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Rewrite in Progress

BOA Docs Status

This website repository contains both rewritten, but old, and legacy, but up to date docs, imported as-is from our Pressflow 6 website, which remains the canonical docs source available at, until all docs on this website, available soon at, are rewritten, updated, and properly converted to Markdown format.

Chapters 2-6 on this website contain the docs rewritten back in 2013, so they obviously include mostly useful, but also some outdated information. To make it harder, they were rewritten in Textile format, which was one of Markdown inspirations, eons ago, but now is deprecated, so even GitHub stopped supporting it. We love Textile and its Textpattern mothership, but Markdown is the winner, since everybody seems to use it these days. Thus, we need to convert everything away from our beloved Textile.

Some of these rewritten docs have been already re-rewritten in the meantime, therefore, besides the Textile-to-Markdown conversion, they need another look and update, because the rewrite effort started (and got stuck) in 2013, while, honestly, things have changed a bit in the meantime. Some still need to be rewritten, though, so we are publishing them here, mainly as a supporting source for the ongoing rewrite effort, reloaded now, hopefully, also with your help!

Side note: if you are curious why not to use some automation, like, say:

for _FOO in `find . -name "*.textile" | sort`; do
  _BAR=`echo $_FOO | cut -d'.' -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`;
  pandoc --from=textile --to=markdown .$_BAR.textile -o .$;
  rm -f .$_BAR.textile;

Well, we have tried that, obviously, and it produced a beautiful mess, yes, even with latest pandoc version, so we have reverted these rewritten docs back to Textile, because it will be much easier and error-free to convert it by hand. The truly smart AI is a thing of distant future, apparently.

Chapter 7 contains the up to date BOA developer level docs from our GitHub repository, which are intended to be used only by those running BOA on their own servers. But we want to bring them to this single, open source docs website, so you could use a single Search box to find everything you want to know about BOA.

Chapter 8 contains BOA changelog split into releases, imported as-is from our legacy Drupal website. They are basically ready, and may need only minor tweaks. The random colours are a side effect of using Grav Highlight Plugin which is trying its best to display them as some alien code, but the result is limited to making them less boring, and sometimes even funny to read, so we are considering this as a feature, and not a bug. We hope you don't mind.

Chapter 9 contains the up to date general docs (at least as of August 8, 2016), imported as-is from our Pressflow 6 website. They are full of incomplete Textile-to-Markdown, and some HTML leftovers, which is a result of using fancy Drupal-to-WordPress-to-Grav bridge, but still may be useful as a canonical source of the information for the proper docs, written in Markdown on this website.

How to participate in the BOA docs rewrite effort?

It is enough to browse this repository on GitHub or hit the "edit this page" link if browsed via the Grav website, available soon, where you can see it at the top right on every page, then open an issue, if there is none about that particular page yet, or even better, submit a Pull Request, so we could properly attribute your submission.

This website is based on a standard RTFM Grav Skeleton, but the repository contains only the /user/pages subdirectory, to make it an easy to use drop-in replacement in your local Grav instance, if you prefer to install it locally.

Help us make the new BOA docs a great and friendly resource for all BOA users!