d53ec2f6e2668e)
- Partition 082 (md5: aad214d168ad3a59488dfac71fcedc22)
- Partition 083 (md5: d557dee3b08c61d540fd6a00689341fa)
- Partition 084 (md5: cc2b4676515b988dd4f64724e49c3304)
- Partition 085 (md5: 34e6154991e5d5c641e22a529c5f06e1)
- Partition 086 (md5: 2f9ff4371f32c3a33ea081ad8825437e)
- Partition 087 (md5: 945504e89ba54cdab032eac63985d216)
- Partition 088 (md5: 46a8ba05cb12b268c7f7ce04575d24da)
- Partition 089 (md5: 5fd0219c9c99aa08ce07bb35e647144c)
- Partition 090 (md5: da0e3f19f81c99a89bcff7e8f74dc6cb)
- Partition 091 (md5: c11b11f3386d47dd33acc3cba7f44fb2)
- Partition 092 (md5: 87dfa60ae9308214b43aa7075ddd9f44)
- Partition 093 (md5: 6eced035881d3e804bea7103d26c042e)
- Partition 094 (md5: 59ebbc64994779244e5f7431c54b819e)
- Partition 095 (md5: 4de3c1f5163357a256847c1082379df3)
- Partition 096 (md5: cf16e88c803b82b052651171490d6d5a)
- Partition 097 (md5: bcf0e6944fb937bdda07a68530e63f01)
- Partition 098 (md5: 22c785691baddf3bddf3b0c77080adf2)
- Partition 099 (md5: 9fa25adca355abe3161060393b40de45)
- Partition 100 (md5: 12c7eabb92e0c9fe7ac4fcfa6f4a2795)
- Partition 101 (md5: 020bae3d98d9c5b2df8faca3f8e46ead)
- Partition 102 (md5: dd4d7a7c6d682271bb9d76cc8cd2f284)
- Partition 103 (md5: 8ea12825fced78d35d6e427c02db33db)
- Partition 104 (md5: 2137c06f010f11aa150a3e431fb502b3)
- Partition 105 (md5: 1c0e69e080eb86fc4f46bf91780f7dbe)
- Partition 106 (md5: c5acaa0cf6786fa2420fe938c564f743)
- Partition 107 (md5: dadc81bebb317516b57329cf8a79dd8d)
- Partition 108 (md5: 020d60709c8892d8abc24f2cb3abadd1)
- Partition 109 (md5: 1b3463481d8203bf617705d1becb86d5)
- Partition 110 (md5: e04fdfdd42d9e6b3f1cc10d54a0ea738)
- Partition 111 (md5: ee6b441916a8170fc3c59958180c9af0)
- Partition 112 (md5: 5eeef61c820be9c7826226d0b5eaadfb)
- Partition 113 (md5: 3b8d107886b0b0f2c7a046e96bcf6693)
- Partition 114 (md5: cbfbe53039a2196d8c043de6af850e2a)
- Partition 115 (md5: 69448ff84cac02071991de26dd60e9e6)
- Partition 116 (md5: 128875eca40e2ac2ef52653724afd579)
- Partition 117 (md5: 8c9b722f6f5cf25b26573a1f1d8807f1)
- Partition 118 (md5: d0ecc4997ed5b2e9db2d7418b55bf017)
- Partition 119 (md5: 899dec0634e97a2a1bdc73ee375b7c84)
- Partition 120 (md5: b17d8467e54d28f3a0748f8e0d86305b)
- Partition 121 (md5: 3d25e5440f17ad324d3b9176c31443dd)
- Partition 122 (md5: 3d89e66d0558babc5b42488e9d7e9b09)
- Partition 123 (md5: 5a48a1424b00933956a21582a66b4ef9)
- Partition 124 (md5: 02ca9ed9b6570a8e5fd8f862adc1ae9d)
- Partition 125 (md5: 7ed0458200f8499ee0529ae691460de0)
- Partition 126 (md5: 9f641a474a8eed64b658e48d0004cde0)
- Partition 127 (md5: a28c15458c2df4455d35c3d1b6f9d0f8)
- Partition 128 (md5: cd1f20b2f3dc7a6d293e2dcc30f3d70d)
- Partition 129 (md5: b269d0ad7ee3879ce92d10aa0b817f6a)
- Partition 130 (md5: 8179021a84f457f545265d80b061640d)
- Partition 131 (md5: 1104dd5a0c900d9862017b1196d9109f)
- Partition 132 (md5: 936403b29d7022f19e988caa5e4885c9)
- Partition 133 (md5: 97b539127ed11106ef75df3759391e92)
- Partition 134 (md5: a7409210b3f3ac08b14b5833b8dc97f4)
- Partition 135 (md5: c266e484108dd9beb2ae23bc6f17cedb)
- Partition 136 (md5: 3047a843da59b3020669116228961b3d)
- Partition 137 (md5: 83a41de61e307a4d184ec94a6d3dc5c7)
