Resume Points is an Onyx feature used to transfer state between jobs.
Onyx jobs maintain valuable state as they run. Such state includes the state of task windows, triggers, the offset an input task (for example Kafka topics) has read up to, etc. Onyx’s design enforces immutable jobs, which cannot be updated live. Given that production operations often require long running streaming jobs to be updated/redeployed, there needs to be a way to transition consistent state snapshots from job to job. Resume points is a data defined mapping between input and state checkpoints stored by killed/running/completed jobs to allow window contents, trigger contents and input offsets to be resumed in newly submitted jobs.
A resume point takes the following form:
{:my-input-task {:input {:mode :resume
:task-id :src-input-task
:replica-version 4
:epoch 4
:tenancy-id #uuid "3b30664d-b442-d55b-c80b-979f9b7df12a"
:job-id #uuid "2d6fe8f3-f911-fd21-2db9-471d41fbe15b"
:slot-migration :direct}}
:windowed-task {:windows {:my-window-1
{:mode :resume
:replica-version 4
:epoch 4
:tenancy-id #uuid "3b30664d-b442-d55b-c80b-979f9b7df12a"
:job-id #uuid "2d6fe8f3-f911-fd21-2db9-471d41fbe15b"
:task-id :src-windowed-task
:window-id :collect-segments
:slot-migration :direct}}}}
Each task with input checkpoint state, or window state must include a direct mapping from a previous job. The format of resume points is purposefully verbose, in order to allow a job to resume state from multiple jobs, split a large job into multiple smaller jobs, rename tasks, etc. Note, that windowed input tasks may define both :input and :windows keys in their resume point.
The resume point should then supplied with the job, via the :resume-point
in the job map.
Failure modes: if a resume point is supplied, and any task, or task window does
not contain a resume definition, onyx.api/submit-job
will fail to validate
the job. If a window is supplied with a resume point, and the resume point does
not contain that window, the job will be killed at run-time.
Each input and window resume definition can use one of different modes. The
first mode is :resume
as demonstrated above. :resume
mode requires snapshot
coordinates be supplied as part of the definition. The second type is {:mode :initialize}
which when supplied (without any other keys), will initialize the input or
window state as if there was no state to resume from. This is useful when
adding new tasks or windows to your job, as all tasks with input or window
state must account for all their resume definitions in order to submit.
Often the verbose form of the resume point is more specific than we really need, especially if the job is a direct resume of a job with the same definitions, backed by different underlying code. Therefore, Onyx supplies some APIs to improve the usability of resume points.
Given the snapshot coordinates:
(def snapshot-coordinates
{:tenancy-id #uuid "1e5d841a-a77e-00c4-4758-b89c416c58ce"
:job-id #uuid "9dd7b8f8-9854-40d7-8d93-2d205a1a2226"
:replica-version 4
:epoch 3})
Call (onyx.api/build-resume-point your-job-map snapshot-coordinates)
to expand out a
resume point that defaults to the given snapshot coordinates for all windows
and input tasks.
The latest job snapshot coordinates can be read using the api call
(onyx.api/job-snapshot-coordinates peer-config tenancy-id job-id)
Therefore to recover directly from a given job-id, one can call:
(->> job-id
(onyx.api/job-snapshot-coordinates peer-config tenancy-id)
(onyx.api/build-resume-point new-job)
(assoc new-job :resume-point)
(onyx.api/submit-job peer-config))