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monsterkodi edited this page Mar 27, 2022 · 9 revisions


What is Rengo?

Rengo is a Go variant for playing in teams.

What is Rengo at OGS?

On OGS, Rengo is a game between 2 teams of players. At least one of the teams has to have 2 or more players.

What kinds of Rengo games are there?

Rengo games can be categorised in two ways: game speed (blitz, live, correspondence) and time control (strict versus casual).

Blitz, Live, or Correspondence

Whether a game is blitz, live, or correspondence depends on the time that is allowed per move. If the time per move is 10 seconds or less, a game will be considered a blitz game. If the time per move is one day or more (up to 4 weeks), it is a correspondence game. Anything in between is a live game.

Strict or Casual

In a strict Rengo, the timer is shared. If one player resigns or times out, the game ends and that player's team loses.

In casual Rengo, every player has an individual timer. If one player is eliminated, the game continues without them. If the last player of a team is eliminated, the game ends and that team loses. Casual Rengo uses only simple time.

Creation, Joining, and Starting

How do you create a Rengo game?

You create a Rengo game like any other game on the Play page: Click on the Custom Game Create button, uncheck the Ranked checkbox and enable the one for Rengo. A Casual checkbox will appear. Check it for a casual game or leave it unchecked for a strict game.

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All the settings that are possible in normal games (including Pause on weekends) can be applied in Rengo games. The Rengo setting can be added to the preferred settings.

How do you join a Game?

You can find open Rengo games in the Custom Games section on the Play page.

To join a game, click on the green button near to the creator's name. immagine|105x32

To decide if you want to join a game, you can view the settings of a challenge.

The following text is completely unclear to me and appears to belong to the start section, not the join section--CM when the game starts: manually (by organiser) or auto-start (by system), which players have joined and to what colour they are assigned, which players have not yet been assigned ( players who have joined can also withdraw from the game).

How do you start a Rengo game?

After having assigned 3 or more players, click on the green start button.


The game's creator can set an auto-start. When the number of players that joined reaches the auto-start number, the Rengo game starts immediately. After a game has started the teams can't be changed anymore.

Ethical Requirements

In addition to OGS's site rules about ethics (e.g., no score cheating, no stalling, no outside help by bots or people), special restrictions apply to Rengo. Players must not discuss the game with one another, directly or indirectly, while it is in progress. This means not suggesting moves or strategies, or commenting on moves made by either side.

For more info on how to behave on the site and the forums:


The OGS Rengo variant was created at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. There is still discussion going on about some aspects of it. A selection of topics dealing with OGS Rengo are: