Releases: opencb/cellbase
Releases · opencb/cellbase
- Adaptors no longer modify the QueryOptions object they receive: avoids a potential out of memory exception
- Variant annotation processes properly terminate in case an exception is run during the execution
- HGVS bugfix: a bug was found when variant was located within a coding exon, between coding start and coding end, if the coding start did not coincide with the exon start position
- Swagger works now with https
- Data types within swagger documentation fixed: used to generate massive useless error logs
- Deprecated clinical WS fixed
- Imprecise queries require now all* != null
- dgiDB URL was outdated and has been fixed
Variant annotation
- Copy Number Variants and Structural Variants are now annotated: CNVs, INS, DEL, INV, DUP, TANDEM-DUP, BND
- Variant Annotator handles imprecise definition of variant limits
- Variant annotator can also provide consequence type prediction for not decomposed MNVs
- Exon overlap added to returned variant annotation
- Cytobands added to returned variant annotation
- New annotation sources:
- The Database of Genomics Variants
- TRF simple repeats
- WindowMasker
- Genomic super duplications
- Population frequencies from reference projects, PASS and non-PASS variants are now provided
- Returned list of SO terms refined to improve VEP comparison result; 99.999% coincidence against VEP e83
- Data model changes to the VariantAnnotation object
- Deprecated field
union { null, VariantTraitAssociation } variantTraitAssociation
New traitAssociation field must be used instead:
union { null, array<EvidenceEntry> } traitAssociation
- Field
union { null, int } exonNumber;
present in previos 4.5.0-rc* releases is no longer available. This field was not present in stable 4.0.* releases. New Field:
union { null, array<ExonOverlap> } exonOverlap
is used instead. - Other additional fields:
- Deprecated field
union { null, array<Cytoband> } cytoband;
union { null, array<Repeat> } repeat;
Clinical functionality
- WARNING: previous feature/clinical/* REST endpoints have been deprecated and will no longer supported
- New "clinical" category
- Re-implementation of all clinical variants functionality
- Homogenization of data models: all clinical variant sources are integrated into Variant objects
- New web services added
- New IARCTP53 data source integrated
New CellBase client libraries
- PyCellBase: - CellBaseR - Reimplemented Java client; provided within the CellBase code, cellbase-client module
- New JavaScript client
ENSEMBL e89 GRCh38 data ready
- Code adapted to be compatible with e89 GRCh38 data.
Additional Web Service improvements
- Transcripts within genes can now be filtered by annotation flag, e.g. "basic"
- "search" method added to transcript category
- New meta/about web service returns server code version and commit
- New genomic/region//repeat web service to search for repeated regions
- Gene expression searches improved
Created new documentation site
Improved logs
- WS now log every query; facilitates diagnosis of server side problems
- sl4j is now used for logging; date, time and thread are recorded for each log entry
Configuration - Support for several Neo4j databases
- Number of mongo connections per host can now be customized at the configuration file
CellBase v4.5.0-rc development release
new development version 4.5.0-rc
Beta release of 4.5.0
CellBase v4.0.0 Stable Release
- Data:
- upgraded to ENSEMBL 82
- new sources: HPO, GERP++, Gene Expression Atlas, GoNL, EXaC, UK10K, 1kG phase 3, ESP
- Completely new Java DB Adaptor API
- Improvements over available methods and new end points
- Comprehensively documented. API specification available through the Swagger interface
- Much more (and better) documentation at the GitHub wiki
- Major tests improvements
- New Variant data model used to store and handle ENSEMBL variation data - standardizes variant handling within OpenCB
- Major improvements on variant annotation:
- Complete refactoring of the variant annotation code
- New Variant Annotation data model
- New annotation data: GERP++, CADD, UniProt, InterPro, population frequencies from GoNL, EXaC, UK10K, 1kG phase 3, ESP
- Many performance improvements, bug fixes and code clean ups
CellBase v3.2.0 Stable Release
New stable CellBase v3.2.0. Many changes have been made and many tests and bugs need to be fixed. Major changes include:
- Many new queries and web services implemented
- New data sources and functionality added such as Gene Expression Atlas (EBI), InterPro or DGIdb among others
- Variant Annotation:
- data model improvements
- variants are now annotated with Uniprot, InterPro, gene expression and gene drug interactions
- New CellBase server installed at University of Cambridge at, beta available at
- Swagger, README and documentation have been significantly improved
- Performance improvements all across CellBase, many bugs fixed and code clean ups
Some issues solved:
CellBase v3.1.0 Stable Release
New stable CellBase v3.1.0. Many changes have been made and many tests and bugs need to be fixed. Major changes include:
- New cellbase-app CLI using JCommander, this allows to download, build and load automatically CellBase
- New Variant Annotator developed, it has been tested and benchmarked against Ensembl VEP
- Swagger, README and documentation has been improved
- New data sources and functionality added. Human GRCh38 supported
- New data installation at University of Cambridge at
- License changed to Apache License 2.0
- Performance improvements all across CellBase, many bugs fixed and code clean ups
Some issues developed:
CellBase v3.1.0-RC.1
Second release candidate of CellBase v3.1.0. Many changes have been made and many tests and bugs need to be fixed. Major changes include:
- New cellbase-app CLI has been finished and tested
- New Variant Annotator has been tested and benchmarked against Ensembl VEP
- Some new web services developed
- Swagger, README and documentation has been improved
- Some new data sources and functionality added
- performance improvements, many bugs fixed and code clean ups
CellBase v3.1.0-RC
This is the first release candidate of CellBase v3.1.0. Many changes have been made and many tests and bugs need to be fixed. Major changes include:
- New cellbase-app replace old cellbase-build and there is a new data downloader and build
- A new Variant Annotator has been developed
- New CLI using JCommander has been developed
- Swagger, README and documentation has been improved
- Some new data sources and functionality