- Partition 138 (md5: 8c0ae1c83c4a968218a7193836613b48)
- Partition 139 (md5: 5a69a9b10a0b509ad18a4531901cb128)
- Partition 140 (md5: a6eda1f81e1d528b9bffd07c9e701ff6)
- Partition 141 (md5: 871020ffbc86e0abacc92174d00f97d6)
- Partition 142 (md5: 0fa6572159ec40ebda3400316bceb036)
- Partition 143 (md5: 1275a1587f52129a2eb31b1c4c0ca10c)
- Partition 144 (md5: cd983796c2c94d4dd0b19af8b134ef1f)
- Partition 145-148 (md5: d07b77482f5ae167fa8806f51ac0db3c)
- Partition 149-150 (md5: 0d045ac58956492f98b1937faae88d06)
- Partition 151-152 (md5: 54fdf8a38733d0fe01add1c4695a7d89)
- Partition 153-154 (md5: 4b8b18a9a1f12047e0309365aecc4832)
- Partition 155-157 (md5: dec98ff1d34ab863b5bf2a0356001089)
- Partition 158 (md5: 0d9df61f2eaa0b723fca237034ce74b6)
- Partition 159 (md5: 5acd09c60776e515831d1c2f547da1e1)
- Partition 160 (md5: 46142bd5341d2c5fae08a479dda540a8)
- Partition 161 (md5: 15fe73bc61b67762a6d8d99ac695bae7)
- Partition 162 (md5: b20122665bcf330c9305b000a759c0e3)
- Partition 163 (md5: 98f1933ee44988d0d60edd065aea745f)
- Partition 164-166 (md5: 27330b662904fe3921ec1fbe9a5e0a39)
- Partition 167-168 (md5: 5517cdbaf3d851fa5787711eaca8192b)
- Partition 169-171 (md5: 14524b5fa02d41bd2c983322a4321099)
- Partition 172 (md5: 2a2c642990854cc005ebbde51dbec56a)
- Partition 173 (md5: 32adcc1d1e9d122d2cffab3648cbd1b7)
- Partition 174 (md5: 52905ca54875717a3e3d4cdb5955df46)
- Partition 175 (md5: 11c847f4e695cab036315ae2428cf80b)
- Partition 176 (md5: dcb226eef40a0bef2fd2d5d26f13b88c)
- Partition 177 (md5: 0192f5f9618f119f7cba8f58f2f1fe68)
- Partition 178 (md5: bf9fc0582a6f1f5e4b419f6dd3ecc949)
- Partition 179 (md5: dd6a42f110d1be4041d1fa23403070c2)
- Partition 180 (md5: 817ea0768e2275a6240aefba5e9402b8)
- Partition 181 (md5: fdb66d1d5ec39338673e857c2aa69a87)
- Partition 182 (md5: e5bf39ba1d99e5337b294ae428a2c72d)
- Partition 183 (md5: d8de690d6db614c887c1799c9abfba89)
- Partition 184 (md5: adf710282e35b7cd1f0ea77fcdc32c5a)
- Partition 185 (md5: 4ee185a2889430f63f1960219a68ed78)
- Partition 186 (md5: e51dd1c3db3348ce6fa1d089bfbaaa26)
- Partition 187 (md5: c3b6b5476e3982bcc19b3026aa9786b4)
- Partition 188 (md5: 2eae48d373c6cb85e6b652a7db224f7f)
- Partition 189 (md5: 80719a5ce718ac1a7935ce5ca90e1ac7)
- Partition 190 (md5: f8ae9a7954e6ade74bfbbc10772b5b77)
- Partition 191 (md5: cf16a4d22b1f1e7c86b68bb51789e473)
- Partition 192 (md5: a797cbb62e49135fbc152ec8497d5370)
- Partition 193 (md5: 33e754109a7882fd7c068416859a0695)
- Partition 194 (md5: 7ff95e524daa1d937c3e65213ba901b7)
- Partition 195 (md5: 00c8789114fbaed7fb5f884fdca96346)
- Partition 196 (md5: e307840ffdbddaf7237a65efa8c85188)
- Partition 197 (md5: 9dcee9a1d3d576599d31dda1c8b38ff8)
- Partition 198-199 (md5: b57b2927e330af13858cfb6ff8ed13bd)
- Partition 200-201 (md5: e4aa7c85f2c1513a0669bf85bab92832)
- Partition 202 (md5: c48d830ee1710f23d125301172954e35)
- Partition 203 (md5: d60a220607d465dc3f6cf2779efb1262)
- Partition 204 (md5: 6fc8204a147898ba1d93945a78b33be8)
- Partition 205-206 (md5: 95b0fa324b0341668ba55675bed664d1)
- Partition 207 (md5: 37d370034bcd5503baf1fda12b184def)
- Partition 208 (md5: 1922135013379a366119367e780915ff)
