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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator

Release v0.101.0

29 May 12:22
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💡 Enhancements 💡

  • operator: Support for Kubernetes 1.30 version. (#2881)
  • collector: Keep multiple previous versions of the Collector ConfigMap, configurable via the ConfigVersions field. (#2871)
    This change introduces a new field in the Collector ConfigMap, ConfigVersions, which allows users to specify the number of previous versions of the Collector ConfigMap to keep. The default value is 1, which means that the current and one previous version of the Collector ConfigMap are kept. By keeping historical versions of the configuration, we ensure that during a config upgrade the previous configuration is still available for running (non-upgraded) pods as well as for rollbacks. If we overwrite the original ConfigMap with the new configuration, any pod which restarts for any reason will get the new configuration, which makes rollouts impossible to control.
  • collector, target allocator, opamp: Introduces a new feature gate for operator.golang.flags to automatically add the environment variables for GOMAXPROCS and GOMEMLIMIT (#2919, #1456)
    A new featuregate operator.golang.flags is added. This featuregate will allow the operator to automatically
    set GOMAXPROCS and GOMEMLIMIT equal to the CPU and Memory limit provided respectively for the pod.


Release v0.100.1

20 May 20:41
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💡 Enhancements 💡

  • target allocator: Refactor allocation strategies (#2928)
    The performance of the per-node strategy was massively improved as part of this change.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • operator: Fixes an issue where the user can no longer set the webhook port (#2923)


Release v0.100.0

20 May 09:03
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💡 Enhancements 💡

  • opamp: Add healthy field at collector pool level in opamp bridge heartbeat (#2936)

  • collector: Add support for readinessProbe on OpenTelemetryCollector CRD. (#2943)
    Add support for readinessProbe on OpenTelemetryCollector and its default similar to the already supported livenessProbe.

  • operator: Enabling new Logs Enconder Configuration parameters. (#268)

  • operator: Automatically enable RBAC creation if operator SA can create clusterroles and bindings. --create-rbac-permissions flag is noop and deprecated now. (#2588)

  • target allocator: Added option for creating an mTLS-configured HTTPS server to fetch scrape config with real secret values. (#1669)
    The change introduces an option to create an additional HTTPS server with mTLS configuration.
    This server is specifically utilized for obtaining the scrape configuration with actual secret values.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • collector: Create a Service Monitor for the monitoring service and another one for the collector service when the Prometheus exporter is used. (#2877)
    Create a Service Monitor for the collector Service when Prometheus exporter is used. A different Service Monitor is created for the monitoring service.
    This helps excluding the headless service (duplicating the metrics collection) and splits responsibilities between the two Service Monitors.
    Now, the label is used to differentiate the services. and are deprecated now.

  • target-allocator: Fixed non-expected warnings on TA webhook. (#2685)

  • collector: Ensure all Prometheus CRDs are installed (#2964)

  • collector: Cleanup ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings created by the operator (#2938)
    The operator uses finalizer on the collector to run the cleanup

  • collector: Use the k8snode detector instead of kubernetes for the automatic RBAC creation for the resourcedetector (#2833)

  • collector: When two Collectors are created with the same name but different namespaces, the ClusterRoleBinding created by the first will be overriden by the second one. (#2862)

  • collector: Fix to reflect changes of OpenTelemetryCollector.spec.nodeSelector in the collector Pods (#2940)
    When updating OpenTelemetryCollector.spec.nodeSelector it was not removing previous selector from the final collector pod (Deployment/Daemonset/Statefulset).

  • collector: Fix of Labels and Annotations filter (#2770)

  • target allocator: Fix target allocator readiness check (#2903)


Release v0.99.0

01 May 07:21
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🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • operator: change java instrumentation feature gate into command line flag --enable-java-instrumentation (#2673, #2582)
  • operator: remove featuregate operator.autoinstrumentation.nodejs. Use command line flag --enable-nodejs-instrumentation instead (#2674)
  • operator: remove featuregate operator.autoinstrumentation.go. Use command line flag --enable-go-instrumentation instead (#2675)
  • target allocator: Remove operator.collector.rewritetargetallocator feature flag (#2796)
  • target allocator: Drop compatibility with older target allocator versions (#1907)
    We've made a breaking change to the target allocator configuration in 0.93.0. This change removes operator
    compatibility with target allocator versions older than that. Users running more recent target allocator versions
    are unaffected.

🚀 New components 🚀

  • collector: Enable reconciliation of Collector v1beta1 CRD. See CRD changelog for detailed information. (#2620, #1907)
    Users are expected to migrate to
    The support for will be removed in the future.
    Follow migration guide for upgrading already created collector instances.
    After all are stored as v1beta1 update the collector CRD to store only v1beta1
    kubectl patch customresourcedefinitions --subresource='status' --type='merge' -p '{"status":{"storedVersions":["v1beta1"]}}'.
    Only AllNamespaces install mode is now supported due to the conversion webhook from v1beta1 to v1alpha1.
    See OLM docs and
    OLM operator groups docs.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • collector: Changes metric port logic to use intermediary struct. (#2603)
  • collector: Remove collector v1alpha1 defaulting and validating webhooks. (#2736)
    The functionality was moved to the collector v1beta1 webhooks.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • auto-instrumentation: Add attribute while pod is mutated. (#2679) is expected to be <namespace>.<podName>.<containerName>

    But while pod is created it may not have the podName yet at the podMutator webhooks.

