Reduce number of calls to database by iterating over policy divisions…
Reduce number of calls to database by iterating over policy divisions…
Temporarily disallow robots from scraping comparison pages because th…
Temporarily disallow robots from scraping comparison pages because th…
We're not using travis ci anymore - well not for a long time actually
We're not using travis ci anymore - well not for a long time actually
Point build status badge at github actions now
Point build status badge at github actions now
Temporarily disable brakeman in linter until we've upgraded rails
Temporarily disable brakeman in linter until we've upgraded rails
Temporarily disable brakeman in linter until we've upgraded rails
Temporarily disable brakeman in linter until we've upgraded rails
Created binstubs for everything by running 'bundle binstub --all'
Created binstubs for everything by running 'bundle binstub --all'
We're not using bundler audit for the time being
We're not using bundler audit for the time being
Reverts three commits that were adding debugging code
Reverts three commits that were adding debugging code
Install tidy in github actions workflow because we need it
Install tidy in github actions workflow because we need it
Use correct path hopefully
Use correct path hopefully
Show version of tidy running - temp debugging code
Show version of tidy running - temp debugging code
Add temporary debugging code for CI
Add temporary debugging code for CI
Don't populate with seeds.rb
Don't populate with seeds.rb
Getting "can't connect through socket error"
Getting "can't connect through socket error"
Setup mysql in github actions
Setup mysql in github actions
Run github actions workflow on all branches
Run github actions workflow on all branches
Add for performance monitoring
Add for performance monitoring
Bump rexml from 3.2.5 to 3.3.9
Bump rexml from 3.2.5 to 3.3.9
Bump rexml from 3.2.5 to 3.2.8
Bump rexml from 3.2.5 to 3.2.8