This document describes the possible values of the failure
key that
occurs in several data formats to indicate a failure. The type of
this key is string; nullable
. See also this directory's
README for the basic concepts.
To indicate that an error is emitted by ooni/probe-legacy we will flag
the error using (PL)
. To indicate that an error is emitted by Measurement
Kit, we will flag it using (MK)
. To indicate that an error is emitted by
ooni/probe-engine, we will flag it using (PE)
. When an error is emitted
by more than one product we will write (product, product)
. When an error
is not flagged, it means that it's used by all the three products.
For clarity, we would look at the errors currently faced, separately from the legacy errors. Following are the errors emitted by ooni/probe-engine and/or Mesurement Kit.
Error | Flag(s) | Details |
null |
PL,MK,PE | no error has occurred |
"android_dns_cache_no_data" |
PE | DNS lookup using getaddrinfo failed and we have no way of knowing why (see ooni/probe#2029) |
"connection_aborted" |
"connection_already_closed" |
PE | I/O on socket interrupted by another thread closing the socket itself (you can generally ignore this error) |
"connection_refused" |
"connection_reset" |
"dns_bogon_error" |
PE | detected bogon in DNS response |
"dns_no_answer" |
PE | successful DNS response but no answer matching the query type (e.g., no AAAA record for domain) |
"dns_non_recoverable_failure" |
PE | non-recoverable DNS lookup failure (mostly when using Windows' getaddrinfo ) |
"dns_nxdomain_error" |
PE | NXDOMAIN Rcode in DNS response |
"dns_reply_with_wrong_query_id" |
PE | The DNS response ID doesn't match the query ID |
"dns_refused_error" |
PE | Refused RCode in DNS response |
"dns_server_misbehaving" |
PE | generic error indicating DNS failure without more specific reasons on the kind of failure |
"dns_servfail_error" |
PE | Servfail RCode in DNS response |
"dns_temporary_failure" |
PE | temporary DNS failure (mostly when using Windows' getaddrinfo ) |
"eof_error" |
MK, PE | unexpected EOF on connection |
"http_invalid_redirect_location_host" |
PE | the HTTP redirect URL has a malformed or empty host component |
"http_request_failed" |
MK, PE | HTTP request did not return a successful response code |
"host_unreachable" |
"generic_timeout_error" |
PL,MK,PE | error returned when a timeout expires |
"http_unexpected_redirect_url" |
PE | we expected a specific redirect URL and instead we saw either no redirect URL or a different redirect URL |
"http_unexpected_status_code" |
PE | we did not expected to see this status code (e.g. we expected a redirection and saw something else) |
"interrupted" |
PE | the user interrupted us by cancelling the context |
"json_parse_error" |
MK, PE | parsing of a JSON failed |
"network_down" |
"network_reset" |
"network_unreachable" |
"quic_incompatible_version" |
PE | QUIC version negotiation failed |
"ssl_failed_handshake" |
PE | TLS/QUIC handshake failed for unknown reasons |
"ssl_invalid_hostname" |
MK, PE | certificate not valid for SNI |
"ssl_unknown_authority" |
PE | cannot find CA validating certificate |
"ssl_invalid_certificate" |
MK, PE | e.g. certificate expired |
"unknown_failure ..." |
PL,MK,PE | any other error |
The ooni/probe-legacy contains mostly the legacy errors, listed below.
Error | Details |
"socks_error" |
Generic error in SOCKS code. Also an (MK) error |
"address_family_not_supported_error" |
socket.gaierror |
"connect_error" |
t.i.e.ConnectError |
"connection_done" |
t.i.e.ConnectionDone |
"connection_lost_error" |
t.i.e.ConnectionLost |
"connection_refused_error" |
t.i.e.ConnectionRefusedError |
"deferred_timeout_error" |
t.i.d.TimeoutError |
"dns_lookup_error" |
t.i.e.DNSLookupError |
"dns_name_error" |
t.n.e.DNSNameError |
"dns_name_failure" |
t.n.e.DNSServerError |
"response_never_received" |
t.w._newclient.ResponseNeverReceived |
"socks_address_not_supported" |
txsocksx.errors.AddressNotSupported |
"socks_command_not_supported" |
txsocksx.errors.CommandNotSupported |
"socks_connection_not_allowed" |
txsocksx.errors.ConnectionNotAllowed |
"socks_connection_refused" |
txsocksx.errors.ConnectionRefused |
"socks_host_unreachable" |
txsocksx.errors.HostUnreachable |
"socks_network_unreachable" |
txsocksx.errors.NetworkUnreachable |
"socks_server_failure" |
txsocksx.errors.ServerFailure |
"socks_ttl_expired" |
txsocksx.errors.TTLExpired |
"task_timed_out" |
a task has timed out |
"tcp_timed_out_error" |
t.i.e.TCPTimedOutError |