    This changed to use the env var OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES_POD_NAME which will be present at runtime.

    Making a valid and complete value for to be added.

  • collector: Fixes a bug that would cause errant rollouts on a non-config related change. (#2899)

  • collector: resolves a bug that would create a junk selector for the service by merging rather than overriding. (#2873)

  • target allocator: Fix a metric relabel config unescaping bug (#2867)
    If only metric relabel configs were present, without target relabel configs, unescaping wouldn't be applied, leading
    to invalid Target Allocator configuration.


Release v0.98.0

12 Apr 09:15
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💡 Enhancements 💡

  • operator: Add support for adding/extending otc-collector container ports. (#2763)
  • auto-instrumentation: Support Java auto-instrumentation extensions. (#1785)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • target allocator: Fix for keepequal/dropequal action (#2793)
  • collector: Create automatically the RBAC permissions to manage replicasets when using the k8sattributesprocessor (#2823)
  • documentation: The description for some fields was truncated in the documentation. (#2563)


Release v0.97.1

05 Apr 18:38
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🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • collector: Introduces ability to detect presence of Prometheus CRDs to dynamically add to scheme to prevent startup issues. (#2180)


Release v0.97.0

03 Apr 17:43
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🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • operator: change nginx instrumentation feature gate operator.autoinstrumentation.nginx into command line flag --enable-nginx-instrumentation (#2582, #2676)
  • operator: remove featuregate operator.autoinstrumentation.python. Use command line flag --enable-python-instrumentation instead (#2582, #2672)
  • target allocator: Promote operator.collector.rewritetargetallocator feature flag to stable (#2796)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • auto-instrumentation: Bump NodeJS autoinstrumentations dependency to a version that supports enabling selected instrumentations via environment variable. (#2622)
    See the documentation for details.
    Usage example: export OTEL_NODE_ENABLED_INSTRUMENTATIONS="http,nestjs-core".

  • auto-instrumentation: CronJob name propagated to the OTEL Service Name (#2716)
    When instrumenting a CronJob it would generate a Job and then a Pod.
    Previously it would use the Job name as the Service name, generating too many different services on each cron execution.
    This release fixed to collect the Job parent's name, if it has one.

  • instrumentation: Instrumentation now automatically add node and pod ips as env vars OTEL_NODE_IP and OTEL_POD_IP to instrumented containers. (#2769)

  • auto-instrumentation: Remove NodeJS autoinstrumentation dev dependencies to reduce image size (#2802)

  • instrumentation: Remove env var prefix validation (#2768)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • collector: Fix the RBAC resources creation when the processor was only enabled (#2788)
  • operator: Added missing label for Service/Pod Monitors (#2251)
  • instrumentation: Don't preserve ownership of files copied from the autoinstrumenation image. This avoids issues when instrumenting workloads running as non-root (#2655)
  • opamp bridge: Fix opamp bridge configmap "" label to be generated in the same way as other resource version labels (#2583)


Release v0.96.0

11 Mar 14:17
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🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • operator: change dotnet instrumentation feature gate into command line flag --enable-dotnet-instrumentation (#2582, #2671)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • operator: Created ability to filter out Annotations (#2627)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • target allocator: Fix per-node target allocation for targets from endpointslices (#2718)
    The per-node target allocation strategy was not matching endpointslice entries for with a kind of Node, such as those for the kubelet metrics created by the prometheus operator
  • operator: Removes UPDATE from pod mutating admission webhook since it only needs to mutate on pod CREATE events. (#1514)
    The pod webhook currently modifies the pod spec in invalid ways on UPDATE events, and UPDATES are not necessary in the webhook.


Release v0.95.0

04 Mar 14:05
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🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • The operator now requires CRUD permissions for PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim. See #2575 for details. The official kustomize manifests and Helm Chart will include this change, otherwise it will need to be applied manually.
  • operator: remove featuregate operator.autoinstrumentation.apache-httpd. Use command line flag --enable-apache-httpd-instrumentation instead (#2582, #2670)
  • operator: remove featuregate operator.autoinstrumentation.multi-instrumentation. Use command line flag enable-multi-instrumentation instead (#2582)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • operator: Allow for label selectors on the daemonset through update status (#2605)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • operator: propagate otel name label down to selector of ta resources (#2598)
  • operator: fixes an error in conversion from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 (#2689)
  • operator: Fixes a panic on exporter prometheus endpoint not valid (#2628)
  • operator: Fixed HPA deletion (#2568, #2587, #2651)


Release v0.94.0

16 Feb 19:08
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💡 Enhancements 💡

  • target allocator: Add new "per node" allocation strategy to target allocator. This strategy will allocate targets to nodes on which given target resides. It should only be used conjunction with the daemonset mode. (#1828)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • operator: Fixed handling of protocol in exposed ports. (#2619)
    Make distinction not only on the port number, but also on protocol. This fix allows to have multiple exposed
    ServicePorts with the same port number, but different protocols.

  • operator: Fixed handling of exposed port protocol in syslog, tcplog and udplog receivers. (#767, #2619)
    Please note that the operator currently exposes just one port (tcp or udp) of syslog receiver due to the current
    receiver implementation (patches are welcome).

  • operator: Fixing WATCH_NAMESPACE for a single namespace value (#2589)