- Partition 209-210 (md5: b60425e6503e5a3618d0019189aa6a17)
- Partition 211-212 (md5: 316efb5752cbedca3593a704f83178ce)
- Partition 213 (md5: 102ce625ade4851c6ef77350c1d66bba)
- Partition 214 (md5: b56af7f1bb450d861d9eecfc681e3f09)
- Partition 215 (md5: 6524dbc2d7f6b8bc65c30ff68d400e00)
- Partition 216 (md5: c24fdefe4aa9a563f06d33367264e57d)
- Partition 217 (md5: 14e79f6d50ce4d2b91364ac176bb9170)
- Partition 218 (md5: 5b71e4c287589290c699d78597eb0fe0)
- Partition 219-220 (md5: 06220779ab619d8f6ec927b5a53f5bce)
- Partition 221 (md5: d07c41c9dbf5f6fe7c0745c4323d4a36)
- Partition 222 (md5: 5fb46b69c2192b8c77a6505ccf0a3499)
- Partition 223 (md5: 036b920192151a51a561792cb3257ecf)
- Partition 224 (md5: a0a16ac031a6bafdba6c299282f5275a)
- Partition 225 (md5: 378aebc21351b13ba643bb83645ae860)
- Partition 226 (md5: d99c0ef473cec223269f1c91a6d99bc7)
- Partition 227 (md5: 0d9a266167d7b1429866dbbff76427fb)
- Partition 228 (md5: 246d9aebae66f06767e0177e1d26a735)
- Partition 229 (md5: 14934a026120af86908254d0c336a144)
- Partition 230 (md5: ef20895ee39928e8c77e57be3f11afe0)
- Partition 231 (md5: ccec880307a9c9999aa7d468df4911c5)
- Partition 232 (md5: 81917bd7ce37628b5b7438dc531147ff)
- Partition 233-234 (md5: 798f496e2c086dccdb7f62db866c1525)
- Partition 235 (md5: 28da4a29c963879ea6af14fd7ea47313)
- Partition 236 (md5: af43d8d1e1420531c33c8f63012a5582)
- Partition 237 (md5: 1cb0cfc3a263f331eb45fb47082d1f15)
- Partition 238 (md5: b7df2be60ead2d63e3358cda9a532b12)
- Partition 239 (md5: d62b1dc41ff27bb6c090467c0b390363)
- Partition 240 (md5: 4a870d135d93ec1e834ceba7c203061e)
- Partition 241 (md5: 1135fbd234a5b635d6155b8f400bc8ab)
- Partition 242 (md5: d4a08ac562906f07f282e078e3db4c5e)
- Partition 243 (md5: 066517834bf644bcb0e6f76e34213dac)
Approximately 50x of data was generated on a NovaSeq instrument. Based on the summary output of Supernova, there are 1.2 billion reads with 41x effective coverage. The mean molecule length is 130 kbp and an N50 of 864 reads per barcode.
- CHM13_prep5_S13_L002_I1_001 (md5: 84af4586ca9f78060d5802b36cdd9e8a)
- CHM13_prep5_S13_L002_R1_001 (md5: 231633e0cf2fbdeba732dc7ad6233fa0)
- CHM13_prep5_S13_L002_R2_001 (md5: 386febfc3fc760e11e315e69310ed3d8)
- CHM13_prep5_S14_L002_I1_001 (md5: f0b7628e90dfaf2f702ec613c7b61ca7)
- CHM13_prep5_S14_L002_R1_001 (md5: 86afbc7a41ea1c81657bf1ca64d1178c)
- CHM13_prep5_S14_L002_R2_001 (md5: 3dfbe58b5ae715213e20614837dcf3b7)
- CHM13_prep5_S15_L002_I1_001 (md5: ee34f03c765787ea069050d8eaac1de4)
- CHM13_prep5_S15_L002_R1_001 (md5: 73edcb56dd18d7b7b2705b4db7b4efc5)
- CHM13_prep5_S15_L002_R2_001 (md5: a0de8e5bc127203129e4e1437b3e6aaa)
- CHM13_prep5_S16_L002_I1_001 (md5: 42db246f7e5725a7b6ff3f5f5aedfd6e)
- CHM13_prep5_S16_L002_R1_001 (md5: 3d3db7eccaf388fbcd901cbc6ad47630)
- CHM13_prep5_S16_L002_R2_001 (md5: 9dfcc17398a7acd906212a09ab4c8903)
Approximately 430x of data was generated using the Saphyr instrument and the DLE-1 enzyme. There are 15.2 M molecules with an N50 molecule length of 115.9 kbp and a max of 2.3 Mbp (2 M molecules > 150 kbp, N50 218 kbp). The assembly of the molecules is 2.97 Gbp in size with 255 contigs and an NG50 of 59.6 Mbp.
