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File metadata and controls

189 lines (150 loc) · 5.52 KB


Here you'll find a more in-depth explanation of our API.

To get information about a video:

string uri = "";
var youTube = YouTube.Default;
var video = youTube.GetVideo(uri);

string title = video.Title;
VideoInfo info = video.Info; // (Title,Author,LengthSeconds)
string fileExtension = video.FileExtension;
string fullName = video.FullName; // same thing as title + fileExtension
int resolution = video.Resolution;

// etc.

You can download it like this:

byte[] bytes = video.GetBytes();
var stream = video.Stream();

And save it to a file:

File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\" + fullName, bytes);


YouTube exposes multiple videos for each URL- e.g. when you change the resolution of a video, you're actually watching a different video. libvideo supports downloading multiple of them:

var videos = youTube.GetAllVideos(uri);

Some Informations of Video

var videoInfos = Client.For(YouTube.Default).GetAllVideosAsync(uri).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var resolutions = videoInfos.Where(j => j.AdaptiveKind == AdaptiveKind.Video).Select(j => j.Resolution);
var bitRates = videoInfos.Where(j => j.AdaptiveKind == AdaptiveKind.Audio).Select(j => j.AudioBitrate);
var unknownFormats = videoInfos.Where(j => j.AdaptiveKind == AdaptiveKind.None).Select(j => j.Resolution);

Get specific resolution, bitrate, format

var youTube = YouTube.Default; // starting point for YouTube actions
var videoInfos = youTube.GetAllVideosAsync(link).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var maxResolution = videoInfos.First(i => i.Resolution == videoInfos.Max(j => j.Resolution));
var minBitrate = videoInfos.First(i => i.AudioBitrate == videoInfos.Min(j => j.AudioBitrate));
var audioFormat = videoInfos.First(i => i.AudioFormat == AudioFormat.Aac);
var videoFormat = videoInfos.First(i => i.Format == VideoFormat.Mp4);
var adaptive = videoInfos.First(i => i.IsAdaptive);

We also have full support for async:

var video = await youTube.GetVideoAsync(uri);
var videos = await youTube.GetAllVideosAsync(uri);
var contents = await video.GetBytesAsync();

In addition, you should be aware that for every time you visit YouTube a new HttpClient is created and disposed. To avoid this, use the Client class:

using (var cli = Client.For(new YouTube()))
    cli.GetVideo("[some other video]"); // HttpClient is reused here

Likewise, if you'd like to reuse HttpClients when downloading a video, use VideoClient.

using (var cli = new VideoClient())
    await cli.StreamAsync(video);

Custom HTTP Configurations

If you need to custom-configure the HttpClient for some reason- maybe you need to increase the timeout length, or add credentials, or use a different message handler- fear not. Simply derive your class from YouTube and configure as necessary:

class MyYouTube : YouTube
    protected override HttpMessageHandler MakeHandler()
        return new BlahBlahMessageHandler();
    protected override HttpClient MakeClient(HttpMessageHandler handler)
        return new HttpClient(handler)
            Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(12345);

Use like so:

var youTube = new MyYouTube();

// --- OR ---

using (var cli = Client.For(new MyYouTube()))
    // ...

Note that this does not change the HTTP behavior when downloading the video itself. To do that, inherit from VideoClient:

class MyVideoClient : VideoClient
    protected override HttpMessageHandler MakeHandler() { ... }
    protected override HttpClient MakeClient(HttpMessageHandler handler) { ... }

And to use it:

using (var cli = new MyVideoClient())
    byte[] contents = cli.GetBytes(video);

Sample Progress

class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)

            var youtube = YouTube.Default;
            var video = youtube.GetVideo("");
            var client = new HttpClient();
            long? totalByte = 0;
            using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite("C:\\Users" + video.Title))
                using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, video.Uri))
                    totalByte = client.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
                using (var input = await client.GetStreamAsync(video.Uri))
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024];
                    int read;
                    int totalRead = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("Download Started");
                    while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                        output.Write(buffer, 0, read);
                        totalRead += read;
                        Console.Write($"\rDownloading {totalRead}/{totalByte} ...");
                    Console.WriteLine("Download Complete");

Custom Downloader with Chunks (Fast)

Sample Code

That's it, enjoy! If you're looking for more features, feel free to raise an issue and we can discuss it with you.