Up to date info about SmsMatrix itself: https://github.com/tijder/SmsMatrix
An SMS<->Matrix bot for receiving and sending SMS messages with Matrix-client
- Install SmsMatrix app (apk can be found by releases or from f-droid) (F-Droid preferred)
- Give the app the app permission
- Type in the needed info in the app
- Bot Username: smsbot
- Bot Password:
<redacted for now>
Ask olmari on #general:hacklab.fi Matrix-channel - Homeserver url: https://matrix.hacklab.fi
- Your username: Your Matrix-user where you want to forward all yous text message to
- Devicename: is the devicename wich the api will use
- Press save
- Now all your text messages will be bridged
- [optional] Disable battery optimisations for the app. so the app wont be killed by Android.