A library was generated using an Arima genomics kit and sequenced to approximately 40x on an Illumina HiSeq X.
- CHM13.rep1_lane1_R1.fastq.gz (md5: 41d2f26eb1f958723e28e32ca471b680)
- CHM13.rep1_lane1_R2.fastq.gz (md5: 2747aaf1d128182bcaa151098e0abe74)
- CHM13.rep2_lane1_R1.fastq.gz (md5: 26ce58141bb25b4931512ec4cf176f64)
- CHM13.rep2_lane1_R2.fastq.gz (md5: 77b71bd1067c6e4e908a9aaa05f4bd73)
Two separate poly-A prep libraries were generated at UC Davis and 2x150 bp RNA-seq reads generated on an Illumina NovaSeq (~25 million PE reads each).
- CHM13_1_S182_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz (md5: 4bbbc3bea152273d8d609c54d66c6d82)
- CHM13_1_S182_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz (md5: 3c9445f5370fbf85e5af8d8c44ad3379)
- CHM13_2_S183_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz (md5: 61ef6c5bb88286af497f8dcc8d32a5dc)
- CHM13_2_S183_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz (md5: 5c49547f57f2b5fd795b8c87cdfbdb6f)
The PacBio data (both CLR and HiFi) was previously generated and is available from the SRA. The list of P6-C4 cells used for arrow polishing are listed here.
Files are generously hosted by Amazon Web Services. Although available as straight-forward HTTP links, download performance is improved by using the Amazon Web Services command-line interface. References should be amended to use the s3://
addressing scheme, i.e. replace https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/human-pangenomics/T2T/
with s3://human-pangenomics/T2T
to download. For example, to download CHM13_prep5_S13_L002_I1_001.fastq.gz
to the current working directory use the following command.
aws s3 --no-sign-request cp s3://human-pangenomics/T2T/CHM13/10x/CHM13_prep5_S13_L002_I1_001.fastq.gz .
or to download the full dataset use the following command.
aws s3 --no-sign-request sync s3://human-pangenomics/T2T/CHM13/ .
The s3 command can also be used to get information on the dataset, for example reporting the size of every file in human-readable format.
aws s3 --no-sign-request ls --recursive --human-readable --summarize s3://human-pangenomics/T2T/CHM13/
or to obtain technology-specific sizes.
aws s3 --no-sign-request ls --recursive --human-readable --summarize s3://human-pangenomics/T2T/CHM13/nanopore/fast5
aws s3 --no-sign-request ls --recursive --human-readable --summarize s3://human-pangenomics/T2T/CHM13/nanopore/rel2
aws s3 --no-sign-request ls --recursive --human-readable --summarize s3://human-pangenomics/T2T/CHM13/assemblies
Amending the max_concurrent_requests
etc. settings as per this guide will improve download performance further.
You can also browse all the files available on S3 via web interface.
Please raise issues on this Github repository concerning this dataset.
* rel1 and 2: 2nd March 2019. Initial release.
* asm v0.6 and canu rel2 assembly: 28th May 2019. Assembly update.
* Hi-C data added: 25th July 2019. Data update.
* asm v0.6 alignments of rel2 added: 30th Aug 2019. Data Update
* rel3: 16th Sept 2019. Data update.
* chrX v0.7, canu 1.9 and flye 2.5 rel3 assembly: 24th Oct 2019. Assembly update.
* shasta rel3 assembly: 20th Dec 2019. Assembly update.
* chr8 v3, rel4 data: 21 Feb 2020. Data and assembly update.
* update rel3 partition names since some tars included more than a single partition. 16 Apr 2020.
* add CLR/HiFi mappings to chrX v0.7. 8 May 2020.
* update partitions 23,28,30,53,55 and add 227-231 (data was missing from upload). 13 May 2020. Data update.
* add rel5 guppy 3.6.0 data: 4 Jun 2020. Data update.
* add chr8 v9. Aug 26 2020. Assembly update.
* add v0.9/v1.0 genome releases. Sept 22 2020. Assembly update.
* add v0.9/v1.0 alignment files. Sept 29 2020. Assembly update.
* add new UW data. Oct 6 2020. Data update.
* add rna-seq data. Dec 4 2020. Data update.
* add repeat and telomere annotations for v1.0. Dec 17 2020. Assembly annotation update.
* add v1.1 assembly and related files. May 7 2021. Assembly update.